Palestinian factions reject Abbas’s insistence on Fayyad as PM

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas

Well, Fayyad built up state institutions, and did something positive. Of course he would be rejected by Hamas. Thanks to Hamas, the Palestinians will never gain independence, and Israel will continue to build settlements. Time is not on the Palestinians' side. They are sabotaging their own cause--so they are real "freedom fighters"--fighting freedom.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas

Well, Fayyad built up state institutions, and did something positive. Of course he would be rejected by Hamas. Thanks to Hamas, the Palestinians will never gain independence, and Israel will continue to build settlements. Time is not on the Palestinians' side. They are sabotaging their own cause--so they are real "freedom fighters"--fighting freedom.

Fayyad has a rap sheet as long as your arm. He has racked up numerous violations of Palestinian and international law.

He is rejected by virtually all factions not just Hamas.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas

The terrorist factions may have rejected Fayyad, but what do the people of Gaza say? We will never know as long as the despotic Hamas regime continues to terrorize the people of Gaza and deny them basic human freedoms and basic human rights for no other reason than to preserve their access to power and wealth.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas

The terrorist factions may have rejected Fayyad, but what do the people of Gaza say? We will never know as long as the despotic Hamas regime continues to terrorize the people of Gaza and deny them basic human freedoms and basic human rights for no other reason than to preserve their access to power and wealth.

Fayyad is sold to the Palestinians and to the world by the same people who sold us Obama.

The rest of that has been sold to us also.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian factions have expressed “absolute rejection” as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted on nominating Salam Fayyad as the only choice for prime minister of the unified transitional government.

The insistence, which they say was made in submission to Israeli-US pressure, only serves Israeli interests and its aggressive policies against the Palestinians, the factions said in a statement on Sunday.

The factions reiterated their support for Palestinian unity government that holds fast to national constants and preserves the resistance program.

Palestinian factions reject Abbas

The terrorist factions may have rejected Fayyad, but what do the people of Gaza say? We will never know as long as the despotic Hamas regime continues to terrorize the people of Gaza and deny them basic human freedoms and basic human rights for no other reason than to preserve their access to power and wealth.

Fayyad is sold to the Palestinians and to the world by the same people who sold us Obama.

The rest of that has been sold to us also.

Fayyad has proved himself to be a competent administrator who has earned popular support by the improvements in living conditions in the West Bank he has engineered. Part of this improvement in living conditions has resulted from preventing Hamas terrorists and other terrorists from pointlessly forcing Israel to impose stricter security measures deep into Areas A and B. What you dislike about him is that he has protected the Arabs in the West Bank from the consequences of the inane stupidities Hamas terrorists would like to commit.
The terrorist factions may have rejected Fayyad, but what do the people of Gaza say? We will never know as long as the despotic Hamas regime continues to terrorize the people of Gaza and deny them basic human freedoms and basic human rights for no other reason than to preserve their access to power and wealth.

Fayyad is sold to the Palestinians and to the world by the same people who sold us Obama.

The rest of that has been sold to us also.

Fayyad has proved himself to be a competent administrator who has earned popular support by the improvements in living conditions in the West Bank he has engineered. Part of this improvement in living conditions has resulted from preventing Hamas terrorists and other terrorists from pointlessly forcing Israel to impose stricter security measures deep into Areas A and B. What you dislike about him is that he has protected the Arabs in the West Bank from the consequences of the inane stupidities Hamas terrorists would like to commit.

Obama was popular too. I question what Fayyad has actually done. All his economic improvements are foreign dependent. There has been little to nothing done to improve Palestinian owned business. He has done nothing to halt home demolitions and land theft. He has not protected the people from Israeli arrests.

Fayyad is not even the prime minister. The Palestinian constitution requires the PM and his cabinet to be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or take office. Neither he nor any in his cabinet have been approved by parliament.

And then there are all those violations of law.
Fayyad is sold to the Palestinians and to the world by the same people who sold us Obama.

The rest of that has been sold to us also.

Fayyad has proved himself to be a competent administrator who has earned popular support by the improvements in living conditions in the West Bank he has engineered. Part of this improvement in living conditions has resulted from preventing Hamas terrorists and other terrorists from pointlessly forcing Israel to impose stricter security measures deep into Areas A and B. What you dislike about him is that he has protected the Arabs in the West Bank from the consequences of the inane stupidities Hamas terrorists would like to commit.

Obama was popular too. I question what Fayyad has actually done. All his economic improvements are foreign dependent. There has been little to nothing done to improve Palestinian owned business. He has done nothing to halt home demolitions and land theft. He has not protected the people from Israeli arrests.

Fayyad is not even the prime minister. The Palestinian constitution requires the PM and his cabinet to be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or take office. Neither he nor any in his cabinet have been approved by parliament.

And then there are all those violations of law.

Both the Gaza and West Bank governments are dependent on foreign donations for survival. Fayyad's main accomplishment for the Palestinian Arabs is preventing the collapse of the government and economy after Israel proved to the EU that money they had donated to the PA was being given to terrorist cells.

At the time, the PA handled all internal financial transactions in cash and records consisted only of hand written notes. This system made it easy for the leadership to steal donor money for personal use and to fund terrorist activities without leaving much of a paper trail. The EU threatened to suspend donations unless the PA established transparent financial institutions.

Arafat, surrounded by IDF troops who had retaken Areas A and B in response to the second intifada and facing the financial collapse of his government, appointed Fayyad Finance Minister because his extensive experience in international financial institutions and his personal reputation had earned him the confidence and support of the EU donor nations. Fayyad did establish transparent financial institutions that allowed donor money to continue flowing to the PA.

Accusations of home demolitions and land theft are just mindless nonsense, but as far as the West Bank economy is concerned, Fayyad the economist has been prevented by Fayyad the politician from making much progress. As a politician, Fayyad must emphasize economic independence from Israel, and especially from the West Bank Israeli communities, but this is impossible to do without imposing great hardships on the West Bank Arabs.

Eight-seven percent of all Palestinian exports are to Israel and more than 73% of Palestinian imports come from Israel, according to the PA’s Central Bureau of Statistics figures for 2009.

Palestinian efforts for sovereign... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

So Fayyad the economist is stopped from publicly supporting greater economic cooperation with Israel that would benefit the West Bank Arabs by Fayyad the politician who must pander to anti Israeli sentiments that demand independence from Israel.

Although Fayyad has not failed to protect the Palestinian Arabs as badly as Hamas has, neither has he been able to advance economic and political progress in the West Bank because of the anti Israeli biases all Palestinian Arab politicians must pander to to survive.
Fayyad is developing the West Bank to be dependent on Israel. Subservient would be a better word.

Hamas is building Gaza to be independent of Israel.

In many ways Gaza is better off than the West Bank.
Fayyad is developing the West Bank to be dependent on Israel. Subservient would be a better word.

Hamas is building Gaza to be independent of Israel.

In many ways Gaza is better off than the West Bank.

The West Bank is landlocked between Israel and Jordan, so the West Bank economy will always be dependent on good relations with Israel. Gaza, on the other hand, because of its location would have great opportunities for economic growth if not for Hamas' policies.

There are no ways in which the people of Gaza are better off than the people of the West Bank.
Fayyad is developing the West Bank to be dependent on Israel. Subservient would be a better word.

Hamas is building Gaza to be independent of Israel.

In many ways Gaza is better off than the West Bank.

The West Bank is landlocked between Israel and Jordan, so the West Bank economy will always be dependent on good relations with Israel. Gaza, on the other hand, because of its location would have great opportunities for economic growth if not for Hamas' policies.

There are no ways in which the people of Gaza are better off than the people of the West Bank.

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) detained 300 Palestinians and foreign activists in the West Bank over the past month of June including 36 children, the ministry of prisoners in Gaza said on Monday.

Riyadh Al-Ashqar, the ministry’s spokesman, said that among the detained were four women, four lawmakers, and 15 foreign solidarity activists.

He said that the IOF troops launched 572 raids on various West Bank areas, adding that among those detained was Mansour Hamdan who served 25 years in Israeli captivity.

IOF soldiers detain 300 citizens in June

How many from Gaza?

Israel has killed 24 Palestinians in the west Bank in June. Two in Gaza.

When Israel invades Gaza, it is met with bullets and bombs. When Israel invades the West Bank, Fayyad rolls out the red carpet. Fayyad has 40-50 thousand Palestinian "security" personnel and when Israel comes they do not lift a finger to protect their people.

Israel continues to bulldoze Palestinian homes for settlements in the West Bank. Sometimes Israel destroys entire villages.

None in Gaza.
Israel has killed 24 Palestinians in the west Bank in June. Two in Gaza.
It's safe to assume they were all bad "brothers", of course.
When Israel invades Gaza, it is met with bullets and bombs. When Israel invades the West Bank, Fayyad rolls out the red carpet. Fayyad has 40-50 thousand Palestinian "security" personnel and when Israel comes they do not lift a finger to protect their people. Israel continues to bulldoze Palestinian homes for settlements in the West Bank. Sometimes Israel destroys entire villages. None in Gaza.
Assorted drivel.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Senior Hamas official Salah al-Bardawil said the West Bank security forces’ continued political persecution of Hamas’s men confirms that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is “not serious” in implementing the Palestinian unity government deal.

Fatah, headed by Abbas, governs the West Bank. The party signed the deal with Hamas in early May 2011.

Bardawil’s statements come in the wake of a Hamas report monitoring the violations of the agreement by the Palestinian Authority’s security agencies in the West Bank.

Bardawil said that Salam Fayyad, who heads the cabinet in the West Bank, is able to hijack the security services and use it to torpedo the reconciliation deal, if he was excluded from the prime ministry in the upcoming transition government, adding that Fayyad's reduction of of salaries was to pressure Fatah and the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

A Hamas report revealed that the PA arrested 86 elements from Hamas and tried seven more before its military tribunals since the signing of the deal. It adds four others were dismissed from teaching positions and seventeen were arrested by Israeli forces in the context of security cooperation with the PA.

Bardawil: Continued West Bank persecution proves Abbas
The terrorist factions may have rejected Fayyad, but what do the people of Gaza say? We will never know as long as the despotic Hamas regime continues to terrorize the people of Gaza and deny them basic human freedoms and basic human rights for no other reason than to preserve their access to power and wealth.

Fayyad is sold to the Palestinians and to the world by the same people who sold us Obama.

The rest of that has been sold to us also.

Fayyad has proved himself to be a competent administrator who has earned popular support by the improvements in living conditions in the West Bank he has engineered. Part of this improvement in living conditions has resulted from preventing Hamas terrorists and other terrorists from pointlessly forcing Israel to impose stricter security measures deep into Areas A and B. What you dislike about him is that he has protected the Arabs in the West Bank from the consequences of the inane stupidities Hamas terrorists would like to commit.

Five Fayyad ministers to face corruption charges in West Bank

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Rafik Al-Natshe, the head of the anti-corruption bureau in the illegitimate Ramallah government of Salam Fayyadh said Thursday that the bureau would lift immunity of five ministers suspected of corruption.

Natshe didn’t mention names of the five ministers, but sources close to the bureau informed the PIC that the five ministers were the minister of health, the minister of economy, the minister of justice, the minister of agriculture, and the minister of education.

Local observes said that the lifting of the immunity came in the wake of persisting reports affirming that the "unconstitutional" Fayyadh government was riddled with corruption and many lawmakers have repeatedly called to dissolve it and to put under investigation.

For his part, MP Fathi Al-Qarawi stressed the necessity to form new unity government to honestly manage the daily affairs of the Palestinian people and to follow-up and investigate all corruption files committed by Fayyadh's cabinet members.

Five Fayyad ministers to face corruption charges in West Bank
Five Fayyad ministers to face corruption charges in West Bank
And the proverbial jewish fault in it is, exactly, what?[/size][/font]

Fayyad works for Israel.

Cooperating is not the same as working. Also, Fayyad is part of the PA which refuses to sit at the negotiation table with Israel at present, and are doing their own thing at the U.N. So how can the PA be working for Israel then?
And the proverbial jewish fault in it is, exactly, what?[/size][/font]

Fayyad works for Israel.

Cooperating is not the same as working. Also, Fayyad is part of the PA which refuses to sit at the negotiation table with Israel at present, and are doing their own thing at the U.N. So how can the PA be working for Israel then?

The talks are irrelevant. They will go nowhere like they have for the last two decades.

I don't understand the UN thing. I think Abbas is shooting himself in the foot with this one. Nothing is going to happen here either. Maybe just cause more problems.

And besides that, Fatah lost the elections. Why are they pretending to be the government in the West Bank? They don't have the authority to do anything anyway.

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