Panera Bans Guns, then They Get a Mass Killing; coincidence?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Strange, the homicidal maniac didnt give a shit what Panera's CEO wanted. Imagine that.

Despite Policy Banning All Guns, Shooting at Panera Bread Leaves Two Police Officers Dead

On February 10th, two Harford County sheriff’s deputies were killed in a shootout with 67-year-old David Brian Evans at a Panera Bread location in Abingdon, Maryland.

Prior to the deadly shooting, Panera CEO Shaich had made the announcement that guns weren’t allowed in any of the country’s 1,800 Panera Bread locations:

“Within our company, we strive to create Panera Warmth. This warmth means bakery-cafes where customers and associates feel comfortable and welcome. To this end, we ask that guns not be brought into this environment unless carried by an authorized law enforcement officer.

Panera respects the rights of gun owners, but asks our customers to help preserve the environment we are working to create for our guests and associates.”
Interesting that the cops--who were armed, yes?--couldn't stop him either. Are you saying armed civilians might have done better? I may have missed something--it wasn't a very detailed article.
Another situation where someone with a concealed gun COULD have potentially lessened the attack.
I just don't think this is one of the stronger examples of a concealed weapon stopping the carnage. Since the cops who were killed had weapons and they couldn't react fast enough to stop him, it's not likely a helpful, armed citizen could have, either. That's my only point. Why did this guy only kill the two cops? Was it personal? Or did they kill him before they died?
Why did this guy only kill the two cops? Was it personal? Or did they kill him before they died?

Article I googled said the guy was a vagrant, known to the cops, had been arrested prior for assaulting a police officer in another state. the first sheriff was actually sitting beside the guy in Paneras when the guy produced a gun and shot the cop in the head. the vagrant went out a door and started running. Additional police arrived. they started tracking where the guy ran, the vagrant shot the second cop then two more cops arrived and they shot and killed the vagrant.

And there wasnt a damned thing anyone in Paneras could have done. Unless they wanted to chase the guy out the door, which would have resulted in them being shot by pissed off cops. Some civilian running around with a gun would get shot.

SO where does a vagrant get a gun nowadays. Or can a vagrant be denied buying a gun? I would imagine they could buy a gun. Living on the street when you have a mental illness is tough.
A gun will make you feel better.

But you can be sure one of the dead cops relatives is wondering the same thing. How in the hell did this guy get a gun?
Interesting that the cops--who were armed, yes?--couldn't stop him either. Are you saying armed civilians might have done better? I may have missed something--it wasn't a very detailed article.

and had the police not been there....and the guy had targeted people without guns.....more people would have been killed...but the idiot picked a fight with 2 men who could shoot back.....

This guy...did he target the police or was he just dumb and targeted the only gun free zone with police in it?
Why did this guy only kill the two cops? Was it personal? Or did they kill him before they died?

Article I googled said the guy was a vagrant, known to the cops, had been arrested prior for assaulting a police officer in another state. the first sheriff was actually sitting beside the guy in Paneras when the guy produced a gun and shot the cop in the head. the vagrant went out a door and started running. Additional police arrived. they started tracking where the guy ran, the vagrant shot the second cop then two more cops arrived and they shot and killed the vagrant.

And there wasnt a damned thing anyone in Paneras could have done. Unless they wanted to chase the guy out the door, which would have resulted in them being shot by pissed off cops. Some civilian running around with a gun would get shot.

SO where does a vagrant get a gun nowadays. Or can a vagrant be denied buying a gun? I would imagine they could buy a gun. Living on the street when you have a mental illness is tough.
A gun will make you feel better.

But you can be sure one of the dead cops relatives is wondering the same thing. How in the hell did this guy get a gun?

So....he did not target the people in the shop....and ran out.......this does not support your case....

Had he started shooting at people in the shop, an armed citizen could have stopped him, as has happened in other cases. This guy killed the cop in a surprise attack and fled the scene.....

Do you think he went through a background check? Would he have registered his gun? Would he have taken the classes to get a concealed carry permit?

Name one gun law this guy didn't one gun law that would have stopped this shooting....
Did this guy have a previous criminal record? It sounds like he assaulted a police officer before so would have been legally prohibited from owning that gun in the first place...another win for your gun control laws...

But.....your gun control laws did actually work....not one, normal, law abiding gun owner carried their gun into Panera that day....

Win win for you guys..right?
A little tough showing your physical address as 50' from the Panera dumpster on the purchase permit....

... then how do you process the 5,500 recyclable cans?
"Panera Bans Guns, then They Get a Mass Killing; coincidence?"

No, just rightwing ignorance and stupidity.

There is no objective, documented, accepted, credible evidence that citizens carrying firearms acts as a 'deterrent' to gun crime – or crime in general.

The Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to carry firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense, not to act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'

Lawful self-defense is just that: defending oneself – not defending a private business owner or his property.

And the notion of private businesses 'banning' guns is idiocy, as citizens may carry concealed firearms consistent with their state's laws, where the business owner has no idea who is or is not carrying a firearm – that's the very definition of carrying a concealed firearm, that no one knows you're armed.
Name one gun law this guy didn't one gun law that would have stopped this shooting....

You are a real wack job dude. Gun nutter to the extreme.
So where did he get the gun? Did he manufactuer it? Probably not. Do he buy it at a gun shop? You should hope not. Did he steal it from an irresponsible gun owner who left it in their unlocked car? Could have. Did he do a B&E and steal it? Could have. Did he buy it from some gun dealing sleaze ball who thought that a vagrant should have a gun just like everybody else? Maybe.

But there is no doubt that he had a gun from somewhere.

And you do your gun nuttiness no favors by not wanting to find out where he got the gun and keeping other whackos from getting a gun in the same manner.
2n A. You are scared to death you will be attacked somewhere or anywhere, but let someone post a no guns allowed sign and you are pissing all over yourself.

Do you fucking know what concealed carry IS? Its where you conceal your damn gun. How is any shop owner to know you are carrying a gun if it is CONCEALED.

And if somehow the store or shop owner sees you have a gun and asks you to leave; so the fuck what?

Which is more important; your gun and your life or that Panera sandwich you were wolfing down. Hell get it (your sandwich) in a to go box.
Name one gun law this guy didn't one gun law that would have stopped this shooting....

You are a real wack job dude. Gun nutter to the extreme.
So where did he get the gun? Did he manufactuer it? Probably not. Do he buy it at a gun shop? You should hope not. Did he steal it from an irresponsible gun owner who left it in their unlocked car? Could have. Did he do a B&E and steal it? Could have. Did he buy it from some gun dealing sleaze ball who thought that a vagrant should have a gun just like everybody else? Maybe.

But there is no doubt that he had a gun from somewhere.

And you do your gun nuttiness no favors by not wanting to find out where he got the gun and keeping other whackos from getting a gun in the same manner.

Who said any of that...only you....

Did any gun law proposed by you or the other anti gun loons...would they have stopped this guy?

Did Panera posting their gun free zone sign stop this shooting?

Did the gun free zone sign work....? Yes, not one normal, law abiding gun owner had a gun in that shop that day...of course the illegal gun carrier, killer, did bring his illegally owned and carried gun into their gun free did that sign work?

How do you know a car is hard is is to break into a car....?

And because of anti gun nuts like you who create gun free zones out of every public space, there are guns locked in cars because anti gun loons like you force the normal, law abiding gun owners to take them off of their person and keep them in their cars....rather than in the holsters on their hips where they belong...

So if a gun is stolen out of a car...that is your fault...for creating so many gun free zones that normal gun owners have to disarm just to enter them.......

Your gun free zone policy leads to more stolen guns and more deaths by mass public shooters....
2n A. You are scared to death you will be attacked somewhere or anywhere, but let someone post a no guns allowed sign and you are pissing all over yourself.

Do you fucking know what concealed carry IS? Its where you conceal your damn gun. How is any shop owner to know you are carrying a gun if it is CONCEALED.

And if somehow the store or shop owner sees you have a gun and asks you to leave; so the fuck what?

Which is more important; your gun and your life or that Panera sandwich you were wolfing down. Hell get it (your sandwich) in a to go box. my state carrying a gun into a store that has posted a gun free zone sign is a class b no, I won't carry a gun into a store with a gun free zone sign....

Criminals are more than willing to do that, but not me...I obey the law...they don't....

I am not pissing on myself...but did that gun free zone sign stop that shooting of the police officer twit?

Again....pleases answer...

Did that gun free zone save that officers life?
Did that gun free zone save that officers life?


If 100% of the people in Paneras was carrying their concealed weapon that day, would it have saved this cops life from a surprise attack.

Answer that question if you will.
Name one gun law this guy didn't one gun law that would have stopped this shooting....

You are a real wack job dude. Gun nutter to the extreme.
So where did he get the gun? Did he manufactuer it? Probably not. Do he buy it at a gun shop? You should hope not. Did he steal it from an irresponsible gun owner who left it in their unlocked car? Could have. Did he do a B&E and steal it? Could have. Did he buy it from some gun dealing sleaze ball who thought that a vagrant should have a gun just like everybody else? Maybe.

But there is no doubt that he had a gun from somewhere.

And you do your gun nuttiness no favors by not wanting to find out where he got the gun and keeping other whackos from getting a gun in the same manner.

So twit.....

If this guy assaulted a police officer in the past, odds are he is a convicted criminal and it is illegal for him to own or carry that gun....

Did he go through a background check to get the gun? Did that background check law stop him from getting the gun?

Did he go through mandatory training to carry that gun? Was it legal for him to carry the gun in the first place?

Did he or would he, register that gun if they have a registration system?

Do you realize that if he is a convicted felon and has an illegal gun, by law he does not have to register that illegal gun....see Haynes v. United States.....

Only normal, law abiding gun owners will have to register their guns...does that make any sense to you?


Did the gun free zone keep that police officer from being murdered by the criminal with the illegal gun?
Did that gun free zone save that officers life?


If 100% of the people in Paneras was carrying their concealed weapon that day, would it have saved this cops life from a surprise attack.

Answer that question if you will.

Nope....but if he had turned the gun on the rest of the restaurant, or came in when the police weren't there, then no one would have been able to stop him........right?

Since he would be the only one in the Panera with a gun...right?
"Panera Bans Guns, then They Get a Mass Killing; coincidence?"

No, just rightwing ignorance and stupidity.

There is no objective, documented, accepted, credible evidence that citizens carrying firearms acts as a 'deterrent' to gun crime – or crime in general.

The Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to carry firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense, not to act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'

Lawful self-defense is just that: defending oneself – not defending a private business owner or his property.

And the notion of private businesses 'banning' guns is idiocy, as citizens may carry concealed firearms consistent with their state's laws, where the business owner has no idea who is or is not carrying a firearm – that's the very definition of carrying a concealed firearm, that no one knows you're armed.

You are wrong...I have posted the studies that show that allowing concealed carry helps to lower the violent crime ignore them.....and pretend they don't exist...

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