Paul Ryan booed by constituents at town hall meeting

Oh, and Sarah, his plan doesn't change anything for our seniors. Everyone 55 and over has no changes in their Medicare.

so it's ok to screw *me* over, huh?


It's like when Gov. Wanker exempted police and firefighters' unions. Hopefully seniors will be the same way here, since it will be their kids and grandkids who get fisted by the invisible hand with this pile of horseshit the Repubs are pushing.
I'm very confident that SEIU, AFSCME and their network of henchthugs are sending paid operatives into Ryan town halls for the purpose of disrupting them.

That's consistent with the rest of your idiocy.

The polls are overwhelmingly against Ryan's nonsensical plan.

That's consistent with the rest of your idiocy.

The American people are sick and tired of the taxing and spending going on in DC. We need cuts, VERY DEEP CUTS!

No you are completely wrong and no polls even come close to what you state. The American people want JOBS, and they want the WEALTHY to pay a fair SHARE of what they get by participating in this great nation and what it provides to the businessman and woman.
Yes people want fraud and waste to go away, but not just cutting to save money while letting the people who can least afford it to be the burden holder of it all. They want fairness and the top 2% owning 40% of everything is BS. The system of govt as it is now is set up to allow those whit money to make money off it and not pay the taxes owed at the same rate as us who work for a living. It is the reason we are moving to a two class system, a small very rich class and the rest of the American population.

Get a clue, they(voters) did not send anyone to Washington to screw the middle class and the poor, they want JOBS< JOBS and JOBS, along with decent government for all the people, not just the rich and those who stand up for them because they are willing to take people's rights away for religious purposses.
I'm very confident that SEIU, AFSCME and their network of henchthugs are sending paid operatives into Ryan town halls for the purpose of disrupting them.

would you prefer the koch brothers and tea party express? or the us chamber of commerce?

at least the union represents workers who actually vote their self-interest.

These people sounded sincere in their criticism of Ryan. It just gets old hearing the same pandering nonsense from these politicians. His arguments just don't hold water.
Oh, and Sarah, his plan doesn't change anything for our seniors. Everyone 55 and over has no changes in their Medicare.

so it's ok to screw *me* over, huh?


Well, they have figured out a way to keep you from being screwed, but of course it means changing the plan, also keeping it out of the hands of congress.

You've been getting screwed by Congress, as a whole, because they've been spending your Social Security and Medicare to the tune of half a trillion a year in what they call Intragovernmental Holdings outside of the budget. Spending it and driving up the debt.
It wasn't like the teapartiers who wouldn't let anyone else talk, they let him respond and then they told him he was full of shit..

He was saying that the rich are taxed and small business represents most of the jobs in America. Bull.

You all can try to justify his hack plan to put poor seniors out on the streets because they can't afford the high cost of insurance in favor of protecting the wealthiest among us but they won't go down without a fight.

This was a big mistake on their part and I am thrilled people are seeing this Republican garbage for what it is.

From the office of U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics:

How important are small businesses to the U.S. economy?

Small firms:

Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
Employ just over half of all private sector employees.
Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
Have generated 64 percent of net new jobs over the past 15 years.
Create more than half of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).
Hire 40 percent of high tech workers (such as scientists, engineers, and computer programmers).
Are 52 percent home-based and 2 percent franchises.
Made up 97.3 percent of all identified exporters and produced 30.2 percent of the known export value in FY 2007.
Produce 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms; these patents are twice as likely as large firm patents to be among the one percent most cited.

Office of Advocacy - Frequently Asked Questions - How important are small businesses to the U.S. economy? |
Office of Advocacy - Research and Statistics |

Oh, and Sarah, his plan doesn't change anything for our seniors. Everyone 55 and over has no changes in their Medicare.

They were saying that his reasons for wanting to extend the tax cuts for the rich were hardly because small business employed most people. As if he cares about jobs in the least...

Please. That was one more justification for asking seniors take a hit while giving the rich a break. If you don't believe that seniors are going to take that hit under Ryan's plan, I feel sorry for you because you're so naive.

Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.
I like Trajan. But he loves taking anything he dislikes and attributing it to the president. :dunno:

According to Obama being rich is making $200k or more for single filing separately or $250k for married filing jointly.

He keeps calling us millionaires and billionaires but I don't feel rich. I made over $200k last year, but with my deductions my taxable income dropped to $30k. I wonder which of those deductions he's gonna erase.
None, you didn't make $200,000.

Okay, how did you arrive at that conclusion???:eusa_eh:

I have 26 rental units earning $12,000 per month.

I take in $10,000 per year in a military pension.

My government job pays $47,000 per yr.

My wife earns another $30,000 doing Real Estate.

You do the fucken math.
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From the office of U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Oh, and Sarah, his plan doesn't change anything for our seniors. Everyone 55 and over has no changes in their Medicare.

They were saying that his reasons for wanting to extend the tax cuts for the rich were hardly because small business employed most people. As if he cares about jobs in the least...

Please. That was one more justification for asking seniors take a hit while giving the rich a break. If you don't believe that seniors are going to take that hit under Ryan's plan, I feel sorry for you because you're so naive.

Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.

I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.
They were saying that his reasons for wanting to extend the tax cuts for the rich were hardly because small business employed most people. As if he cares about jobs in the least...

Please. That was one more justification for asking seniors take a hit while giving the rich a break. If you don't believe that seniors are going to take that hit under Ryan's plan, I feel sorry for you because you're so naive.

Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.

I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

The only way to save Social Security and Medicare is get it out of the hands of Congress.

Bush tried to do that several years ago and failed.

And the Dems cheered.
Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.

I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

The only way to save Social Security and Medicare is get it out of the hands of Congress.

Bush tried to do that several years ago and failed.

And the Dems cheered.

The way to save it is to create millions of jobs that will in turn create revenue.
Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.

I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

The only way to save Social Security and Medicare is get it out of the hands of Congress.

Bush tried to do that several years ago and failed.

And the Dems cheered.
You bet. Wall Street wants that money.
They were saying that his reasons for wanting to extend the tax cuts for the rich were hardly because small business employed most people. As if he cares about jobs in the least...

Please. That was one more justification for asking seniors take a hit while giving the rich a break. If you don't believe that seniors are going to take that hit under Ryan's plan, I feel sorry for you because you're so naive.

Right now everyone is gonna take a hit. As in lose every thing if we don't deal with this now.

I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

hello. he didn't eliminate the deficit, for god sakes, he balanced the budget and he did that by using SS money. BUT, he did, with help manage the fisc better than the last 2.

so what are your suggestions?
I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

The only way to save Social Security and Medicare is get it out of the hands of Congress.

Bush tried to do that several years ago and failed.

And the Dems cheered.

The way to save it is to create millions of jobs that will in turn create revenue.

First we need to replace the millions of jobs that were lost in the last 3 years.

Then we can start building.

But because of the stranglehold that the government has on banks, fat chance.

Raise taxes on everyone making more then $200k and you can forget it.
Keep in mind, these GOP'ers who want to put seniors at the mercy of private for-profit insurance companies are also the same GOP'ers who want to repeal the healthcare bill... know, the bill that stopped insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions,

or kicking people off their insurance after they got sick...

But I guess that's no big deal, because who ever heard of a person over 65 with a pre-existing condition,

or a person over 65 who ever got really sick??
I'm rich according to obama so I'll be alright. :rolleyes:.

Where did Obama define 'rich?' Trajan? Really? Where do you guys get this shit?

now, I know you must be kidding, hes never said anything different not that the number won't go lower;) I really really really need to spell it out for you? my god man.....he created his own benchmark...are you going to pretend that he didn't ? :eusa_eh:
I wonder why we let it get out of control during the Bush years. Clinton had eliminated the deficit and we were on our way to debt reduction. It was part spending cuts and partially raising taxes.

I just don't like these Republicans getting hold of what has been a safety net for people. I really don't think they know what they are doing. Let them address it another way.

The only way to save Social Security and Medicare is get it out of the hands of Congress.

Bush tried to do that several years ago and failed.

And the Dems cheered.
You bet. Wall Street wants that money.

Wall Street won't get it. You will. But Democrats hate the fact that Wall Street will make money off of all of that money.

They just want to spend it.

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