Panera: A Lesson in the Failure of Socialism

all we really need to know, is that the right wing is full of fallacy and it is not one of those, twice a day moments.
danny you find ellis island in the Arizona desert yet?...
harry, you find an immigration clause in our Constitution, yet?
i dont need a clause danny i know were ellis island is.....if you want to live here do it legally....
what do you mean by legally? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
all we really need to know, is that the right wing is full of fallacy and it is not one of those, twice a day moments.
danny you find ellis island in the Arizona desert yet?...
harry, you find an immigration clause in our Constitution, yet?
i dont need a clause danny i know were ellis island is.....if you want to live here do it legally....
what do you mean by legally? there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
A – The word “immigration” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or any of its Amendments. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 does read, “… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, …”. The 14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…” which extended citizenship through the States to the former slaves. The rules of immigration were reserved to the States through the 10th Amendment until the first Federal law was enacted in 1875. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling.
What the fuck is wrong with you people...a private company cannot commit a socialist act.

You sheep have made the word meaningless by giving it 50 million different meanings.

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What the fuck is wrong with you people...a private company cannot commit a socialist act.

You sheep have made the word meaningless by giving it 50 million different meanings.

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You must have extremely tiny feet pal.
You're dancing to the head of a pin. HAAA HAAAAA
In their OWN literature they continually refer to their wet dream as "Socialist"
Ask the thousands of former business owners in Seattle who were ORDERED by law to pay $15.00 an hour to their employees.
Ask the former employees at Panera what they think about a Socialist business.
You're a fucking FOOL!
What the fuck is wrong with you people...a private company cannot commit a socialist act.

You sheep have made the word meaningless by giving it 50 million different meanings.

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You must have extremely tiny feet pal.
You're dancing to the head of a pin. HAAA HAAAAA
In their OWN literature they continually refer to their wet dream as "Socialist"
Ask the thousands of former business owners in Seattle who were ORDERED by law to pay $15.00 an hour to their employees.
Ask the former employees at Panera what they think about a Socialist business.
You're a fucking FOOL!

One more time for the braindead sheep....I private company cannon engage in socialism.

There is no such thing as a private company in socialism, you might as well be talking about a baseball player scoring a touchdown.

Do yourself, and us a favor, go back to school, get your GED and learn what the hell socialism is, for the love of all that is good and holy...
That's right another Socialist wet dream just cost all of Panera's employees their jobs.
AOC will be proud!
Panera Bread's Socialist 'Pay What You Want' Experiment Fails Miserably

Gator's right.. It's not socialist. It's just plain dumb and ignorant... From the article,

The chain opened its first donation-based community cafe in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2010. Under the model championed by the company’s founder Ron Shaich, the restaurant operated like a typical Panera, but offered meals at a suggested donation price, with the goal of raising awareness about food insecurity. “In many ways, this whole experiment is ultimately a test of humanity,” Shaich said in a TEDx talk later that year. “Would people pay for it? Would people come in and value it?” It appears the answer is a resounding no.

THAT was the experiment. It had a "suggested donation price" attached to menu. They took their "socially conscious" experiment TOO FAR with "pay what you want"...

Because prices are a contract between a buyer/seller determined by the "market value" of that good/service. You can't fuck with that either as a govt or company without some form of coercion.. Even Panera knew that. They depended on the customer to set the price and the customer doesn't CARE about the company's altruism or intent or health..

All those loaves of bread should have just been donated to food banks and the poor. In a manner consistent with their "good will" and intent...

I err on the side of "trusting humanity", but I still lock my car and house...
Moral of the story... Leftists need to test themselves. Like the Cali Choo Choo to Nowhere or Panera's "quest for the honest person"... Because they simply refuse to accept the science of how thing work..

It's stunts their mellow.. LOL... HOPEFULLY -- it doesn't cost US for their continuing "touching the hot stove" method of finding truth... Like 90Trill for a recycled Green Deal from a gal that was serving plates at a diner last year...
That's right another Socialist wet dream just cost all of Panera's employees their jobs.
AOC will be proud!
Panera Bread's Socialist 'Pay What You Want' Experiment Fails Miserably

Gator's right.. It's not socialist. It's just plain dumb and ignorant... From the article,

The chain opened its first donation-based community cafe in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2010. Under the model championed by the company’s founder Ron Shaich, the restaurant operated like a typical Panera, but offered meals at a suggested donation price, with the goal of raising awareness about food insecurity. “In many ways, this whole experiment is ultimately a test of humanity,” Shaich said in a TEDx talk later that year. “Would people pay for it? Would people come in and value it?” It appears the answer is a resounding no.

THAT was the experiment. It had a "suggested donation price" attached to menu. They took their "socially conscious" experiment TOO FAR with "pay what you want"...

Because prices are a contract between a buyer/seller determined by the "market value" of that good/service. You can't fuck with that either as a govt or company without some form of coercion.. Even Panera knew that. They depended on the customer to set the price and the customer doesn't CARE about the company's altruism or intent or health..

All those loaves of bread should have just been donated to food banks and the poor. In a manner consistent with their "good will" and intent...

I err on the side of "trusting humanity", but I still lock my car and house...
The 'pay what you want' socialist wet dream wasn't only about bread. It was ENTIRE MEALS!!!!!!!!
Those meals were NOT going to end up at food banks.
What a wonderful phrase: "They took their socially conscious experiment too far". HAAA HAAAAA. It sounds like what a fucking Socialist tenured professor would say to their class. HAAA HAAAAA!
HEY!!! How about AOC's new luxury apartment?
Is it true that Bernie Sanders is moving in next door?
Hmmm, a company with a market cap of over $7 billion knows nothing about capitalism!

Panera Bread Co Market Cap (M) (PNRA)
where did I say they did not know about capitalism?

my claim is that their socialist/social justice experiment failed miserably

and it did; care to take a shot at proving me wrong :dunno:
Well, it did last six years, which is saying something.

It's too bad people weren't decent about this and left the "free" meals to the people who truly couldn't afford them. I think if Panera tried, it could think of another way to feed the homeless.
Hmmm, a company with a market cap of over $7 billion knows nothing about capitalism!

Panera Bread Co Market Cap (M) (PNRA)
where did I say they did not know about capitalism?

my claim is that their socialist/social justice experiment failed miserably

and it did; care to take a shot at proving me wrong :dunno:
Well, it did last six years, which is saying something.

It's too bad people weren't decent about this and left the "free" meals to the people who truly couldn't afford them. I think if Panera tried, it could think of another way to feed the homeless.

Yup, it's saying you can only prop up a business for so long before you decide it was a stupid idea to begin with.
where did I say they did not know about capitalism?

my claim is that their socialist/social justice experiment failed miserably

and it did; care to take a shot at proving me wrong :dunno:

It lasted six years .
More importantly, most business fail w/i 5 years, and are expected to do so.

We don't know what other market forces caused this to happen.

Straight capitalism has failures non-stop, but you don't see the OP citing those as a failure of that system.

This is a miserably failed thread.


It's not all market forces

Many times it's because the people who start a business can't run one
you mean to tell me that a company cannot survive or afford to employ people if they give stuff away?

wow, what a surprise, Bernie and his protege AOC will NOT be happy...


Panera is ending its pay-what-you-want experiment, will close last such store

There's no such thing as a free lunch anymore at Panera.

The sandwich chain will close its last pay-what-you-can location next week after determining the model wasn't sustainable. It's already shut the other free-meals cafes around the country, including locations in Chicago; Clayton, Mo.; Portland, Ore.; and Dearborn, Mich., and its Boston concept will close its doors Feb. 15 after a six-year run.

The original idea was to allow customers to give a suggested donation for their food in a bid to raise awareness about hunger across the U.S. The funds collected were supposed to cover the store's operating costs while also paying for those who couldn't afford their food.

"Despite our commitment to this mission, it's become clear that continued operation of the Boston Panera Cares is no longer viable," Panera Bread said in an emailed statement.


At its peak, Panera Cares operated five locations, including ones in Dearborn, Michigan; Portland, Oregon; Boston, and Chicago. Each restaurant was designed to sustain itself, but the restaurants weren’t financially viable. The Portland-based Panera Cares was reportedly only recouping between 60 and 70 percent of its total costs. The losses were attributed students who “mobbed” the restaurant and ate without paying, as well as homeless patrons who visited the restaurant for every meal of the week. The location eventually limited the homeless to “a few meals a week.”

Government solves all problems not the private sector.

More efficient market operations would have occurred and that venture could have relied on more market based metrics.

By solving for simple poverty through a market friendly operation concerning compensation for the market based phenomena of a natural rate of unemployment;

All adult patrons should have had an income; the law of large number would provide the better metrics for profit optimization.

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