Panic in Trumpland: Bernie ahead for the first time in Des Moines Register Iowa poll

Bernie, another stupid Democrat who thinks government should get involved in healthcare.
Bernie, another stupid Democrat who thinks government should get involved in healthcare.

Yeah, like no other country would be foolish enough to get involved with government run health care except maybe Sweden and Denmark and Germany and France and Canada..... on and on.
Yeah, like no other country would be foolish enough to get involved with government run health care except maybe Sweden and Denmark and Germany and France and Canada..... on and on.
Bernie, another stupid Democrat who thinks government should get involved in healthcare.

Yeah, like no other country would be foolish enough to get involved with government run health care except maybe Sweden and Denmark and Germany and France and Canada..... on and on.

Yes, and how happy are their people with government healthcare?

Living in the northern part of the US, I frequently found myself in the company of other Canadian truck drivers. While waiting to get loaded or unloaded, we often had BS sessions. I try to bring up their healthcare and how they liked it. The younger and middle-aged drivers told me it was incredible. The older drivers warned me: keep what you have, or you'll be sorry if you go to our system once you get older.

Every healthcare system has their problems; us included. To put on this myth that somebody out there has such a flawless healthcare system that it can't be criticized is just wishful thinking.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.
Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses

As I'm typing a response to this, the phone rings (NH) and it's a message from Team Bernie. :) Too funny.
I'm not sure I'd make book on Bernie being the nominee. The election is a long way off and a lot can happen. I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Democrats will choose the "safe" option in Joe Biden (who will continue to stump the line that only he can beat Trump).

That being said, Trump better hope that Biden is the nominee and not Sanders. Because Joe Biden is the only candidate he stands a chance against in not looking like the inept policy fool he is when the time comes to debate. Anybody else (in the top and even middle tier) eats Trump for breakfast. While that wouldn't necessarily cost Trump re-election, it won't be a good look.
Trump will have over three and a half years experience when the debates begin. He has been baptized. In fact he has been baptized for over 5 years or so by then. From my perspective this is all gravy. He gave us the time to rethink what we are doing. And the propaganda that has been seething to a boil for years now told to us by people who are the privileged. Living like royalty while throwing lie after lie to the people.

The problem with this assumption is that Trump has shown no ability to evolve and learn. He's a blunt instrument. Been that way his entire adult life. He feels a bit of heat or steps in it, and he immediately flees to a friendly crowd at one of his pep rallies where he trots out the same tired slogans and desperately tries to come up with new ones that he and his team think will stick. It's all about creating distractions and keeping the base satiated with red meat. Save for his most ardent supporters, the rest of us are wise to this act. No matter how much he's coached, he can't help but go off script, and that's because, well..he's a moron. That worked against Hillary Clinton. It won't work this time around. If he has to stand up on a debate stage with Bernie Sanders (or anyone else besides Joe Biden), he's toast.

Is this another one of those “billionaires are stupid, I’m smarter than billionaires” sort of posts posted by someone who will soon post begging for free shit and commie-lite socialism?
Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses

As I'm typing a response to this, the phone rings (NH) and it's a message from Team Bernie. :) Too funny.
I'm not sure I'd make book on Bernie being the nominee. The election is a long way off and a lot can happen. I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Democrats will choose the "safe" option in Joe Biden (who will continue to stump the line that only he can beat Trump).

That being said, Trump better hope that Biden is the nominee and not Sanders. Because Joe Biden is the only candidate he stands a chance against in not looking like the inept policy fool he is when the time comes to debate. Anybody else (in the top and even middle tier) eats Trump for breakfast. While that wouldn't necessarily cost Trump re-election, it won't be a good look.
And what would those that would eat Trump for breakfast, run on? High taxes? Killing babies born and unborn? Taking away peoples rights? That is Socialism, does it sound great?

Said no Democrat..anywhere..anytime..but just keep parroting your definition of Socialism. It sounds like (Republican..conservative) same old, same old. Carry on.

WTF...where have you been? Pull your head from your ass.
That’s precisely the Mexicrat platform.
Champion abortion
Higher taxes for America’s best
Regulate the first and second amendments
Open southern border
More free shit for America’s filth and wetbacks
Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses

As I'm typing a response to this, the phone rings (NH) and it's a message from Team Bernie. :) Too funny.
I'm not sure I'd make book on Bernie being the nominee. The election is a long way off and a lot can happen. I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Democrats will choose the "safe" option in Joe Biden (who will continue to stump the line that only he can beat Trump).

That being said, Trump better hope that Biden is the nominee and not Sanders. Because Joe Biden is the only candidate he stands a chance against in not looking like the inept policy fool he is when the time comes to debate. Anybody else (in the top and even middle tier) eats Trump for breakfast. While that wouldn't necessarily cost Trump re-election, it won't be a good look.
Trump will have over three and a half years experience when the debates begin. He has been baptized. In fact he has been baptized for over 5 years or so by then. From my perspective this is all gravy. He gave us the time to rethink what we are doing. And the propaganda that has been seething to a boil for years now told to us by people who are the privileged. Living like royalty while throwing lie after lie to the people.

The problem with this assumption is that Trump has shown no ability to evolve and learn. He's a blunt instrument. Been that way his entire adult life. He feels a bit of heat or steps in it, and he immediately flees to a friendly crowd at one of his pep rallies where he trots out the same tired slogans and desperately tries to come up with new ones that he and his team think will stick. It's all about creating distractions and keeping the base satiated with red meat. Save for his most ardent supporters, the rest of us are wise to this act. No matter how much he's coached, he can't help but go off script, and that's because, well..he's a moron. That worked against Hillary Clinton. It won't work this time around. If he has to stand up on a debate stage with Bernie Sanders (or anyone else besides Joe Biden), he's toast.

Is this another one of those “billionaires are stupid, I’m smarter than billionaires” sort of posts posted by someone who will soon post begging for free shit and commie-lite socialism?

What??..I'm sorry, I've got nothing for pat alt-right responses. If you have something other than rightwing knee jerk responses, we can talk. Saving that..What???
The DNC will never go for Sanders as the nominee. And, to be honest, I don't think Bernie wants to be nominee either. He is doing this just for attention. Look back at 2016. He never went after Clinton in any meaningful way and barely reacted when evidence of the DNC fix came to light. He didn't act like someone that was passionate about winning the White House. He is 4 years older and recovering from a heart attack. I would say he missed his chance.

I see Sanders or Warren as the Trump's biggest blow out win chances. If either one of them get the nomination, it would be fair to say it just wasn't the Dems year. GOP went through it with Dole, McCain and Romney. Sometimes a good candidate ins't there, or isn't ready yet. Will Clinton eventually jump in?
Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses

As I'm typing a response to this, the phone rings (NH) and it's a message from Team Bernie. :) Too funny.
I'm not sure I'd make book on Bernie being the nominee. The election is a long way off and a lot can happen. I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Democrats will choose the "safe" option in Joe Biden (who will continue to stump the line that only he can beat Trump).

That being said, Trump better hope that Biden is the nominee and not Sanders. Because Joe Biden is the only candidate he stands a chance against in not looking like the inept policy fool he is when the time comes to debate. Anybody else (in the top and even middle tier) eats Trump for breakfast. While that wouldn't necessarily cost Trump re-election, it won't be a good look.
And what would those that would eat Trump for breakfast, run on? High taxes? Killing babies born and unborn? Taking away peoples rights? That is Socialism, does it sound great?

Said no Democrat..anywhere..anytime..but just keep parroting your definition of Socialism. It sounds like (Republican..conservative) same old, same old. Carry on.
How do you think the government is going to pay for "FREE" healthcare? Have to raise taxes....How do you control the population? Kill babies born and unborn...How do you prevent people from being able to stop the government take over of everything? Take away peoples rights.....You are dumber than I thought. You dont have a brain.....

Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses

As I'm typing a response to this, the phone rings (NH) and it's a message from Team Bernie. :) Too funny.
I'm not sure I'd make book on Bernie being the nominee. The election is a long way off and a lot can happen. I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Democrats will choose the "safe" option in Joe Biden (who will continue to stump the line that only he can beat Trump).

That being said, Trump better hope that Biden is the nominee and not Sanders. Because Joe Biden is the only candidate he stands a chance against in not looking like the inept policy fool he is when the time comes to debate. Anybody else (in the top and even middle tier) eats Trump for breakfast. While that wouldn't necessarily cost Trump re-election, it won't be a good look.
Trump will have over three and a half years experience when the debates begin. He has been baptized. In fact he has been baptized for over 5 years or so by then. From my perspective this is all gravy. He gave us the time to rethink what we are doing. And the propaganda that has been seething to a boil for years now told to us by people who are the privileged. Living like royalty while throwing lie after lie to the people.

The problem with this assumption is that Trump has shown no ability to evolve and learn. He's a blunt instrument. Been that way his entire adult life. He feels a bit of heat or steps in it, and he immediately flees to a friendly crowd at one of his pep rallies where he trots out the same tired slogans and desperately tries to come up with new ones that he and his team think will stick. It's all about creating distractions and keeping the base satiated with red meat. Save for his most ardent supporters, the rest of us are wise to this act. No matter how much he's coached, he can't help but go off script, and that's because, well..he's a moron. That worked against Hillary Clinton. It won't work this time around. If he has to stand up on a debate stage with Bernie Sanders (or anyone else besides Joe Biden), he's toast.
You know what? You're an idiot, President Trump has evolved into even greater a president than Ronald Reagan(who had to work with Tip the boozer O'Neil). That Lame Stream Media has you bamboozled that when the election is over, you will be just like this....again.

Same Memes, same GIFs..honestly, do you Trump supporters have anything new?

Diversion...can you provide proof that President Trump hasn't evolved?
1. No doubt many Dems feel that Senator Sanders was cheated out of the 2016 nomination.

2. It might be a good idea for the Dems to nominate Senator Sanders.

a. If he wins the November election, Dems will be ecstatic to see the ouster of President Trump.

b. If he loses, the Dems will realize that the American people are not yet ready for progressive (AKA socialistic) programs.

(Not to worry: in 1964, a conservative Republican was the nominee and was wiped out. Sixteen years later, a genial conservative named Ronald Reagan won handily. If the Dem progressives wait patiently, their time will come.)
Anyone found any of this “panic” the OP claims is going on?
Last time, the Dems ran a sick in the head witch in POOR HEALTH who was FAINTING and FALLING DOWN.....

This time, a 78 year old who just had a heart attack???

Do Democrats and Leftists ever learn anything????
Last time, the Dems ran a sick in the head witch in POOR HEALTH who was FAINTING and FALLING DOWN.....

This time, a 78 year old who just had a heart attack???

Do Democrats and Leftists ever learn anything????

She wasn't falling down because she was ill, she was falling down because she was drunk.
Biden in fourth place.
It is becoming more likely that Trump will face Bernie, who is no Hillary and who has strong support from Independents.
Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses
As Bernie surges to the lead in Iowa, where he won but was robbed by Crooked Hillary 4 years ago, Old Nancy Pelosi steps in with the fix:

While the chattering classes are wetting themselves over a single poll, party bigwigs are coalescing around Biden.

Last week we learned that Barack Obama and his former lieutenants

"worry that Sanders is crazy enough to win the Dem nomination, but too crazy to win the general election."
The only thing Team Obama doesn't have is a plan to actually stop him.

But, Nancy Pelosi does.

Comfortably Smug@ComfortablySmug

Bernie supporters:

Are you upset Nancy Pelosi has timed the meaningless impeachment trial to help Biden and keep Bernie in the senate, off the campaign trail in Iowa?

Or are you now used to the Dem establishment screwing Bernie and knew it would be rigged?

Pelosi has sucked much of the oxygen out of the room for challengers to Biden's frontrunner status. The rest of the establishment appears to be lining up behind Biden as well. John Kerry -- about as Establishment as it gets, and an early Biden backer -- just blasted Sanders for "distorting" Biden's record on Iraq. Democrat Congressman Descending Colin Allred just became the tenth member of the Congressional Black Caucus to endorse Biden. Biden also just scored endorsements from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, and Iowa Rep. Finkenauer, whose district encompasses the kind of blue-collar voters the eventual Dem nominee will need to win back from Trump in November.

News items like those might be why Froma Harrop wrote earlier today that "‘Energizer Bunny’ Biden is spooking the left." Progressive Dems want Most Anyone But Biden.

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