PALIN not invited to McCain funeral

I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

Or reminded of the Keating 5, or reminded of the 2008 election, or reminded of his endless warmongering or reminded of the veterans at the Arizona VA that he threw under the bus, etc.......................

I didn't always agree with McCain and not sure about all of your accusations, but Trump has a list a hell of a lot longer than that in just 3 years.
McCain was in office for over 30.
Just let that soak in.

McCain should have gone to jail for the Keating 5 scandal, and throwing veterans under the bus after doctors at the VA reached out to him, only to get fired, is inexcusable and beyond evil.

Please tell me what Trump has done that is remotely comparable?
Does this say something more about Palin or McCain...discuss...

Sarah had EVERY opportunity to become a player. She could have gone home, finished her term, worked her tail off for her state, head down, learn, learn learn, boost her bonafides and in 4 or 6 years, still young, could have come back to the public stage. She could have been taken seriously and maybe built a legitimate political career on her own.. She chose to take the fast easy buck and ride her fame till she CHEAPENED herself so much, she became a LAUGHING STOCK.

Absolutely no one to blame but herself--not even TINA FEY!
She couldn't finish her term. Liberals had filed dozens of lawsuits agsinst her and tied ip her staff with knee deep paperwork. One of the lawsuits was over a visible label on a jacket she wore. Another involved a thank you note to the woman that did her hair. For the good of the state she stepped down.
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Yup they can trash a woman , bring her down and this is what so upsets the left about Trump, no matter what they try they can't do squat
Never let a tragedy go to waste eh Lefties? You are certainly getting your political moneys worth out of John McCain's death.

Imagine if BIDEN wasn't invited to Obama's funeral or vice versa. Wouldn't be enough thread space.

Who the F are you kidding here?

Humm. Interesting. McCain himself never once BAD-MOUTHED Sarah Palin. He kept his thoughts to himself. He knew he threw her into the deep end of the pool BUT after the election SHE chose to quit her 'job, flaunt her white trash, make a fast buck mentality and morality out on to the public stage. She dragged her ever willing 'reality TV' family of hypocritical morals and low IQ behind her. McCain still never said a word!

Anyway, she isn't 'invited'. I'm sure she could attend the burial at Annapolis as the grounds are public. I'll assume she has better sense than to do that.

Sarah Palin is not invited to John McCain’s funeral: report


29 AUG 2018 AT 14:55 ET

John McCain.

MSNBC booking director Jesse Rodriguez tweeted Wednesday that NBC White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell learned that Palin was not invited to McCain’s memorial.

Sarah Palin is not invited to John McCain's funeral: report
Who gives a shit about spineless McCain
Does this say something more about Palin or McCain...discuss...
I don't know exactly how things were between the two of them, but don't forget that the family is to be considered too. I lost a cousin seven years ago and she didn't want to be cremated, but that is what was done with her body anyway.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. She didn't want to be cheated on by her husband of 40 years after being diagnosed with cancer either, but he went and jumped ship on her anyways too.
Does this say something more about Palin or McCain...discuss...

Sarah had EVERY opportunity to become a player. She could have gone home, finished her term, worked her tail off for her state, head down, learn, learn learn, boost her bonafides and in 4 or 6 years, still young, could have come back to the public stage. She could have been taken seriously and maybe built a legitimate political career on her own.. She chose to take the fast easy buck and ride her fame till she CHEAPENED herself so much, she became a LAUGHING STOCK.

Absolutely no one to blame but herself--not even TINA FEY!

She didn't have to learn, learn, learn. She did well on the campaign trail in 2008. However the McCain team was incompetent. If you lo9ok at the full interview with Gibson, she did very well when you look at the unedited version of the interview. Also Gibson was wrong when he accused her of getting Bush's Iraq policy wrong. She espoused one policy and Gibson espoused another. They both were right and Gibson falsely accused her mis-stating it. The only real mistake she made was the Couric interview.

Also there was no way she was going to finish out her term. The Democrats found a loophole in the ethics law. Normally when a ethics complaint is filed and you are exonerated, the state pays the legal bills. That was true in Alaska except for the Governor and Lt Governor. Ethics complaint after ethics complaint was filed against her and despite her being exonerated, she was stuck with $500,000 in legal bills.

Another thing was clear. She had taken a beating in 2008 and it had a effect. When she talked about running and it was months and years away, she came across as cool and collected. When she did Greta Van Sustren's show on Fox in October of 2011, it was a different Palin. She was clearly rattled and made silly statements. Unfortunately it was clear that deep down she did not want to run. I saw the same pattern in 2016 except this time she did not even have the courage to say she didn't want to run. Since she endorsed Trump, she hasn't made any sense. The only sign of the old Palin was when she correctly called the Carrier deal crony capitalism.

Worth noting that McCain was in big trouble in 2010 in the Republican primary. He was facing a more conservative candidate who had been endorsed by every other conservative. Palin endorsed and went to Arizona to campaign for McCain. I don't know what McCain's state of mind has been during the last few months but it is chintzy or McCain was being influenced by others around him.
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.

Well, is Elisabeth Warren alright with you? We just want to make sure that she meets your approval, as a woman, of course.
So you're saying McCain had an enemies list, only to be read upon his death?

Doesn't get much more petty than that.

That would be rather odd. Every funeral I've ever been to was a place where disagreeing family members came together, not driven further apart.
Does this say something more about Palin or McCain...discuss...

But McCain is dead. Did he make or approve a list of invitees before he died? It's possible. But man, if I'm dying I don't want to waste time on crap like that.
It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.

Well, is Elisabeth Warren alright with you? We just want to make sure that she meets your approval, as a woman, of course.

By me? No, I don't like her politics.

I'll save you some time kid, you'd be hard pressed to find a woman I'd vote into the WH, I can't think of one off hand. Problem is that I'm a capitalist and most of the capitalist leaning women of legal age are too busy spending their hard fought and earned retirement with their family to risk dallying in politics - and subsequently having their entire lives destroyed by leftists.
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

That's proof? There for a while in Obama's term their was only two female govenors that we're Democrat and four that we're conservatives..

You guys claim to love women yet the proof is in the pudding, same goes for blacks how many black senetors were their? ( I am still amazed at how few)

I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

That's proof? There for a while in Obama's term their was only two female govenors that we're Democrat and four that we're conservatives..

You guys claim to love women yet the proof is in the pudding, same goes for blacks how many black senetors were their? ( I am still amazed at how few)


It's not all that dreadful, Bear. 1 in 5 in the house and senate are racial or ethnic minorities. 20 of the 59 new members are racial or ethnic minorities. That's more than the 114th congress. They were just 11 of 71 new members.

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