Parents: here are some of the leftist studies and lessons your paying for

Harvard Students Create Dating App for Males and Females: Triggering Ensues
Their options were narrow, exclusionary, and accurate.
M.J. Randolph

Students at Harvard were aghast when a new dating app only offered two gender options for its users: male and female. The app, designed to make Valentine's Day more romantic for the students, was promptly condemned by 26 members of the Undergraduate Council.

The Harvard Crimson reported:


Evidently, there were issues trying to figure out a way to include the many genders now popularly identified. For example, fifty-eight genders are now listed as options on Facebook. ABC News did a little digging and found these options currently offered:

Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis, Cisgender, Cis Female, Cis Male, Cis Man, Cis Woman, Cisgender Female, Cisgender Male, Cisgender Man, Cisgender Woman, Female to Male, FTM, Gender Fluid, Gender Nonconforming, Gender Questioning, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex, Male to Female,, MTF, Neither, Neutrois, Non-binary, Other, Pangender, Trans, Trans*, Trans Female, Trans* Female, Trans Male, Trans* Male, Trans Man, Trans* Man, Trans Person, Trans* Person, Trans Woman, Trans* Woman, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transgender Female, Transgender Male, Transgender Man, Transgender Person, Transgender Woman, Transmasculine, Transsexual, Transsexual Female, Transsexual Male, Transsexual Man, Transsexual Person, Transsexual Woman, and Two-Spirit.


Hey, maybe the students at the Harvard Computer Society are the last remaining students who haven't been brainwashed by political correctness into disbelieving science! It's possible, right?

Not so fast. Javier Cuan-Martinez, on behalf of the Harvard Computer Society, claimed responsibility for "the exclusion that we have created on campus."

But the only thing they're excluding is common sense.

Harvard Students Create Dating App for Males and Females: Triggering Ensues


That's what happens when the libtart mind is occupied...
Guess they found something ELSE to play with .... or, is it really the same thing?

This is what happens when you can't get laid .....
Leader of Groups Linked to Hamas Featured at U of Miami Commencement Ceremony
Graduating students forced to listen to CAIR operative Wilfredo Amr Ruiz.
February 21, 2017
Joe Kaufman

(Shame on U of Miami for letting beasts indoctrinate)


That speaker was radical Muslim activist Wilfredo Ruiz, who shared the stage with a rabbi and a priest. In one photo from the event – a ‘selfie’ – the three of them are smiling alongside the President of UM and former Secretary of Health of Mexico, Julio Jose Frenk Mora. The rabbi, Lyle Rothman, has used an Israeli flag as the ‘cover photo’ for his Facebook page at least five times. Rothman will probably not be thrilled to find out that Ruiz is associated with Hamas and anti-Semitism and labels the Jewish state “the Apartheid beast.”

Ruiz is the Communications Director for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). For the commencement ceremony, CAIR referred to him as “CAIR-Florida Chaplain.

CAIR was created in June 1994 as part of an umbrella group led by then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. CAIR has been named by the US government a co-conspirator for two federal trials dealing with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. In November 2014, along with ISIS and al-Qaeda, CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government. Many CAIR representatives have served prison time and/or have been deported from the US for terrorist-related activity.

CAIR-Florida reflects the same violent extremism as its parent group. In August 2014, CAIR-Florida Executive Director Hassan Shibly, who has denied Hezbollah is a terrorist group, wrote, “Israel and its supporters are enemies of God...” In July 2014, CAIR-Florida co-sponsored a pro-Hamas rally in Downtown Miami, where rally goers shouted, “We are Hamas” and “Let’s go Hamas.” Following the rally, the event organizer, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout, wrote, “Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!”

Sofian Zakkout is the President of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), one of the other co-sponsors of the 2014 pro-Hamas rally. Zakkout is a known supporter of Hamas, stating in August 2015, “Hamas is in my heart and on my head.” Wilfredo Ruiz is the legal advisor for AMANA and founded the Puerto Rico and Connecticut chapters of the group. Ruiz is additionally a Corporate Director for AMANA’s sister organization, American Muslims for Emergency and Relief (AMER), another co-sponsor of the pro-Hamas rally.

AMANA, which is based in South Florida, actively uses the internet to propagate material vilifying Jews, Christians and homosexuals. In one article previously found on AMANA’s website, it is stated, “Every believer should firmly believe that the Jews and Christians are kuffaar [infidels] and enemies of Allaah, His deen, the Prophet Muhammad, and the Believers… The efforts to gain the friendship of the Jews and Christians are useless, as they will never be pleased with the Muslims until the Muslims follow their religion.”


UM has clearly failed its students and faculty by hosting Ruiz and, in doing so, has implied tacit approval of his radical activities and associations, which pose a threat to both local and national security.

If you wish to voice your opinion on this matter, you may contact the office of UM President Julio Frenk, by phone at 305-284-5155 or by email at [email protected]. Please be respectful in any and all communications with President Frenk and his staff.

Leader of Groups Linked to Hamas Featured at U of Miami Commencement Ceremony
This will be a long list, you as a parent should keep up on what your paying for. If the snowflakes want that course let them pay for it... If you are alumni stop funding these institutions...

The Anti-Trump Curriculum

Feminist Geology
Feminist geography - Wikipedia

Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist :cuckoo:
Read more: Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist

Feminist pedagogy
Feminist pedagogy - Norton Safe Search

The 15 Most Ridiculous College Courses You Won’t Believe Are Being Taught

Academics, on average, lean to the left. A survey being released today suggests that they are moving even more in that direction.

..Don't forget that the children in grades K thru 12 are also being indoctrinated......into Islam. Time for parents to pull their children out of schools until schools agree to get the Islam courses out!

More to come...:popcorn:
Excessive copy/paste responding to oneself is not a healthy sign.
Fascist Universities U.S.A.

It’s time to liberate the campus gulag.

February 24, 2017
Frontpage Editors


There was a time when campus life meant dorm parties, Frisbees on the lawn and entering a world of ideas. Today’s campus, however, is a joyless, politically correct gulag where students are taught to confess their crimes of privilege and inform on fellow students.

Free speech died first on campus when the great works of literature were censored because they could be offensive, when comedians began to fear to visit because they might offend someone and when students became afraid to discuss ideas, dress up for a party or even tell a joke.

Now, today’s students know that Bias Response Teams on hundreds of campuses are encouraging students to inform on each other. That a casual remark or humorous tweet could cost them their future.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is continuing its fight against campus fascism by defying political correctness. The Center has stood in stalwart opposition to the brainwashing of students by faculty and radical hate groups. And we are taking a firm stand against the politically correct intimidation and harassment of students.

It’s time to take back the campus for free speech from the Bias Response Teams.

The Freedom Center will go on resisting politically correct fascism by taking risks on campuses to fight for free speech. Our speakers can’t appear on campuses without security. Sometimes they aren’t allowed to speak at all. But we will go on fighting to ensure that, in the land of the First Amendment, students will be permitted to engage in the free exchange of ideas at their institutions of higher learning.

We will not rest until free speech is restored to every college campus in America.

Fascist Universities U.S.A.
Time for taxpayers to stop footing the bill for student madness.
March 8, 2017

Walter Williams

While college administrators and professors accept disgraceful behavior, we as taxpayers, donors and parents should not foot the bill. Let's look at some of that behavior.

A University of Washington Tacoma Writing Center press release told students that expecting Americans to use proper grammar perpetuates racism. The University of Nebraska Omaha will host a workshop for "anti-racist allies" to develop "action plans" that confront America's "foundation of systemic oppression" in the context of "the current political climate." The workshop was inspired by professor Tammie Kennedy's recent book, titled "Rhetorics of Whiteness." She will lead a discussion on "taking action against white supremacy."

Black students at the University of Michigan demand campus officials provide them with "a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work."

Bob Lange is an associate professor emeritus of physics and an adjunct associate professor at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management. He says, "It is not terrorism to kill representatives of a government that you are opposed to." His remarks were reported by Canary Mission, a group of students who document people and groups who are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and the Jewish people, particularly on American college campuses. It reports that Lange maintained that the 2012 terrorist attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya — which killed four people and injured 10 others — were "not terrorism."


What's going on at the nation's colleges represents a threat to both liberty and academic excellence. It is a gross dereliction of duty for legislators, donors and decent Americans to allow it to continue.

College Campus Disgrace


White people that loath their own race should be in mental institutions not teaching. STOP the money so they don't corrupt your children...

Send her an email, let her know what you think...
Tammie Kennedy, PhD
This will be a long list, you as a parent should keep up on what your paying for. If the snowflakes want that course let them pay for it... If you are alumni stop funding these institutions...

The Anti-Trump Curriculum

Feminist Geology
Feminist geography - Wikipedia

Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist :cuckoo:
Read more: Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist

Feminist pedagogy
Feminist pedagogy - Norton Safe Search

The 15 Most Ridiculous College Courses You Won’t Believe Are Being Taught

Academics, on average, lean to the left. A survey being released today suggests that they are moving even more in that direction.


More to come...:popcorn:
You Get What You Pay For

You inadvertently admitted that college means the student's parents buying him a job. It must be replaced by highly paid professional training. That is the only way to get the few students with the natural talent to belong there, the only ones worth investing in by business and society. As it is now, College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded. Under the present system, which is class-biased indentured servitude, every college student could be replaced by someone smarter who has too much self-respect to submit to such an insult to intelligence.
Last edited:
Vanderbilt, Duke Divinity Schools Want Professors Teaching a Gender-Neutral God
“Developing a more inclusive language about God.”
Trey Sanchez


It’s reported that Vanderbilt isn’t making this change a requirement and Snarr says, “It is up to the individual professor’s interpretation for their classes and is suggestive rather than mandatory.”

Duke’s divinity school guidelines are similar, calling for “developing a more inclusive language about God” and avoiding masculine pronouns. “God” or “Godself” will suffice.

Instead of saying “God the father,” a professor at Duke is encouraged to say, “God the parent.” Another example: “God is the father who welcomes his son, but she is also the woman searching for the lost coin.”

Duke’s guidelines admit the gender-neutral language “can sound clumsy,” but adds that it’s “largely due to the fact that we are in a transitional period with our use of language.” In due time, Duke hopes it will become the norm: “Imagination, patience, and diligence are required in order to use language that expands and enriches our understanding of God.”

Vanderbilt, Duke Divinity Schools Want Professors Teaching a Gender-Neutral God

Any Girl Born With a Silver Spoon in Her Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

Feminism's goal is to emasculate unprivileged men so that the daughters of CEOs can inherit the same unearned high positions their brothers always could. I can trace back all "Liberal" positions to Birth-Class Supremacy, which is Right Wing. Advocate abolishing all the privileges of rich kids or forever hold your peace. Quit misleading people on what this is all about.
Lets end this and take mexico and make it a state, if they don't like it they can go south...
The hate-filed worldview and agendas of the student group MEChA.
March 9, 2017

John Perazzo

The Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), or “Chicano Student Movement,” describes itself as an organization that urges young Chicanos (people of Mexican ancestry living in the United States) to use “higher education” and “political involvement” to promote “cultural and historical pride,” “liberation,” and “self-determination” among their people. In practice, MEChA aggressively promotes anti-Americanism and anti-white hatred by relentlessly stoking the fires of racial and ethnic grievance among Latino students.

MEChA's roots can be traced back to the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s, which emphasized “brown pride” while rejecting “acculturation and assimilation” into the American mainstream. In that milieu, the first National Chicano Youth Liberation Conference, organized by an entity called Crusade for Justice, was held in Denver, Colorado in March 1969. Participants in this conference drafted the basic premises for the “Chicana/Chicano Movement” in a seminal document titled El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán (EPEA), which today is required reading for all members of MEChA's various chapters.

The term “Aztlán” refers to the territory in the Southwestern United States—including California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, as well as parts of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado—that Mexico ceded to the United States in 1848 via the Treaty of Guadalupe de Hidalgo. But Mexican separatists consider this region to be part of a mythical Aztec homeland that was stolen from its rightful owners. Proceeding from that premise, MEChA rejects the notion that any Chicano can be considered an illegal immigrant. A popular slogan that surfaces at many MEChA rallies is: “We didn't cross the border. The border crossed us.”

Claiming that “Aztlán belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans,” EPEA stipulates that the “Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán” are a “sovereign” and “indigenous people” who are “not subject to a foreign culture,” and are now “reclaiming the land of our birth (Chicana/Chicano Nation).” It sees the “bronze (Chicana/Chicano) Nation” as “a union of free pueblos” whose “cultural values strengthen our identity as La Familia de La Raza.


Its violent language about America’s alleged anti Hispanic bigotry has made MEChA a potent force on school campuses nationwide: the organization boasts hundreds of chapters in universities across the United States. It has also established a number of chapters in public high schools, routinely encouraging its young supporters to participate in political protests and marches. Like so many of its comrades on the left, MEChA has become expert in dressing up its own vile racism as a commitment to a nebulous something-or-other called “social justice.”

Cultivating a New Generation of Racists on Campus
What exactly is good about turning our society into a bunch of savages like the isis or the taliban? Is it not better if we use our brains instead?
You are a man, Matthew. Stand up for yourself for heaven's sake! They will have you wearing a pink dress before it's over if you don't take a stand!
Why these incidents are only going to get worse.
March 14, 2017

Thomas Sowell


Many people seem shocked at the recent savagery of a mob of students at Middlebury College, who rioted to prevent Charles Murray from addressing a student group who had invited him to speak. They also inflicted injuries requiring hospitalization on a woman from the faculty who was with him.

Where have all these shocked people been all these years? What happened at Middlebury College has been happening for decades, all across the country, from Berkeley to Harvard. Moreover, even critics of the Middlebury College rioters betray some of the same irresponsible mindset as that of the young rioters.

The moral dry rot in academia — and beyond — goes far deeper than student storm troopers at one college.

Frank Bruni of the New York Times, for example, while criticizing the rioters, lent credence to the claim that Charles Murray was "a white nationalist." Similar — and worse — things have been said, in supposedly reputable publications, by people who could not cite one statement from any of Dr. Murray's books that bears any resemblance to their smears.

Academia, however, is ground zero in the war against people whose ideas go against the current political correctness. The virtual monopoly of the political left, on campuses across the country, allows all sorts of things to be attributed to people the left disagrees with, irrespective of whether those people have ever said anything resembling what they are alleged to have said.


Why should we expect students to welcome debate about differences of opinion, when so many of their professors seem to think cheap shot dismissals are all you need? Lacking their professors' verbal dexterity or aura of authority, students use cruder methods of dismissing things they disagree with.

So long as academia talks demographic "diversity" and practices groupthink when it comes to ideas, we have little reason to expect better of student mobs that riot with impunity.
Some on the Left Now Criticize the Students They Created

Dennis Prager

Posted: Mar 14, 2017 12:01 AM

In the last few weeks, there has been a spate of columns by writers on the left condemning the left-wing college students who riot, take over university buildings and shout down speakers with whom they differ.

These condemnations, coming about 50 years too late, should not be taken seriously.

Take New York Times columnist Frank Bruni. His latest column is filled with dismay over the way Middlebury College students attacked Charles Murray and a liberal woman professor who interviewed him (she was injured by the rioters).

I have no doubt that Bruni is sincere. However, sincerity is completely unrelated to wisdom or insight.

Here's the problem:

It is the left that transformed universities into the moral and intellectual wastelands most are now.

It is the left that created the moral monsters known as left-wing students who do not believe in free speech, let alone tolerance.


Some on the Left Now Criticize the Students They Created

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