Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Where it says "Here is a picture for you, Billo".
The first time I tried that link it didn't work.

As far as the link now, fiberglass is a dual-use material. Maybe Gazans wanted to go surfing? I don't know what the fiberglass was intended to be used for and I certainly don't trust confessions extracted by Shin Bet. People will say anything under torture. But your link did offer this little nugget...

While most Gaza fishermen were not involved in terrorist activity...
...Israel still shoots at those fishermen, as my video showed.

See? And this is where you once again descend into irrationality which seems to stem from your need to claim Israel as evil and Arab Palestinians universally innocent.

We know rockets and mortars are being smuggled into Gaza, or being made in Gaza.
We know that the 'fishermen' in question were smuggling in a large amount of liquid fiberglass.
We know that liquid fiberglass is used to make rockets.
We know that the 'fishermen' admitted to this as its intended use.

AND YET, somehow you create a cognitive disconnect which says:

The fishermen were really just fishing, not smuggling.
The fiberglass was obviously going to be used for something other than weapons.

AND THEN, you create an additional evil for Israel:

The fishermen were tortured.

And then you go on to say that Israel shoots at fishermen who are not involved in smuggling. But in reality, Israel shoots only at those fishing boats who are 1. Outside the blockade perimeter. 2. and then do not obey instruction to turn back. 3. and then do not obey warning shots. 4. and then refuse to be boarded and have their cargo checked. 5. and then attempt escape.

Let me ask you another question. What do you think will happen if Israel ends the sea blockade?
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Gazans should be free to leave, as long as their destination is not Israel. Nobody should be allowed to enter Gaza though. At least not through Israel.
On Saturday morning, IDF troops apprehended two children near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. The children were carrying a knife.

Following an initial inquiry by IDF troops in the field, the children explained that they had intended to infiltrate into Israel with a knife so that they would be apprehended and sent to prison.

IDF troops gave the children water and then returned them to Gaza through the Erez Crossing.

(full article online)

Two children infiltrate Israel, armed with a knife
Hell holes like this...

Again, your cognitive disconnect is showing.

The Palestinian Housing Minister announced on Sunday that 90 per cent of the houses destroyed by Israel during the 2014 military offensive against Gaza have been rebuilt, Safa News Agency has reported. Source.
Your alternate reality makes you a poor commentator on the “realities in Gaza’istan”

Those Poor, Oppressed Islamic Terrorists.


One thing first. Things are as rosy in Gaza’istan as they are in Yemen, as they are in the failed ISIS caliphate in Syria as they are in Iran and as they are across the entirety of the Islamic Middle East because of one element, one common theme at the heart of the matter that connects all the Islamic Hell holes: Islamic ideology.

Congratulations on your conversion to Islam. There’s a gee-had opportunity for you in Gaza’istan.

Make a Mullah happy.
Hell holes like this...

Where is the link to the photo and what year was it?
Are you sure it is Gaza and not Syria?

The photo is from TripAdviso, Gaza hotel. Open the link and scroll to the right.

Gaza City Photos - Featured Images of Gaza City, Gaza - TripAdvisor

I’m feeling so guilty that we don’t give millions more to those Poor, suffering Arabs-Moslems.
Your alternate reality makes you a poor commentator on the “realities in Gaza’istan”

Those Poor, Oppressed Islamic Terrorists.


One thing first. Things are as rosy in Gaza’istan as they are in Yemen, as they are in the failed ISIS caliphate in Syria as they are in Iran and as they are across the entirety of the Islamic Middle East because of one element, one common theme at the heart of the matter that connects all the Islamic Hell holes: Islamic ideology.

Congratulations on your conversion to Islam. There’s a gee-had opportunity for you in Gaza’istan.

Make a Mullah happy.
Hell holes like this...

I’m afraid that acts of war / acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences. There are consequences when your Islamic terrorist heroes wage gee-had attacks aimed at Israel.

Why do you believe that Islamic terrorists should not face consequences for their actions?
IED balloons have been released non stop round the clock towards Israel l, with the balloon unit saying they had prepared 45000 baloons and many explosives for the attacks

Friday night Gazan reports say over 650 IEDs were thrown at the border, residents of Israel heard non stop exploding through the night

Islamic Jihad says “tonight Israel will shake”

IDF reports says 19k are rioting on the border with rocks and IEDs

Far from a million… The numbers of how many came to the March and how many came within 300 meters vary based on Israel reports and within Gaza as well the numbers keep changing, seems. To be between 40k-60k…. The same is with the injured seems. Roughly 300 injured, 2 killed, 5 fighting for their lives, 8 very badly injured

7pm There are approximately 6,000 left and the night attacks, which they confirmed is set for tonight, will be starting in the next hour

(full article online)

Israel Finally Uses Force to Stop Massive Gaza Violence on the Border Fence
RE: Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border
⁜→ Slyhunter, et al

I certainly understand the sentiment expressed here; but, realistically and practically, I not sure that this is entirely possible or (in the long-term) desirable. And yes, again, this is NOT an issue for foreign intervention being that it is essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of Israel and a matter of State Security. (Article 2(7) UN Charter)

Gazans should be free to leave, as long as their destination is not Israel. Nobody should be allowed to enter Gaza though. At least not through Israel.

There are a couple of serious factors that are variable prime movers relative to border traffic - (back and forth) - cross border:

◈ The magnitude of unemployment in the disputed territories (AKA: West Bank, Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip).

◈ The real impact of the wage gap which causes a disparity in quality of life between the Israeli and Palestinian economies and human development.​


The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) and in particular the coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) for the Gaza Strip, need to be expanded, not reduced if they are to combat the effects of unemployment and the degeneration of the quality of life. No longer is it enough to answer each and every HostielArab Palestinian action with a corresponding military reaction. And it is no longer enough just to coordinate ≈ 100,000 tons of goods per week passing Border Crossings.

Most Respectfully,
Why do both Israel AND Egypt keep a blockade against Gaza?

Why doesn't Hamas demand a right of return to Egypt, since many of the Arabs in Gaza are from Egypt and were forced into Gaza when Egypt conquered Gaza in the 1948 war?

You have not answered what the agreement was. What was Israel supposed to do, but did not, since Hamas did not stop firing rockets, and you are deliberately changing how people ought to behave, what the meaning of ceasefire is, and what consequences should be if one party does not stop firing rockets intent on killing civilians on the other side.
I've provided the link, go read it yourself.

The right of return is about those people who were driven from the area by Zionist terrorists shortly after the Zionists moved into the area.
The Hamas charter is as valid to Islamic terrorists today as it was decades ago.

There’s a gee-had being played out at the Israeli border. Try paying attention.
That's the big lie you keep pushing.
Do give us a link to the updated Hamas Charter when it does say that the Charter's intent is NOT to take over the rest of Palestine, meaning Israel, by any means, where every Palestinian or Arab's duty is to fight to take the land back.

Link, article, exact words where they only want their right to return, or what is rightly theirs (what would that be ) a return which as I said, does not exist anywhere in the world.
This is too easy...

Hamas accepts Palestinian state with 1967 borders
Khaled Meshaal presents a new document in which Hamas accepts 1967 borders without recognizing state of Israel.

While Hamas' 1988 founding charter called for the takeover of all of mandate Palestine, including present-day Israel, the new document says it will accept the 1967 borders as the basis for a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of refugees to their homes.

...what you say, is a total farce.
Just to remind: the original question was, What do you think would happen if Gaza stopped attacking Israel completely. You responded with, Israel will keep attacking her anyway.

But wait, during the time of the ceasefire, counting ONLY those rockets and mortars from June 20 to November 8, there were still 106 attacks on Israel.

I'll ask again, what do you think will happen if Gaza stops attacking Israel completely?
Gaza is not attacking Israel. They are responding to Israeli aggression. Which they have every right to do. Israel started the violence. Israel needs to stop it. Israel must take the first step.

There was a 98% reduction in rocket and mortar fire and you can't even recognize that!

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