"Palestine" Nazi Connections:

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Now, now, people...

I'm sure the Palestinian Neanderthals who were waving those organs around were just harvesting them for humanitarian medical purposes...

Must be tolerant of other cultures...

Even when they manifest out from under a rock or a mushroom or cave...
Like cheerleaders! Palestinian cheerleaders, never the less.

Sssshhhhhh stop it! You're causing anti semetism! Ha ha ha.
Not illegal or without permission.
It was not wholesale harvesting as portrayed, but a few cases properly done under the law at that time. Laws have changed since 1990.

What kind of sick and twisted society takes heart valves, skin, and bones from dead bodies without the knowledge and consent of the families?

Just disgusting. And you think its ok.

It was with permission. It was not required to have written permission at that time, or specify what would be used.

Giving organs or other parts is giving of life to someone else. It is an act of love.
Not giving is a waste of the body and giving only to feed worms and bugs. JMHO

I have a genetically inherited autoimmune disorder of the nerves that stems from the brain. Though not forbidden, it is not recommended for me to give blood or be an organ donor. I am giving my body to science instead. If anything is not used or my body unable to be donated, it should be cremated and given to my family. I have a shelf of ashes from three generations back. My in-laws, after a period of time were eventually mixed together and scatted near where they were born, grew up and met. It was on agreement of all the family. They had asked to join my family on the shelf. My kids used to wave to the self when they ran out or came in. No one asked or suggested it. It was their way of saying hi and remembering them. Our pets were family too. All but one of my children have given blood each year since they were old enough, they wanted to. My one has a fear of needles, even though a mother of two.
I know two of my children have marked organ donor on their cards.
Giving is caring about someone other than yourself.
Epic fail. You cannot address why these animals are waving human organs like trophies, can you?

Still doesn't excuse the systematic theft of human organs and other body materials from dead Palestinians by Israeli medical "professionals".

That are unsubstantiated reports from an ISLAMONAZI source, making them just another BLOOD LIBEL.

Now try and find a report that does not have an ISLAMONAZI source.
Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend.

The admission, by the former head of the country's forensic institute, followed a furious row prompted by a Swedish newspaper reporting that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to use their organs – a charge that Israel denied and called "antisemitic".

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | World news | The Guardian
Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend.

The admission, by the former head of the country's forensic institute, followed a furious row prompted by a Swedish newspaper reporting that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to use their organs – a charge that Israel denied and called "antisemitic".

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | World news | The Guardian

Did you know that organ farming is big business in many muslim countries, with Pakistan being the worst offender. But it happens all over the world and not just in Israel, here are just a few links to different countries were it happens

Child's organs stolen in Spain | Mail Online

Vatican: After Church Bombing, Organs of Dead Pakistani Christians Being Stolen | Tarek Fatah

Illegal trade of human organs in Pakistan | NewsPakistan.PK

Stolen Organs: Not Just the Stuff of Urban Legends?

Organ theft in Kosovo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hundreds of Organs Stolen From Children - ABC News

Refugee Organization Claims Human Organs Being Stolen in Sinai | InsideSurgery Medical Information BlogInsideSurgery Medical Information Blog

Very widespread when you delve into it, yet we only ever hear of the Jews doing it. Could it be because the ISLAMONAZI JEW HATERS expand on the truth and claim that it happened today
Watch "Israel Admits Illegal Organ Harvesting." on YouTube

It went on for many many years and even when it became public knowledge the Medical Examiner stayed in his job.
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What the hell are we arguing about here?

The Israelis are being accused of harvesting the organs of dead people without the consent of their surviving family members, for medical and financial reasons.

The Palestinians are being accused of killing people and then cutting their organs out of their bodies, not for medical or financial reasons, but simply to wave them about in the open air in a nihilistic and cannibal -like display of Neanderthal barbarism.

The behavior stipulated in the former case is cold and calloused and ethically unacceptable, and has been corrected, by all reports.

The behavior stipulated in the latter case is murderous, savage and barbaric, and is Beyond the Pale of behaviors acceptable to good, sane, decent folk of any respectable culture or religion, and has not been corrected. Neanderthals do not take well to correction. Filthy savages.
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I have seen no credible evidence Palestinians did what is alleged in the last post.

I just see the normal libelous rantings of a Zionist loon.
I have seen no credible evidence Palestinians did what is alleged in the last post.

I just see the normal libelous rantings of a Zionist loon.
Well, there ya go...

Sherriah has pronounced it thus, thus it must be so...
I have seen no credible evidence Palestinians did what is alleged in the last post.

I just see the normal libelous rantings of a Zionist loon.

Oh but the Palestinians did, and more.
And you think your IslamoNazi worshiping "opinions" count because.....?
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I make claims I back up with credible sources, I proved Israel stole organs from bodies.
Well good for you... you get a cookie and a gold-star today.

The Israelis themselves have admitted to the practice of organ-harvesting, so, it's not as though that was a real difficult one to document.

Catching Palestinian Neanderthals in the savage and barbaric act of cutting-out and waving-about the internal organs of their enemies - with a camera - works very nicely as well.

It's always possible that (a) the photo is phony or doctored, or (b) is actually illustrative of something other than what is claimed.

If you have a valid reason to believe either (a) or (b) is true, then you are certainly free to take up the task of discrediting the photo or the source or both, but, of course, at that point, the burden is upon you as the 'challenger'.

Knock yourself out, and share with the class, when you've got something substantive that will withstand a rigorous and skeptical scrutiny.

However, until you've managed to discredit the photo and the witness or photo-taker and/or their interpretation...

It seems safe - and best - to accept photographic evidence for what it seems to be...

Rather than staged and doctored photography and videography, as we see being routinely manufactured by Pali-wood.
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