PBS Reminds Us That Jews Are Wonderful People

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
I was just watching "The Jewish Americans" on PBS, and thinking, man, thank God someone's finally getting their story out there! Apparently, they're all very smart people who were just, like, for no reason whatsoever, attacked by Father Coughlin and Hitler.

I had not realized that Germans, whites and gentiles were all bad people, and Jews were all good people.

I remain grateful that my tax dollars could be used to fund this 9-part series to correct my misunderstanding.

I really feel bad about how the Jews were victimized. Do they need some money or something? Who can I make a check out to?
If da Joos didn't control the media and international finance and the communist parties and the Bilderbergs and the Queen, us white Christian folk would finally have a chance to get ahead in America.
I was just watching "The Jewish Americans" on PBS, and thinking, man, thank God someone's finally getting their story out there! Apparently, they're all very smart people who were just, like, for no reason whatsoever, attacked by Father Coughlin and Hitler.

I had not realized that Germans, whites and gentiles were all bad people, and Jews were all good people.

I remain grateful that my tax dollars could be used to fund this 9-part series to correct my misunderstanding.

I really feel bad about how the Jews were victimized. Do they need some money or something? Who can I make a check out to?
Make your check out to:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington, DC.


Donations and Memberships: https://secure.ushmm.org/join/
If da Joos didn't control the media and international finance and the communist parties and the Bilderbergs and the Queen, us white Christian folk would finally have a chance to get ahead in America.

There are a few Jewish members of the bilderburgs but it is not a Jewish conspiracy, but yes Jewish. American, British , dutch royals and other European elite are indeed through the bilderburgs and the CFR engaged in a war with the American middle class . the goal to bring a elite run socialist one world government .they do control the media and banking and their favorite way to silence it is to play the Jew card and pretend anyone who talks about it is against the Jewish people and believe it is a Jewish conspiracy and therefore must be racist Nazis.. it docent really work like it used to tho
There are a few Jewish members of the bilderburgs but it is not a Jewish conspiracy, but yes Jewish. American, British , dutch royals and other European elite are indeed through the bilderburgs and the CFR engaged in a war with the American middle class . the goal to bring a elite run socialist one world government .they do control the media and banking and their favorite way to silence it is to play the Jew card and pretend anyone who talks about it is against the Jewish people and believe it is a Jewish conspiracy and therefore must be racist Nazis.. it docent really work like it used to tho

I REALLY need to get an audio clip of that Twilight zone music.
Lots of ethnic groups, when they have to live next to each other, don't like each other, as a rule.

This is especially true when one group has ruled another: Turks, vs Kurds, Armenians and Greeks, for example.

And it is true when one ethnic group is just plain more successful than other: every decade or so, the Malays in Malaysia have a pogrom against the Chinese, who have the termerity to be better at almost everything than the Malays are (except murdering people).

Now the Jews did not rule anyone for a long time, until 1948. Now they rule the Palestinians, and occupy land the Palestinians once occupied. So Palestinian hatred for the Jews (and the hatred, by extension, of the Palestinians' ethnic and religious kin) is understandable: it's like Protestant-Catholic in Ireland, Tamil-Sinhala in Sri Lanka, Bihari-Bengali in Bangladesh. Just the same old same old.

But where they didn't rule, boy were they successful! Barred from most occupations, they went into trading and money-lending (forbidden to Christians and Jews), and did very well. I find it hard to believe that their great success does not also have a genetic component, but discovering the truth of this is a matter for the future.

Of course, this success bred resentment from the less successful, that resentment which has the same root as socialism. Indeed, the old saying has it that "anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools" -- which is true, and does not contradict the fact that socialism is also the socialism of fools.

But is there any basis for anti-Semitism besides simple envy? Do the Jews -- perhaps as a result of their exclusion from the institutions of power in Europe for 2000 years, perhaps form a conscious conspiracy against the rest of us? Or a semi-conscious one? Or an unconscious one?

Clearly, every ethnic group shares a kind of group identity, and, unless it is overridden by a powerful correcting impulse based in politics or religion, each group member has a kind of reflexive sympathy for other group members who look and act and think like him.

The Evolutionary Psychologists have no difficulty explaining this -- it's our genes seeking to replicate copies of themselves -- and the Evolutionary Psychologists may be right, or not wholly wrong.

So we could expect the Jews to act like any other ethnic group, albeit more effectively, since they are rather smarter than other ethnic groups.

So far, so good. Nothing unusual here.

But then there is the historic accident of Israel. Most Jews outside Israel feel towards the Jewish state the way, I suspect, most Armenians in the "Armenian diaspora" feel about Armenia. It would be inhuman for them not to. And given Israel's special situation -- her very existence continually in doubt -- this feeling will naturally have a special urgency. (Despite this, it is remarkable how un-typical Jewish nationalism is, how rare the really virulent biological Jewish nationalists are, how liberal the Jews remain in their attitude towards the Palestinians, and how many articulate anti-Zionist Jews there are.)

So I suppose an anti-Semite could point to the Israeli lobby as an example of Jewish manipulation of the rest of us. But note that Israel is a recent thing, and a historic accident. Except for this case, where is the evidence for a centuries-long Jewish plot, to ... to do what? To create music and art and do mathematics and science and make wonderful breakthroughs in medicine? For Marxists, the biggest crime of the Jews is that they do well in business. For non-Marxists, this is to their credit.

So ... what is the argument for anti-Semitism?

History has distributed the tribes of mankind all around the planet, and it has played out that some have remained close to the ways of their ancestors fifty thousand years ago, and others have made remarkable contributions to the progress of civilization.

For some tribes of mankind, if they vanished overnight, no great loss would be registered in the prospects for continued accumulation of the material and cultural capital of the species. But if the Jews vanished!! Science, art, mathematics, medicine, music ... all would suffer staggering blows.

That's why I am a pro-Semite. The rest of us -- or those who care about the accomplishments of civilization -- need these people. The more, the better.
Oh yes: two more points to support philo-Semitism.

(1) After WWI, Vienna was on its way to becoming the world's intellectual capital city; in music, art, mathematics, physics, and philosophy, many of the great thinkers of the age congregated there -- and many were Jewish. Then the Austrians murdered all their Jews. Today Vienna is a backwater, just a lot of pretty buildings.

(2) Jewish jokes!

Here's one. Whenever I tell it, I think of a certain poster on this board:

Moscow, under Communism. A long queue has formed in in the morning in front of a butcher's shop, because a rumor has gone round that a supply of meat will be delivered.

After a couple of hours, the manager of the shop emerges and says: "Sorry about this comrades, but the shipment of meat we are expecting will not be enough for all of you. So, let's see your passports ["nationality" was the "fifth point" on Soviet passports, and Jews were considered a nation and so identified]... Okay ... all Jews, go home." [Yes, yes, I know about the percentage of Jews on the original Bolshevik Central Committee ... but somehow they lost control.]

A few dozen Jews slink away, to the amusement of the rest of the queue.

Another two hours pass. The manager comes out again. "Okay ... passports out... the situation is even worse than we thought... due to the American imperalists ... so there won't be enough meat even for this group ... so, all the non-Russians, go home." Again, several dozen Tadjiks and Armenians and Azeris, etc. slink away.

The sun begins to set. Finally the manager comes out again, and says: "Sorry, comrades ... there will be no meat at all today. Perhaps you can try again tomorrow."

The disconsolate crowd disperses. As they walk away, one old Russian woman, with narrowed eyes, mutters to another: "Just as usual ... the Jews get the best of everything!"
I was just watching "The Jewish Americans" on PBS, and thinking, man, thank God someone's finally getting their story out there! Apparently, they're all very smart people who were just, like, for no reason whatsoever, attacked by Father Coughlin and Hitler. I had not realized that Germans, whites and gentiles were all bad people, and Jews were all good people. I remain grateful that my tax dollars could be used to fund this 9-part series to correct my misunderstanding. I really feel bad about how the Jews were victimized. Do they need some money or something? Who can I make a check out to?
Just a question--are you for real?
I SAW this PBS doc last night too!

I thought it was very interesting stuff. The travesty of the holocaust is a worthy historic lesson about what happens when the world turns a blind eye away from dominant populations treating scapegoat populations like shit.

At the end of the show when announcing the funding and contributions with line after line of "jewish this" and "jewish that" which is set up to benefit only jews I kept wondering what kind of national scream we'd see if white people made the same overt effort to promote their own.

Still, it's the kind of programming that I don't mind seeing on PBS. the jewish story is an interesting one even if it should no more qualify for a blanck check for zionism than any other self-ratinalizing ethnicity.
Sadly, he is. The one thing you have to give him, though, is the complete lack of any pretense about what he is.
Yes, but of course this is an anonymous message board. No way does he act in real life the way he does on this board. So it might be said that his hidden, secret self has no pretense, except that it is afraid of the light of day.
I REALLY need to get an audio clip of that Twilight zone music.

No, what you probably REALLY ought to do, is just put eots on ignore since everything eots says seems to impact you so strongly, that you feel the need to consistently follow him/her up with a negative comment about how you feel.

Personally, I think it intrigues you. How else could one describe your incessant interest in everything eots says? Your post count certainly hasn't been hurting since eots has been here.

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