Palestinians simply doing what Jihadist terrorists have been doing for 1400 years


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Why is the world surprised at these subhuman Palestinian terrorist animals raping and mutilating little girls? Taking sex slaves is permitted in Jihad. You anre guaranteed to get into heaven with the 72 virgins, no matter what, if you are doing Jihad in the name of Islam.

Even today, Arab Muslims are kidnapping and raping Sudanese women for the same reason. This has been going on since Mohammad appeared on the world scene.

Why is the world surprised at these subhuman Palestinian terrorist animals raping and mutilating little girls? Taking sex slaves is permitted in Jihad. You anre guaranteed to get into heaven with the 72 virgins, no matter what, if you are doing Jihad in the name of Islam.

Even today, Arab Muslims are kidnapping and raping Sudanese women for the same reason. This has been going on since Mohammad appeared on the world scene.

Something is happening in Sudan, that's why it's acceptable for Israel to commit a holocaust against Palestinians. Logical.
Something is happening in Sudan, that's why it's acceptable for Israel to commit a holocaust against Palestinians. Logical.
You sound like that idiot Ilhan Omar, “some people did some something on 9-11”. No you moron, what’s happening in Sudan is Arab Muslims Jihading which is another name for genocide and ethnic cleansing of non Muslims, just like they are doing in Israel. The modus operandi is the same, kidnapping and raping of women and screaming Allah Akbar while doing it.
How about you move? If Palestine is all you care about.

I care about America.

I did not cheer when Israel murdered ship and crew USS Liberty, YOU DID.

I did not cheer when Israel did 911 and hate hoaxed it to AQ, YOU DID.

I did not cheer when Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ, YOU DID.


Why is the world surprised at these subhuman Palestinian terrorist animals raping and mutilating little girls? Taking sex slaves is permitted in Jihad. You anre guaranteed to get into heaven with the 72 virgins, no matter what, if you are doing Jihad in the name of Islam.

Even today, Arab Muslims are kidnapping and raping Sudanese women for the same reason. This has been going on since Mohammad appeared on the world scene.

Palestinians are not terrorists. The Israelis are.
We, the UNITED STATES, had NO PROBLEM in the Middle East prior to 1948,


Barbary Wars, 1801–1805 and 1815–1816

From your link...

The Barbary States were a collection of North African states

We are talking about the land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua, not north Africa, but given your failures in science, it is not at all surprising you flunked geography too...
From your link...

The Barbary States were a collection of North African states

We are talking about the land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua, not north Africa, but given your failures in science, it is not at all surprising you flunked geography too...

Libya is part of the Middle East you silly twat.

First Muslim Elected in Delaware Disrupts VP’s Christmas Party, Shouts, “Baby Jesus Under Rubble”

The enemies of America are inside the house.

December 15, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield


Elect enemies, get enmity.
Vice President Kamala Harris was momentarily shouted down by a Democratic state lawmaker as she gave remarks during a holiday party at her home on Monday.
Harris, 59, was in the middle of her speech when Delaware state Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (D) unfurled a sign that read “ceasefire” and began shouting at the vice president.
“Madam Vice President, I am a rep from Delaware. Did you know in Bethlehem they are not celebrating Christmas? Did you know in Bethlehem, baby Jesus is under rubble? Why won’t you call for a cease-fire?” Wilson-Anton
Wilson-Anton has served in the Delaware House of Representatives since 2021 and became the first Muslim elected official in the state after winning her 2020 race by more than 40 points.
“Christmas is cancelled in Bethlehem,” Wilson-Anton wrote on X after interrupting the vice president.
Bethlehem is in the West Bank, not Gaza, and it’s Islamic occupation that has pushed Christians out of Bethlehem. As a Muslim, Rep. Wilson-Anton only seems to care about Christians when she can exploit them to attack Jews in support of Islamic terrorists.
But it’s not like pro-Hamas ceasefire propaganda ever makes much sense. And Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton’s feed has been non-stop propaganda since the Oct 7 Hamas attack on Israel.
Rep. Wilson-Anton responded to that attack by posting that, “so long as a government refuses to respect the existence of a people it should expect resistance”.
None of this could be too surprising. Wilson-Anton had been involved with the antisemitic Students for Justice in Palestine hate group and assorted anti-Israel organizations. Few were paying attention when she ran for office in a tiny state, but that’s also how Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib got their start. What happens in Delaware or in state legislatures doesn’t stay there.
The enemies of America and the Judeo-Christian tradition are in the house and not just the Delaware State House.

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