PayBack Should Start With Brennan


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The former CIA Director has deep pockets from various enterprises and would be a great place to begin the Trump Revenge Tour. He's called the President a "traitor" and accused him of "aiding and abetting the enemy", taking fat paychecks from MSLSD to smear Trump. Since Mueller's report has cleared the President of any such conduct, a civil suit should be easy to win. There is a limit to what a public figure has to put up with in slanderous charges intended to cause harm and Brennan has no defense. Brennan's comments were never portrayed as a matter of opinion...he clearly implied he'd seen intel reports on the matter. So, SUE HIM.....sue the shit outta the weasel....take everything he has and will ever have....that's how you stop this garbage. Oh, and BTW, if treason is the subject, maybe Brennan should reveal his secret conversion to islam in 1996 during his time as station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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Komrad Brennan. The spy with no security clearance. Said he had evidence of Trump's collusion. Did he plant it? Did Mueller find out it was planted?

WH statement pulling his security clearance:

Brennan's "lying and recent conduct, characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary, is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation's most closely held secrets and facilitates the very aim of our adversaries, which is to sow division and chaos".[83] The statement said further, that Brennan had "recently leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations – wild outbursts on the internet and television – about this Administration".[16]

John O. Brennan - Wikipedia
I would absolutely love to see him in cuffs...if there is justice he should be the first followed by Comey Clapper Hillary and Obama and his clown car full of seditious bastards.......
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Brennan refused to take the oath as CIA Director by placing his hand on a Bible...Since putting it on the Koran, would have been too bizarre even for Biden, he chose a copy of the Constitution which he clearly does not believe in.


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He also was for enhanced interrogation when he worked in the Bush administration and against it when Obama hired him. He believes in nothing and will say anything according to his circumstances. All the more reason for Trump to sue him...his public record proves he's a habitual liar and a con man.
Komrad Brennan. The spy with no security clearance. Said he had evidence of Trump's collusion. Did he plant it? Did Mueller find out it was planted?
Apparently, despite Trump's order, he STILL has his security clearance.

Was Brennan’s ‘Intelligence Bombshell’ the Steele Dossier?


Signs point to Yes.

The dossier was generated by the Fusion GPS — principally, by British spy–turned–hack-for-hire Christopher Steele and journalist-turned-fabulist Glenn Simpson. The dossier is a slipshod, unverified opposition-research screed, sponsored by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Its sensational allegations of a Trump-Putin conspiracy to undermine the 2016 election (including by hacking and disseminating Democratic emails) were never verified. Nor was its salacious claim that the Kremlin possessed a video recording of Trump engaging in sexual hijinks, and thus could blackmail him into doing Russia’s bidding if he were elected.

The Obama-administration officials involved in pushing the dossier are running for the hills to distance themselves from it, particularly after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report effectively rejected it, especially former CIA director John Brennan.

Brennan is a hyper-political an intelligence official. When called on his excesses, such as the CIA’s spying on the Senate during his watch, his default mode is to misrepresent what was done and then frustrate the investigative process. On the dossier, he is playing to type.

Brennan was a vigorous dossier peddler. He nevertheless pretends to have been a dossier skeptic from the start. A big part of the declassification controversy involves his defense.

Brennan has bragged about his role as Russiagate catalyst. Now, he and his phalanx of unidentified intelligence operatives, who leak classified information while contending that the sky will fall if Barr discloses any classified information, maintain that the dossier was unrelated to the investigation’s genesis. Rather, our hero, through painstaking effort, reached into the shadows for a high-ranking, deep-cover Kremlin source that the CIA had spent years developing. Therefore, the story goes, if Barr declassifies and discloses the intelligence that would explain the true origin of the Russia investigation, he would expose our most vital source of information about the inner workings of our most vexing adversary — in the process ensuring that we become too untrustworthy ever again to recruit such a source.

Trump-Russia Investigation: Was Brennan’s ‘Intelligence Bombshell’ the Steel Dossier? | National Review

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