Pathetic: 80-year-old black man shoots black would-be burgler

Woonder how long it will take Sharpton and Jackson to hotfoot it to Chicago??
Black-on-black crime? Pffft. There's no money to be made off that.

Besides, it just points out the black community's leaders' failures. No way they're going to highlight that.

Black on black crime? I say don't prosecute. They don't want to be "profiled" -- I say then don't profile them when they commit crimes against each other. I am so sick to death of this constant "he arrested me cause I'm black" shit I could scream. Sooo - in this case, let it go. Works for me.
IMHO, by stating "black man shoots black intruder", the OP had no intention of discussing our rights to defend ourselves...

Oh fuck off...

....and I am STILL waiting to hear your reasoning for mentioning the shooter was black and the burglar was black in your thread title. What purpose did it serve for you to type extra words that were not even part of the original newspaper article?

IF THAT is all you have to worry about, you're lucky. He's pointing out that if the home owner had been WHITE, he would have been accused of being racist. But thank god he wasn't.
A better question would be, why wasn't sharpton or jackson or obama there to stir up outrage on why there is so much black on black crime in the inner cities?
Oh....that's just doesn't fit the racist narrative.

Seems the cops did the right thing in this case. Arrested the guy..and let Justice run it course.

You've clearly never been arrested or involved in the criminal justice system.

Sure I have.

And it was for a far less crime then killing someone. I spent an interesting weekend in the big house.
A better question would be, why wasn't sharpton or jackson or obama there to stir up outrage on why there is so much black on black crime in the inner cities?
Oh....that's just doesn't fit the racist narrative.

Seems the cops did the right thing in this case. Arrested the guy..and let Justice run it course.

You've clearly never been arrested or involved in the criminal justice system.

Well, I've certainly managed to not break the law or be in a position such as that.....just sayin'
I'd like to see the guys who have made the half-assed comments about it - tell me that you've done research as to wether or not Sharpton, Jackson, etc. have spoken out about black on black crime.

And don't be scared to admit that you were speaking out of your anus - ifd that's what your research provides you.

Try honesty once.
The obvious other side of the coin.

Are we allowed to defend ourselves or not.
Not in Chicago, you're not. You might hurt your burglar's/rapist's/murderer's feelings.

No, the moral action is to be robbed/raped/murdered. Undoubtedly.

Right, bleeding heart USMB lefties?

Wright was charged with one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon after police discovered he had two prior weapons convictions from 1968 and 1994, officials said. Records show Wright also was convicted of theft in 1990. Wright turned his gun over to detectives.

Do you suppose the reasons why he was charged have anything to do with self defense ???
He used a weapon in self-defense.

In Liberal Land, that's a baaaaad thing.
Oh look....
Wright was charged with one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon after police discovered he had two prior weapons convictions from 1968 and 1994, officials said. Records show Wright also was convicted of theft in 1990. Wright turned his gun over to detectives.

This is what he was charged with. Not murder.

I'll lay odds the DA refuses to prosecute. "Unlawful use of a weapon" could mean something as simple as violating some law against firing a handgun in city limits. He was not charged with assault or attempted murder. He also shot the burglar in the leg once, he didn't murder him.

The whole idea of the thread is a lame, and false attempt at trying to establish some equivalency to justify their own bigotry, because we're hoppin' mad at the double standards of justice shown in Florida. This makes the thread a huge FAIL!
Yet you seem to have no problem with the double standard of Sharpton, Jackson, the media et al ignoring black-on-black crime while they stir up race hate with Hispanic-on-black crime.

Nope. You have no problem at all with that double standard.
Oh look....

This is what he was charged with. Not murder.

I'll lay odds the DA refuses to prosecute. "Unlawful use of a weapon" could mean something as simple as violating some law against firing a handgun in city limits. He was not charged with assault or attempted murder. He also shot the burglar in the leg once, he didn't murder him.

The whole idea of the thread is a lame, and false attempt at trying to establish some equivalency to justify their own bigotry, because we're hoppin' mad at the double standards of justice shown in Florida. This makes the thread a huge FAIL!
Yet you seem to have no problem with the double standard of Sharpton, Jackson, the media et al ignoring black-on-black crime while they stir up race hate with Hispanic-on-black crime.

Nope. You have no problem at all with that double standard.

I'd like for you to do some basic research to see if Sharpton and Jackson ignore black on black crime. Be an honest guy, not a political hack who ignores truth. Go ahead, try it out. It might feel good to be honest.
Woonder how long it will take Sharpton and Jackson to hotfoot it to Chicago??
Black-on-black crime? Pffft. There's no money to be made off that.

Besides, it just points out the black community's leaders' failures. No way they're going to highlight that.

Black on black crime? I say don't prosecute. They don't want to be "profiled" -- I say then don't profile them when they commit crimes against each other. I am so sick to death of this constant "he arrested me cause I'm black" shit I could scream. Sooo - in this case, let it go. Works for me.

Nonsense. The law applies to EVERYBODY -- or it should. This Administration's DoJ has made it quite plain it doesn't.

Let the race-baiters whine and protest. If they break the law, arrest them, too. No free passes for skin color.
I'd like to see the guys who have made the half-assed comments about it - tell me that you've done research as to wether or not Sharpton, Jackson, etc. have spoken out about black on black crime.

And don't be scared to admit that you were speaking out of your anus - ifd that's what your research provides you.

Try honesty once.
Or you could post a link showing they have. Bear in mind that Page 12 below the fold isn't quite the same as front page headlines.
I'll lay odds the DA refuses to prosecute. "Unlawful use of a weapon" could mean something as simple as violating some law against firing a handgun in city limits. He was not charged with assault or attempted murder. He also shot the burglar in the leg once, he didn't murder him.

The whole idea of the thread is a lame, and false attempt at trying to establish some equivalency to justify their own bigotry, because we're hoppin' mad at the double standards of justice shown in Florida. This makes the thread a huge FAIL!
Yet you seem to have no problem with the double standard of Sharpton, Jackson, the media et al ignoring black-on-black crime while they stir up race hate with Hispanic-on-black crime.

Nope. You have no problem at all with that double standard.

I'd like for you to do some basic research to see if Sharpton and Jackson ignore black on black crime. Be an honest guy, not a political hack who ignores truth. Go ahead, try it out. It might feel good to be honest.
I'm always honest. I don't have to lie to support my views. I'm not a leftist.
Yet you seem to have no problem with the double standard of Sharpton, Jackson, the media et al ignoring black-on-black crime while they stir up race hate with Hispanic-on-black crime.

Nope. You have no problem at all with that double standard.

I'd like for you to do some basic research to see if Sharpton and Jackson ignore black on black crime. Be an honest guy, not a political hack who ignores truth. Go ahead, try it out. It might feel good to be honest.
I'm always honest. I don't have to lie to support my views. I'm not a leftist.

Then why does what page it appears on in headlines, does it matter, if they have or have not spoken out against black on black crime?

It's not their choice how much coverage they get while doing so.
I'd like for you to do some basic research to see if Sharpton and Jackson ignore black on black crime. Be an honest guy, not a political hack who ignores truth. Go ahead, try it out. It might feel good to be honest.
I'm always honest. I don't have to lie to support my views. I'm not a leftist.

Then why does what page it appears on in headlines, does it matter, if they have or have not spoken out against black on black crime?

It's not their choice how much coverage they get while doing so.
So, you can't find a link, huh?

The only prominent black figure I can recall denouncing black-on-black crime is Bill Cosby. And he's roundly criticized by black leaders when he does.

Since the heading of your linked news article did not mention the race of the shooter, nor the burglar, why did you feel it was necessary to mention their races in your thread title?

The obvious other side of the coin.

Are we allowed to defend ourselves or not.

No, this is not the other side. Killing a burgler is not the same thing as going hunting for black kids.
Since the heading of your linked news article did not mention the race of the shooter, nor the burglar, why did you feel it was necessary to mention their races in your thread title?

The obvious other side of the coin.

Are we allowed to defend ourselves or not.

No, this is not the other side. Killing a burgler is not the same thing as going hunting for black kids.

It worries me that people can't see the difference.
Well, obviously someone should bring the fact that Trayvon Martin had broken into Zimmerman's house and was in the commission of a burglary to the attention of the police!

Oh, that's right, they can't do that, because that didn't happen...
Obviously, hunting down and shooting someone who is not even on your property, after being told by police not to, is the same as killing a man that is in your house attempting to rob you.

Can't you all see that?

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