Pay Day Loans--Preying on Poor People

Middle and upper income people get to borrow money at much lower rates than lower income people.

Yes, because they're a better credit risk overall.


For the most part, yes. But there is no credit risk in the Universe which justifies a 7000% APR.

And then in the new millennium, the middle class were sucked into predatory loans, too.

"So just sign this line right here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and in three years this nice zero money down, 2 percent interest ARM will blow up in your face like one of Wile E. Coyote's cartoon bombs, Biff.

"Oops. I didn't say that last part out loud, did I?

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As I was coming out of the grocery store, a woman approached me, close to tears. She was asking for $20.00 because she had nothing to feed her children. She had no bread, no milk, nothing. If I could just give her $20.00 she would be able to make it until her next EBT payment.

I told her no, but what I would do is go into the grocery store with her, buy the bread, the milk, the peanut butter, whatever she needed to get to the magic day. Whereupon she called me a racist bitch, got in her car and sped off. $20.00 worth of food isn't the same as $20.00 cash. What she wanted was cash. $20.00 here, $20.00 there, pretty soon you got the whole amount to get pot at the dispensary. Were her children really hungry? Who cares, she doesn't.

I know how you feel. There a cripple who sits in a wheelchair outside of the grocery store nearby. He sits in his chair, smoking cigarettes, and yells at everyone walking in "got a dollar?". He's usually drunk or high (hard to tell). I look him directly in the eyes, smile and ask him to repeat the question. He slurs out again "gotta dollar?" I reach in my pocket and slowly pull my wallet out. I look at the cash....and say Yes, yes I do. Thanks!! Then I keep on walking.

Fuck this guy. He can afford cigarettes. He can afford booze (or drugs). He's a bum.

LOL..When I was a youngster and riding the bus because I couldnt afford a car,I had a guy ask me for five bucks because he hadn't eaten in days....I told him to force himself.
Payday loans are nothing more than legalized loan sharks.
Eighteen States and the District of Columbia Prohibit Extremely High Cost Payday Lending while Thirty-Two States Authorize High-Cost Payday Lending. These types of loans take advantage of people but than again no one is twisting their arms to get the loan. _Personally I feel any loan at triple digit interest rates should be outlawed.
Legal Status of Payday Loans by State

You suggesting the poor be protected from themselves.
Perhaps you should ban cigarette and beer sales to anyone on less than $15/hour.

Get real, these fools are ripe for the harvest so should be exploited before the other industries get to them.

Just saying that all things should be equal. If they are going to prosecute Quido the Loan Shark then the should prosecute the Pay Day loan store for making the load at the same rate.

Other than the people running it, how is a state lottery any different from a bookie's numbers racket? (Well...other than the odds being worse & the people running it much shadier.)
Zander's payday loans!! Only 2% a week!

We also sell liquor, cigarettes, medical marijuana, and lottery tickets!!

Bring your math challenged ass on in!!





Liquor stores do not accept food stamps. That is a lie.

I make deliveries at them every day, and many do.
I've seen these cropping up again in commercials only now they are taking the title to your car. Kids should just stay away from them.

Have to admit...I considered "selling" my wife's old Metro this way. Get a loan on it for as much as possible, give them the title...and just let them take it. Never went past an idea...I didn't expect they'd loan enough to make it worthwhile.

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