Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

See? And this is where you once again descend into irrationality which seems to stem from your need to claim Israel as evil and Arab Palestinians universally innocent.
I don't need to claim Israel as evil, I have no choice but to conclude that. Who the fuck shoots at people fishing? I also have videos of them shooting at people farming.

We know rockets and mortars are being smuggled into Gaza, or being made in Gaza.
So what. They have a right to defend themselves.

We know that the 'fishermen' in question were smuggling in a large amount of liquid fiberglass.
No we don't know that.

We know that liquid fiberglass is used to make rockets.
Then explain how it is done.

We know that the 'fishermen' admitted to this as its intended use.
We know that Israeli authorities said they said that.

AND YET, somehow you create a cognitive disconnect which says:

The fishermen were really just fishing, not smuggling.
The fishermen being shot at in the video I posted, were just fishing.

The fiberglass was obviously going to be used for something other than weapons.
I didn't say "obviously", I said it was "dual-use".

AND THEN, you create an additional evil for Israel:
I didn't create anything.

The fishermen were tortured.
I didn't say that either. I inferred Shin Bet has a history of torturing prisoners. Just reading your posts makes it believable that they were tortured. There is no humanity in your posts. Just hatred.

And then you go on to say that Israel shoots at fishermen who are not involved in smuggling. But in reality, Israel shoots only at those fishing boats who are 1. Outside the blockade perimeter. 2. and then do not obey instruction to turn back. 3. and then do not obey warning shots. 4. and then refuse to be boarded and have their cargo checked. 5. and then attempt escape.
You have no right restricting their fishing. And you are absolutely evil shooting at people who fish.

Let me ask you another question. What do you think will happen if Israel ends the sea blockade?
Israel would be in a better place.
Again, your cognitive disconnect is showing.

The Palestinian Housing Minister announced on Sunday that 90 per cent of the houses destroyed by Israel during the 2014 military offensive against Gaza have been rebuilt, Safa News Agency has reported. Source.
The only quotes from the minister is they rebuilt "...9,308..." homes and "...17..." apartment buildings. We do not know if that constitutes 90%.

We also know from independent humanitarian organizations...

According to systematic assessments conducted by international humanitarian organizations, the whole of Gaza’s civilian population has progressively suffered. International Monetary Fund (IMF)and World Bank reports show that Gaza’s economy has been decimated. Basic infrastructure and services such as education and healthcare, electricity supplies, and sanitation are also adversely affected. The U.N. reports that 90% of Gaza’s drinking water is not fit for human consumption, and more than 60% of the population is dependent on humanitarian aid.
I’m afraid that acts of war / acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences. There are consequences when your Islamic terrorist heroes wage gee-had attacks aimed at Israel.

Why do you believe that Islamic terrorists should not face consequences for their actions?
The acts of war started with Israel. Gazans are just responding to Israeli aggression.
This just in...

Israeli Forces Kill 17-Year-Old With Live Fire as 40,000 Palestinians Mark 'Great March of Return' Anniversary
"Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza demand their basic rights even as Israeli snipers are waiting ready to gun them down."
Why Israel has to gun down children is beyond me. And if things are so rosy in Gaza, then why are so many protesting their conditions?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Israel-Gaza border fence on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of the weekly "Great March of Return" demonstrations and demand an end to Israel's brutal occupation.
I don't that sinks in to you inhuman Israeli homers. So let me re-state that...

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Que pasa, mutha?
The Hamas charter is as valid to Islamic terrorists today as it was decades ago.

There’s a gee-had being played out at the Israeli border. Try paying attention.
That's the big lie you keep pushing.
Do give us a link to the updated Hamas Charter when it does say that the Charter's intent is NOT to take over the rest of Palestine, meaning Israel, by any means, where every Palestinian or Arab's duty is to fight to take the land back.

Link, article, exact words where they only want their right to return, or what is rightly theirs (what would that be ) a return which as I said, does not exist anywhere in the world.
This is too easy...

Hamas accepts Palestinian state with 1967 borders
Khaled Meshaal presents a new document in which Hamas accepts 1967 borders without recognizing state of Israel.

While Hamas' 1988 founding charter called for the takeover of all of mandate Palestine, including present-day Israel, the new document says it will accept the 1967 borders as the basis for a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of refugees to their homes.

...what you say, is a total farce.
They're not getting Jerusalem as their capital.
This just in...

Israeli Forces Kill 17-Year-Old With Live Fire as 40,000 Palestinians Mark 'Great March of Return' Anniversary
"Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza demand their basic rights even as Israeli snipers are waiting ready to gun them down."
Why Israel has to gun down children is beyond me. And if things are so rosy in Gaza, then why are so many protesting their conditions?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Israel-Gaza border fence on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of the weekly "Great March of Return" demonstrations and demand an end to Israel's brutal occupation.
I don't that sinks in to you inhuman Israeli homers. So let me re-state that...

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Que pasa, mutha?

That# all very melodramatic but a complete waste of bandwidth.
I’m afraid that acts of war / acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences. There are consequences when your Islamic terrorist heroes wage gee-had attacks aimed at Israel.

Why do you believe that Islamic terrorists should not face consequences for their actions?
The acts of war started with Israel. Gazans are just responding to Israeli aggression.

Islamic terrorists attacking Israel will cause Israelis to respond.

What part of that confuses you?
Again, your cognitive disconnect is showing.

The Palestinian Housing Minister announced on Sunday that 90 per cent of the houses destroyed by Israel during the 2014 military offensive against Gaza have been rebuilt, Safa News Agency has reported. Source.
The only quotes from the minister is they rebuilt "...9,308..." homes and "...17..." apartment buildings. We do not know if that constitutes 90%.

We also know from independent humanitarian organizations...

According to systematic assessments conducted by international humanitarian organizations, the whole of Gaza’s civilian population has progressively suffered. International Monetary Fund (IMF)and World Bank reports show that Gaza’s economy has been decimated. Basic infrastructure and services such as education and healthcare, electricity supplies, and sanitation are also adversely affected. The U.N. reports that 90% of Gaza’s drinking water is not fit for human consumption, and more than 60% of the population is dependent on humanitarian aid.

Forbes Says Hamas Second-Richest Terror Group In World
This just in...

Israeli Forces Kill 17-Year-Old With Live Fire as 40,000 Palestinians Mark 'Great March of Return' Anniversary
"Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza demand their basic rights even as Israeli snipers are waiting ready to gun them down."
Why Israel has to gun down children is beyond me. And if things are so rosy in Gaza, then why are so many protesting their conditions?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Israel-Gaza border fence on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of the weekly "Great March of Return" demonstrations and demand an end to Israel's brutal occupation.
I don't that sinks in to you inhuman Israeli homers. So let me re-state that...

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Que pasa, mutha?


The demonstrators are not demanding an end to the blockade. They are demanding to flood Israel with six million Arabs, many of whom actively desire to murder Jews, by their own words.

Also I'm not entirely sure how you would suggest to Israel that they check ID with a sniper rifle. Although, Hamas could certainly prevent children from engaging in the protest and are, according to international law, absolutely obligated to do so.
Just to remind: the original question was, What do you think would happen if Gaza stopped attacking Israel completely. You responded with, Israel will keep attacking her anyway.

But wait, during the time of the ceasefire, counting ONLY those rockets and mortars from June 20 to November 8, there were still 106 attacks on Israel.

I'll ask again, what do you think will happen if Gaza stops attacking Israel completely?
Gaza is not attacking Israel. They are responding to Israeli aggression. Which they have every right to do. Israel started the violence. Israel needs to stop it. Israel must take the first step.

There was a 98% reduction in rocket and mortar fire and you can't even recognize that!

You are just avoiding my question. What do you think would happen if Gaza stopped attacking Israel completely?

This aggression that Israel started that you keep mentioning...Do you mean the blockade?
I’m afraid that acts of war / acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences. There are consequences when your Islamic terrorist heroes wage gee-had attacks aimed at Israel.

Why do you believe that Islamic terrorists should not face consequences for their actions?
The acts of war started with Israel. Gazans are just responding to Israeli aggression.
You never give a date and details about how Israel started the aggression against Gaza.

Do you have articles, videos which would clarify this whole thing for us?
Where is the link to the photo and what year was it?
Are you sure it is Gaza and not Syria?
Here you go... was from 2014.
Now, what exactly was in those homes that Israel had to fire against them?

Hidden rockets? Military base?

Are you discounting all the mosques, schools, hospitals, homes where Hamas and Islamic Jihad hide and keep weapons, rockets, etc and actually hide in?

All of the above does become a military target according to the laws of Combat.

Of course I do not know the answer, but......

would it not be much better for both military groups to simply stay away from civilian centers and create a defense where homes, mosques, hospitals, schools, would not have to end up being targeted because both groups are using civilian areas in order to fire rockets into Israel from?

None of those houses in the photo had to be targeted.
If only Hamas and Islamic Jihad had not used those homes as military bases.

Actions have consequences .
This just in...

Israeli Forces Kill 17-Year-Old With Live Fire as 40,000 Palestinians Mark 'Great March of Return' Anniversary
"Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza demand their basic rights even as Israeli snipers are waiting ready to gun them down."
Why Israel has to gun down children is beyond me. And if things are so rosy in Gaza, then why are so many protesting their conditions?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the Israel-Gaza border fence on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of the weekly "Great March of Return" demonstrations and demand an end to Israel's brutal occupation.
I don't that sinks in to you inhuman Israeli homers. So let me re-state that...

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Israel's brutal occupation

Que pasa, mutha?
Not one Israeli in Gaza to make it a "brutal occupation" or an occupation of Any Kind.

But.....Palestinians protest Hamas, and this is what happens.

Imagine, all the money Hamas gets from Iran and still......they want more from the Gaza population. Cruel, simply cruel.

In Gaza, Hamas Cracks Down On Palestinians Protesting Newly Imposed Taxes

Hamas Crackdown on Gaza Protests Instills Fear
I’m afraid that acts of war / acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences. There are consequences when your Islamic terrorist heroes wage gee-had attacks aimed at Israel.

Why do you believe that Islamic terrorists should not face consequences for their actions?
The acts of war started with Israel. Gazans are just responding to Israeli aggression.
Now, are you referring to the war of 1967 or what happened after Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005?

Be specific as to which one you are referring to, and be clear when the first aggression started, why and by whom.
IDF tanks targeted a number of Hamas military posts in the Gaza Strip overnight Saturday.

The attack was in response for several launches that were identified from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory earlier.

(full article online)

IDF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza
RE: Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border
⁜→ Billo_Really, Sixties Fan, et al,

To understand this, you have to understand that International Human Rights Law is (nearly always) at odds with International Armed Conflict (IAC), as well as, Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC). BUT! There is no one single international policy pertain to entities like HAMAS and associates.

Like it or not, HAMAS is a "terrorist organization;" with associate Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter. This should include indeterminate combat support that trains and equips foreign Islamic groups Islamic Resistance Movement (AKA HAMAS).

Which shows how much you do know about blockades and International law.

But keep repeating that, since in your ears it sounds SO good.
No, you explain why Israel has jurisdiction in international waters, you fucking bitch!


1997 • International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings •
Creates a regime of universal jurisdiction over the unlawful and intentional use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place.

Article 14 • Arms Trade Treaty •
EnforcementEach State Party shall take appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of this Treaty.
Article 15
States Parties shall cooperate with each other, consistent with their 4.States Parties are encouraged to cooperate, pursuant to their national laws, in order to assist national implementation of the provisions of this Treaty, including through sharing information regarding illicit activities and actors and in order to prevent and eradicate diversion of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1)...

Measures to prevent and combat terrorism - Section II - Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the form of a resolution and an annexed Plan of Action (A/RES/60/288) •
To in order to prevent and detect the movement of terrorists and to prevent and detect the illicit traffic in, inter alia, small arms and light weapons, conventional ammunition and explosives, nuclear, chemical, biological or radiological weapons and materials, while recognizing that States may require assistance to that effect.


Israel is endeavoring to intensify cooperation, as appropriate, in exchanging timely and accurate information concerning the prevention and combating of terrorism.

Israel's actions are focused on the apprehension and prosecution or extradition of perpetrators of terrorist acts, in accordance with the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Action Plan.

Israel is stepping-up national efforts and bilateral, sub-regional, regional and international co-operation, as appropriate, to improve border and customs controls, in accordance with United Nations Global
Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Action Plan.

You can't look at the issue from just one angle and the Hostile Arab Palestinian perspective. You have to expand your view. You have to look at it from all sides.

AND we have not yet talked about the Israeli EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) (200 NM) a national concern.

Most Respectfully,
It seems there is still some confusion regarding terms and definitions.

There is an Islamic Terrorist Hudna and there is a ceasefire. A Hudna is a temporary lull in the gee-had that alllows the Islamic terrorist to re-equip and re-arm.


IDF tank strikes Hamas post in response to explosive devices thrown

3 minute read.
