Panetta says Israel will strike Iran in March, April or May

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Panetta says Israel could strike Iran in spring: report - Yahoo! News

The Post columnist said Panetta "believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June before Iran enters what Israelis described as a 'zone of immunity' to commence building a nuclear bomb."

President Barack Obama and Panetta are "said to have cautioned the Israelis that the United States opposes an attack, believing that it would derail an increasingly successful international economic sanctions program and other non-military efforts to stop Iran from crossing the threshold," he said.

"But the White House hasn’t yet decided precisely how the United States would respond if the Israelis do attack."

Panetta said Sunday in an interview with CBS that Iran needed "about a year" to produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, and one or two more years to "put it on a deliverable vehicle."

Israel debate on Iran strike gains urgency -

What the past week has shown, however, is that leaders in Iran, Israel and the US are approaching these decisions with a growing sense of urgency. As Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, said earlier this week: Time is not simply running out –it is “urgently running out”.

Mr Barak turned up the rhetorical heat even further in a speech at the Herzliya security conference on Thursday night. Highlighting an increasingly important concern for Israel, he said Iran’s nuclear programme was fast becoming immune to military attack.

Israel’s worry is that Iran is moving more and more elements of its nuclear project into bunkers and underground facilities that will be difficult, if not impossible, to destroy. This development effectively creates a second ticking clock that is unrelated to Iran’s progress towards nuclear capability. Dealing with the programme “later”, Mr Barak said, “may be too late”.

It appears as if things are coming to a head. I can't presume to understand the threat that Israel is under but whatever happens I hope to god that we aren't drawn into another full fledged war. Politics aside this could be devastating for all parties involved. A strike on Iran will have a world wide economic impact.
No more WMD ghosts. If this is coming they better have ROCK SOLID evidence that Iran is working on bombs. Keep in mind it has been reported that Iran is working on a long range delivery vehicle and just today they had a successful launch of a rocket into space reportedly to deliver a satellite.

Everyone is rattling their weapons feverishly. Doesn't look good.
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[ame=]President Obama Discusses Israel, Iran, 9 And Tiger Woods W - YouTube[/ame]

In this video Obama says a nuclear Iran would be a significant problem for our national security.
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Sometime in March, April or May? That reminds me of when Donald Rumsfeld said the WMD's were over here, or over there or someplace in between (to paraphrase).
I love the preciseness of our Secretary's of Defense.:lol:

I think I was off by a month but yeah, I get your point. I'm willing to bet Israel already has the plans and date set and the only thing between it happening or not is our interference. It sounds like the Obama administration are trying to stop the dogs of war. But that could just be the public face. Who the hell knows. Honestly I can't believe Leon even made this statement publicly.
Sometime in March, April or May? That reminds me of when Donald Rumsfeld said the WMD's were over here, or over there or someplace in between (to paraphrase).
I love the preciseness of our Secretary's of Defense.:lol:
Clinton and other Democrats also said similiar things. Do you have a point here or are you being partisan?

No I'm not being partisan, how could my comment be partisan, I included both parties! Last time I check, Rumsfeld was a Republican and Panetta was a Dem. I think I got it covered.:eusa_angel:
They have to pass over Iraqi air spaceand also either Jordan or Saudi air space so we would know what was going on seconds after it started.
They will most likely do with 3 or 4 different routes with their F16Is which have extended fuel tanks with many types of Python missles.
But what folks do not know is that Isreal has extensive investments in electronic warfare. Attacking Iran's electric grid, cellphone network and emergency frequencies of all kinds including police and firemen is first on the list.
They attacked alKibar in 07 and Syria got a taste of that as the Isreali electronics spooked the entire country's radar system and jammed it solid.
Of course our Joint Command Warfare Analysis Center first discovered weaknesses in Iran's grid systems years ago and the plausible deniability response has been canned with it.
Expect that canned speech from our Secretary of State after the attack.
We are in from start to finish. Why shouldn't we?
Panetta says Israel will strike Iran in March, April or May

or...maybe June, July or August. "Where are those damned Americans?"

F' Iran!
My personal opinion is that when Israel attacks them they will get amazingly stupid and attack US interests. Now what Obama does is the question.

I almost wish Israel would just nuke their important nuke production sites.
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Our message to Isreal should be crystal clear....We stand with you !!
Brzezinski is being interviewed right now on MSNBC. Nice to see an intelligent source discuss this.
Panetta says Israel could strike Iran in spring: report - Yahoo! News

The Post columnist said Panetta "believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June before Iran enters what Israelis described as a 'zone of immunity' to commence building a nuclear bomb."

President Barack Obama and Panetta are "said to have cautioned the Israelis that the United States opposes an attack, believing that it would derail an increasingly successful international economic sanctions program and other non-military efforts to stop Iran from crossing the threshold," he said.

"But the White House hasn’t yet decided precisely how the United States would respond if the Israelis do attack."

Panetta said Sunday in an interview with CBS that Iran needed "about a year" to produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, and one or two more years to "put it on a deliverable vehicle."

Israel debate on Iran strike gains urgency -

What the past week has shown, however, is that leaders in Iran, Israel and the US are approaching these decisions with a growing sense of urgency. As Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, said earlier this week: Time is not simply running out –it is “urgently running out”.

Mr Barak turned up the rhetorical heat even further in a speech at the Herzliya security conference on Thursday night. Highlighting an increasingly important concern for Israel, he said Iran’s nuclear programme was fast becoming immune to military attack.

Israel’s worry is that Iran is moving more and more elements of its nuclear project into bunkers and underground facilities that will be difficult, if not impossible, to destroy. This development effectively creates a second ticking clock that is unrelated to Iran’s progress towards nuclear capability. Dealing with the programme “later”, Mr Barak said, “may be too late”.

It appears as if things are coming to a head. I can't presume to understand the threat that Israel is under but whatever happens I hope to god that we aren't drawn into another full fledged war. Politics aside this could be devastating for all parties involved. A strike on Iran will have a world wide economic impact.
No more WMD ghosts. If this is coming they better have ROCK SOLID evidence that Iran is working on bombs. Keep in mind it has been reported that Iran is working on a long range delivery vehicle and just today they had a successful launch of a rocket into space reportedly to deliver a satellite.

Everyone is rattling their weapons feverishly. Doesn't look good.

Comment: Panetta has sold his soul to the globalists, or you could say the devil himself, thats who the people he works for sold out to a long time ago. Look how he licks his lips.

I grew up around this evil man, he came to my High school, when I was 16. He is a globalist stooge, gaining a mountain of rust for his soul. He hates the USA, but loves himself and he has a job to do.
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