Paul Ryan Defends The Senate Republican Health Care Plan


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
After watching the Republican agenda to transfer wealth from the middle and lower income segments of U.S. society, to the top 0.1%, and the GOP’s efforts to “starve out” the poor by eliminating safety net programs, the elderly and disabled by cutting Social Security and Medicare, and end affordable healthcare for well over 20 million others, it is easy to see their end goal. (Republicans have long seen that SS Trust Fund as a ripe plum needing to be plucked to give to the 0.1%.)

Republicans are saddened by the fact that establishing camps like Auschwitz and Treblinka to rid the 0.1% of the pesky citizens would be much too blatant.

However, withholding medical attention from those needing it most, well, that leaves the “choice” of dying up to those who can either afford to eat, or, purchase the expensive medications necessary to their survival. This is a very “Republican” final solution to the problem. (Clueless conservatives should Google “Final solution” before reading further.)

Conservatives are quick to endorse such plans. But, most of these right-wingers forget, or are too stupid to understand, that they depend on the very programs their beloved Republicans want to kill. (Yes, KILL. It is the best word to describe the GOP’s goal.)

For what Christians call a “Christian Nation”, the U.S. government officials, and especially Christian conservatives, observe none of the teachings of their savior, Jesus Christ.

Now, let’s hear everyone say, “hypocrites”? How many of you can explain the meaning of this word? No, it does not mean “what only the other guys do”. Try again.

This OP should get a big laugh from the conservatives, particularly those who will die due to lack of medical treatment. Let's alllllllll laugh at them.

Paul Ryan explains why 22M would be uninsured if the health care bill passes



Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.

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The 15M to 22M people whom the CBO estimate would not have health insurance coverage are that many people who rather than obtain care less expensively by going regularly to a doctor or dentist, will obtain more expensive emergency care for which, if they didn't have the funds to pay for health insurance, they probably cannot pay. To the extent they cannot pay for emergency care, the providers will have to in the current period record the uncollected revenue as bad debt expense. The higher the allowance for bad debt providers must make, the more insurers will pay for those of us who have insurance, thus the higher will be insurance premiums.

And before anyone starts prattling about the high cost of O-care exchange premiums, read the following two articles. They address a key nuance of the ACA that isn't "sexy" enough, nor is it easily understood by financially untrained individuals, to make it into MSM coverage, but that is critical in understanding why some premiums are as they are and why insurers have pulled out of certain states.

All the above goes directly to the "business" aspect of healthcare delivery, but unless and until the U.S. determines that healthcare/health insurance be treated as a natural monopoly good rather than as a monopolistically competitive one, the business exigencies will drive how the system works.

  • Remember when Trump remarked "who knew health care was so complicated?" Well, the content discussed above is one of the aspects that make it complicated, and the presentation above doesn't even get into the byzantine details of the actuarial analysis that underpins many of the noted estimates and projections.
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