Palestinian aggression continues: Israeli child BURNED ALIVE in Samaria

I already dismantled your 'stole Arab land lie' Why do you insist on repeating the same lies over and over?

You really didn't, Toasty. The Jews stole the land. The Arabs will take it back, eventually.
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948, JUST like the Arabs did in 1988. I can provide links if you want. The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
Guy, here was the thing. What you have is what you stole from them. That's why they are trying to kill you. You took THEIR land. you blow up THEIR Children. Obviously, turning the tables on them hasn't work, since you've been fighting with them for 70 years now.
Being forced to sell your land at gunpoint isn't a valid sale, guy. Here was the thing. The problem was not that Jews moved to Palestine. It was their insistance on naming it Israel and regulating Palestinians as second class citizens in their own land.
Yes, the end of the Zionist entity would be a happy day most of the world will celebrate.
Yes, after the Zionists stole arab land, there were consequences. Jews who had lived peacefully in the Islamic world for 1000 years were no longer trusted. Imagine that. As an example, when Israel threw in with France and Britain to try to steal the Suez canal from egypt, most of Egypt's Jews fled. You guys keep thinking you can fight a calorie free war.
The Jews stole the land. The Arabs will take it back, eventually.
It wasn't a crisis, guy. It was an attempt to steal something that was rightfully belonging to an Arab state. Sorry you are confused on this point.
Drivel. Get a life.
How so when the lands legal owners invited the Jews to come and settle, not once but twice. The arab muslims were given other land to settle so it is them stealing Jewish land isn't it. So they took Jewish land and blew up Jewish children, just as now they are taking European land and blowing up European children. Obviously turning the tables on them has worked or there would be no Israel and you would have no need to impart your ISLAMONAZO PROPAGANDA

Yes, the end of the Zionist entity would be a happy day most of the world will celebrate.

Nope that would be the end of islam which is coming, in a few short years islam will overreach the mark and do something to sicken the west and the west will retaliate with long range ordinance. Then the islamic world will face its biggest trial, survival .
And if Arabs hadnt driven many Jews out of their homes all around the area known as the Arab Crescent, they also would not have had to emigrate Israel

Yes, after the Zionists stole arab land, there were consequences.

Jews who had lived peacefully in the Islamic world for 1000 years were no longer trusted. Imagine that.

As an example, when Israel threw in with France and Britain to try to steal the Suez canal from egypt, most of Egypt's Jews fled.

You guys keep thinking you can fight a calorie free war.

ISLAMONAZI DRIVEL AND LIES, we know if we need to we will have to kill muslims on a large scale and are prepared to do so. The question is will islam be prepared to face eviction from the west and to take up arms against a better armed and more mobile enemy. An enemy that only needs one person to push a button and wipe out gaza city, while islam would need 100,000 to do the same thing.
I already dismantled your 'stole Arab land lie' Why do you insist on repeating the same lies over and over?

You really didn't, Toasty. The Jews stole the land. The Arabs will take it back, eventually.

How can you steal what is yours to begin with ? The arabs had not held the land since 1099, and had no other way of doing so than to have it given to them by the LoN in 1921.
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?

Here is the original map of the proposed national home of the Jews in 1920


Here is the revised map of he proposed national home of the Jews after the arab muslims demanded 78% in 1921


Do explain how a 1974 resolution had any validity in 1948 ?

Then why has Israel been recognised as a soveriegn state and been granted full UN membership

As in the above maps that are actually INTERNATIONAL LAW while the UN partition plan is not.

Now why did you only choose two of the many clauses of the 1974 resolution that had no real meaning as the palestinians have exercised their self determination since 1920
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948, JUST like the Arabs did in 1988. I can provide links if you want. The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.

Again, the UN had no business giving away the Arab's land any more than I can give away your house to a black family because I feel bad about slavery
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948, JUST like the Arabs did in 1988. I can provide links if you want. The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land. If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.

Again, the UN had no business giving away the Arab's land any more than I can give away your house to a black family because I feel bad about slavery

You could if I had no legal right to be in that house, and had stolen it from a black family who owned it 30 years ago.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!
Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?
And where's the word "land" in that drivel #3236?
Again, the UN had no business giving away the Arab's land any more than I can give away your house to a black family because I feel bad about slavery
Our honorable joeb131 is, thereby, encouraged to accomodate a black family in his house.
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?

Here is the original map of the proposed national home of the Jews in 1920


Here is the revised map of he proposed national home of the Jews after the arab muslims demanded 78% in 1921


Do explain how a 1974 resolution had any validity in 1948 ?

Then why has Israel been recognised as a soveriegn state and been granted full UN membership

As in the above maps that are actually INTERNATIONAL LAW while the UN partition plan is not.

Now why did you only choose two of the many clauses of the 1974 resolution that had no real meaning as the palestinians have exercised their self determination since 1920
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
The key word is reaffirms. This means that these rights existed prior to the resolution in 1974.

At what time and under what circumstance did the Palestinians obtain these inalienable rights? Popular propaganda implies that the Palestinians never had rights.

The resolution also states:

Expressing its grave concern
that the Palestinian people has been prevented from enjoying its inalienable rights, in particular its right to self-determination.​

How were these rights denied to the Palestinians. I would say illegal external interference. It is a violation of international law to deny a people their inalienable rights. The fruits of illegal activity cannot be made legal.
Most of the turds like bilio, joe, etc are on my ignore list, but I'd imagine they've slimed into this thread claiming if the jews were not in the west bank, this would not have happened. If they had any brains, they could recognize the abject stupidity of such an "argument," since it would give for example, the right for anyone to attack anyone for whatever manufactured reason they felt like. Like I could just start shooting mexicans who were illegal aliens in the US, or Polish in the UK for taking jobs, or Turks in Germany for doing the same.

But then again, that this dung even proffers such idiocies is indicative that they are incapable of rational thought.
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?

Here is the original map of the proposed national home of the Jews in 1920


Here is the revised map of he proposed national home of the Jews after the arab muslims demanded 78% in 1921


Do explain how a 1974 resolution had any validity in 1948 ?

Then why has Israel been recognised as a soveriegn state and been granted full UN membership

As in the above maps that are actually INTERNATIONAL LAW while the UN partition plan is not.

Now why did you only choose two of the many clauses of the 1974 resolution that had no real meaning as the palestinians have exercised their self determination since 1920
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
The key word is reaffirms. This means that these rights existed prior to the resolution in 1974.

At what time and under what circumstance did the Palestinians obtain these inalienable rights? Popular propaganda implies that the Palestinians never had rights.

The resolution also states:

Expressing its grave concern
that the Palestinian people has been prevented from enjoying its inalienable rights, in particular its right to self-determination.​

How were these rights denied to the Palestinians. I would say illegal external interference. It is a violation of international law to deny a people their inalienable rights. The fruits of illegal activity cannot be made legal.

And the only people denying the palestinians their inalienable rights are the other arab muslims. Israek hasn't as they have allowed them free elections and the chance to govern themselves. They were also denied their rights by thier elected leaders who decided to force them to act as human shields, to dig tunnels, to become cannon fodder, to starve, to go without medical treatment etc.
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?

Wow, you're dumber than I though. The RIGHT to sovereignty doesn't mean they have sovereignty. Do you not know how to read you demented moron?

And the land that Israel captured happened AFTER 5 Arab states attacked them from all sides. The land was not under Palestinian sovereignty either, it was land ALLOTTED to the Palestinians in the partition plan. If that land was stolen, then why did many countries, and the U.N of all organizations, recognize Israel with that land, and still do?

Israel keeps area allotted to it byPartition Plan, captures 50% of area allotted to Arab state

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Sure I did. But you refuse to accept the truth because you harbor an extreme amount of hatred. Nothing was stolen. Israel declared independence of land allotted to them in the partition plan in 1948...
And then as the British were moving out, Zionist terrorist groups went in and took Palestinian land that wasn't allocated to them in the Partition Plan. Here's what was initially allocated to Israel.

Here's what the UN says happened after...

From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution.
So yes, they did steal the land.

The land was not Arab controlled and they had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.
Not according to UN Resolution 3236!

Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
  1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
    1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
    2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Whacha gotta say to that, scumbag?

If it was stolen, Israel would not have been recognized by anyone, specially the U.N who would be the first to not allow Israel to steal land.
It's not recognized by anyone. Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land.

You are doing nothing but spreading Palestinian propaganda.
International law, is not propaganda.

Why don't you stop spreading Israeli propaganda, since IHL isn't on your side?

"Not one country on the planet recognizes Israel's right to that land."

We're not talking about the West Bank you idiot. Fuck, you're dumber than i thought. All that Palestinian ass kissing has killed some of your brain cells.

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