Parents of woman shot at S.F. pier support strict immigration law

I remember how the parents of the 20 kids that were murdered at Sandy Hook were disgustingly abused and denigrated by Right Wingers for calling for a debate on gun control.
The poor parents of this girl though are being paraded about as evidence of the problems with illegal immigration.

Funny that.

Why not?

Didn't the Left parade-around the relatives of the nine shooting victims in that Charleston Church, just a couple of weeks ago?

What's the difference, in the context of being used to advance an agenda?
Who are rich in your mind? Anyone with a job and a home to live in??? Anyone who knowingly or unknowingly hires an illegal?

The rich are a small segment of our population, yet a fool like you thinks only the rich hire 15-30 million illegals.

Can't fix stupid.

You really think they are coming here to hang around outside the Home Depot.

Sorry, man, it's the rich who are bringing them in. Why do you think the GOP tries to sneak amnesty through the back door whenever they think you Cleetuses aren't looking?
Yes many rich Americans like illegal immigration and want it continued, but that does not equate to only the rich hire illegals, which is what you wrongly stated. Can you understand the distinction?
While I can feel bad for this woman, I'm not sure where you are going to put millions of illegal aliens if you imprison them, sincce we don't have room for the real crooks now.
That is a very good point, I do give credit where it is due.

I, myself, have no problem throwing drunk drivers, and wife beaters, and drug users into the same cell as a mass murderer. I sure have no problem throwing a child molester into general population.

I wouldn't mind paying more taxes for more prisons, problem is the money never ends up going where it is supposed to go, so as much as it pains me to admit it. JoeB is very right, where the hell would we put illegal aliens?
Maybe if we had been working hard to prevent illegals from sneaking in here in the first place, we wouldn't be in this bind.

Maybe if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

You see, the problem here is that the people you elect to office WANT illegals here.

We could end the illegal problem really easily. You get caught with an illegal on your payroll, the government takes everything you have. Period.

No need to imprison them. Merely prevent them from obtaining any services in this country. No jobs. No housing. No healthcare. No education. No voting or drivers license.

Then they will self deport.

Yeah, keep telling yourself Rich people are going to stop hiring them.

Holy Mother of God, I am agreeing with JoeB again. I have believed this for years, if you get caught with an illegal on your payroll, you go to jail, but I like JoeB's idea much better, just take everything they have.
Maybe if we had been working hard to prevent illegals from sneaking in here in the first place, we wouldn't be in this bind.

Maybe if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

You see, the problem here is that the people you elect to office WANT illegals here.

We could end the illegal problem really easily. You get caught with an illegal on your payroll, the government takes everything you have. Period.

No need to imprison them. Merely prevent them from obtaining any services in this country. No jobs. No housing. No healthcare. No education. No voting or drivers license.

Then they will self deport.

Yeah, keep telling yourself Rich people are going to stop hiring them.
Oh silly goof.

If laws were enacted against the hiring of illegals and enforced, the rich will stop...and besides Joey the rich hiring illegals is a minor aspect relative to the entire problem.
I could not see a small town farmer hiring illegal aliens to work if there were even a small chance he could lose his farm.
I have to admit there might be a point to the "rich hiring illegals" idea, I've not researched it really, but... my father decided to learn Spanish so he could properly communicate with their helper folks (maid, pool cleaner, yard folks, etc.) I specifically asked him if he knew if they were illegals and he said, "No, everyone in the neighborhood just assumes that since they have an insured business, they must be legal." I question this being true. My folks and a lot of their friends retired to a gated golf community, all of the worker folks were recommended by other residents, etc. Also, as my mother put it, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn if they're illegal, they do a hell of a lot better job than the people we had in Alaska."
Oh silly goof.

If laws were enacted against the hiring of illegals and enforced, the rich will stop...and besides Joey the rich hiring illegals is a minor aspect relative to the entire problem.

No, the rich hiring illegals is the ENTIRE problem.

Who do you think is hiring them? Why do you think they are coming here to start with, stupid?
I guess it depends on your definition of rich, I do believe that a greater number of rich people employ illegal aliens than does the lower working class.
Late addition: of course therein lies the problem with tagging "companies" for hiring illegals, you're not going to "catch" the folks like my parents. Still I do wonder if illegals can get a business license and or get bonded without being legal? That's a place to look for "catching" them.
That is a very good point, I do give credit where it is due.

I, myself, have no problem throwing drunk drivers, and wife beaters, and drug users into the same cell as a mass murderer. I sure have no problem throwing a child molester into general population.

I wouldn't mind paying more taxes for more prisons, problem is the money never ends up going where it is supposed to go, so as much as it pains me to admit it. JoeB is very right, where the hell would we put illegal aliens?

I think you miss the point.

We lock up too many people.

Most industrialized democracies lock up maybe one in a THOUSAND people. Only really the worst of the worst.

We lock up one out of 100. Two million in prison and another 7 million on probation or parole (and therefore effectively unemployable).
I don't hear any gun grabbers saying "There's too many guns to even START going after them. Better just leave them alone!"

But that's exactly what they say about Illegal Aliens.
Yes many rich Americans like illegal immigration and want it continued, but that does not equate to only the rich hire illegals, which is what you wrongly stated. Can you understand the distinction?

I didn't hire any illegals lately. Neither does anyone I know.

Must be the rich doing it.
Try to think logically for once Joey and not emotionally. We all know you hate the rich, which clouds your judgement.

The rich are a very small segment of our population. How could they hire most of the 15-30 million illegals?

Using your anecdotal evidence of personal experience, I know many middle class people who hire illegals. So...using your 'logic' the middle class is to blame.
That is a very good point, I do give credit where it is due.

I, myself, have no problem throwing drunk drivers, and wife beaters, and drug users into the same cell as a mass murderer. I sure have no problem throwing a child molester into general population.

I wouldn't mind paying more taxes for more prisons, problem is the money never ends up going where it is supposed to go, so as much as it pains me to admit it. JoeB is very right, where the hell would we put illegal aliens?

I think you miss the point.

We lock up too many people.

Most industrialized democracies lock up maybe one in a THOUSAND people. Only really the worst of the worst.

We lock up one out of 100. Two million in prison and another 7 million on probation or parole (and therefore effectively unemployable).
The problem in our prisons is they contain too many small time drug offenders who hurt no one and too many illegals, some of whom did hurt someone. Stats show 1/3 of federal prisoners are illegal.

All we need do is legalize drugs and then release all those imprisoned with non-violent drug offenses. Then deport all illegal prisoners. Of course, we then would need to protect our borders so they can't get back in.
Try to think logically for once Joey and not emotionally. We all know you hate the rich, which clouds your judgement.

The rich are a very small segment of our population. How could they hire most of the 15-30 million illegals?

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth.

Yes, they are the ones hiring most of the illegals.

Why am I wasting my time on you, exactly?
The problem in our prisons is they contain too many small time drug offenders who hurt no one and too many illegals, some of whom did hurt someone. Stats show 1/3 of federal prisoners are illegal.

That's a dishonest stat, because federal prisoners are only a very small fraction of all the people incarcerated.

Congressional candidate Daniel Mielke says almost 30 of federal prisoners are illegal immigrants PolitiFact Wisconsin

The bureau’s website says that 73.4 percent of the federal inmates are U.S. citizens, and that more than 26 percent are not citizens. That’s just over a quarter of the inmates, within spitting distance to the nearly one-third claimed by Mielke.

But there’s a catch here -- and it's a big one.

Non-citizen doesn’t necessarily mean illegal immigrant, as many people receive visas or green cards to live and work in America. Presumably, some of these legal immigrants chose crime as their vocation. And the agency itself does not categorize inmates as legal citizens or illegal citizens.
Try to think logically for once Joey and not emotionally. We all know you hate the rich, which clouds your judgement.

The rich are a very small segment of our population. How could they hire most of the 15-30 million illegals?

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth.

Yes, they are the ones hiring most of the illegals.

Why am I wasting my time on you, exactly?
Okay we are getting somewhere.

The top 20% of earners in the US make $135k and above. These are the rich people in your small mind.
Top 20 of Earners Pay 84 of Income Tax - WSJ

In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich. Plus many of these people likely have high levels of debt...they are not rich.

All one has to be is observant. Who mows lawns in many non-rich neighborhoods? Who makes our food in many restaurants not owned by wealthy people? Who cleans rooms in hotels and motels across the nation...are the owners all rich? Many non-rich have their roofs re-roofed, houses painted and sided, and a multitude of other services by illegals.

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