Palestine before and WITHOUT Zionism ...

So the Arabs who massacred Jews on a regular basis didn't have guns, knives and bombs.
Not much. No one was sending in guns from outside. or money.
I would really appreciate a step by step explanation of how 700,000 Jews removed
1,200,000 Arabs within a year.
It was called Plan Dalet (fourth letter of Hebrew alphabet). Records in the Israeli archives show that each Haganah commander was given a list of villages to depopulate, which is the part that Ilan Pappe revealed. The Haganah and others just went from one to the next. Poor people walked. Rich people flew or drove cars. There are quite a few pictures extant of forced marches with guns trained. And of course all this was made infinitely easier by massacring quite a few in Deir Yassin and a few other villages and making sure absolutely everyone heard about it. They put people in trucks and drove them through Jerusalem and elsewhere announcing what had happened with bullhorns. This was all clearly planned and coordinated in advance. And by the way, best estimates are they expelled 700,000. I don't know where your figures come from. Others remained inside Israel but their villages were destroyed and land expropriated. These are called "present absentees" or equally ludicrous terms in Israel. I am working on an article and will post soon hopefully.
As a secondary point of curiosity, how did the International community, who have provided free criticism of Israel from day one, not mention a word of this until Pappe Smear came along?

They did. And documentary and photographic proof has long been available. I just don't think you heard it in your insular little world. This has all been part of the record from day #1. Pappe just added detail.

Actually, I truly appreciate this post.
Jews care about Jews and support them no matter how poor or prosperous they are.
Arabs couldn't give a fuck about each other.
Thanks, because that about sums up what you just posted.

Also, see and who seem to have lost their interest in the Gaza.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Which is why every non-Muslim nation on earth has had to pump money into the West Bank and the Gaza for the last 40 years only to have Mrs. Arafat walk off with it.

Your impressions are becoming more meaningless with every one of your postings as you live in an alternate reality.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Christians give more than Muslims to charity by far. You're lying.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Which is why every non-Muslim nation on earth has had to pump money into the West Bank and the Gaza for the last 40 years only to have Mrs. Arafat walk off with it.

Your impressions are becoming more meaningless with every one of your postings as you live in an alternate reality.

I'm afraid we have Israel to thank for that, too.

And the reason other countries have to pump money into it is because the economy is hamstrung by Israel.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Which is why every non-Muslim nation on earth has had to pump money into the West Bank and the Gaza for the last 40 years only to have Mrs. Arafat walk off with it.

Your impressions are becoming more meaningless with every one of your postings as you live in an alternate reality.

I'm afraid we have Israel to thank for that, too.

And the reason other countries have to pump money into it is because the economy is hamstrung by Israel.

Wow! Israel has more pull than the Oil Sheiks.
Now I know you're an idiot.
And aren't all those other Arab nation just pure cauldrons of innovation?
You see, that's the problem, no Middle Eastern nation except for Israel has accomplished anything.
Just Oil Sheiks having sex and throwing their people dry bones.
No excuses.
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the zionazis here are on the false mythology of Yahweh, the "house of judah," the "house of israel," and other ridiculous nonsense contained in the Bible not to mention the even nastier crap of the Talmud. And the fact the zionist regime was established primarily through their unprecedented use of modern day terrorism.
So the Arabs who massacred Jews on a regular basis didn't have guns, knives and bombs.
Not much. No one was sending in guns from outside. or money.
I would really appreciate a step by step explanation of how 700,000 Jews removed
1,200,000 Arabs within a year.
It was called Plan Dalet (fourth letter of Hebrew alphabet). Records in the Israeli archives show that each Haganah commander was given a list of villages to depopulate, which is the part that Ilan Pappe revealed. The Haganah and others just went from one to the next. Poor people walked. Rich people flew or drove cars. There are quite a few pictures extant of forced marches with guns trained. And of course all this was made infinitely easier by massacring quite a few in Deir Yassin and a few other villages and making sure absolutely everyone heard about it. They put people in trucks and drove them through Jerusalem and elsewhere announcing what had happened with bullhorns. This was all clearly planned and coordinated in advance. And by the way, best estimates are they expelled 700,000. I don't know where your figures come from. Others remained inside Israel but their villages were destroyed and land expropriated. These are called "present absentees" or equally ludicrous terms in Israel. I am working on an article and will post soon hopefully.
As a secondary point of curiosity, how did the International community, who have provided free criticism of Israel from day one, not mention a word of this until Pappe Smear came along?

They did. And documentary and photographic proof has long been available. I just don't think you heard it in your insular little world. This has all been part of the record from day #1. Pappe just added detail.
Ha ha ha ha. That's a pretty lame attempt.

All you did was put your foot in your mouth.

Try again. Or should I say, HUMOR US AGAIN.
3) Synagogue tradition evolves in absence of temple. Many synagogues become churches as Jewish population converts. By time Queen Helena went to Palestine, most Jews had converted to Christianity.
4) Arab/Muslim conquest. Most of Jewish/Christian population converts to Islam over a period of centuries. This process is still going on to this very day.
5) In about 2000 CE, along comes Dr. Ariella Oppenheim who begins genetic studies on Jews (both modern and ancient) and Palestinians and makes the (not-astouding-to-anybody-but-Zionists) discovery that Palestinians are 85% descended from the ancient Jewish population, whereas modern European Jews are 72% descended from the ancient Jewish population.

I have read bullshit in my life, but this revisionist history takes the cake.

No, actually that is all just very standard history. Nothing surprising but the genetics.

I have to ask you my standard question asked of unbelievers ...
So we know the entire Jewish population of ancient Israel was not expelled by the Romans, because there they were still fighting 100+ years after the destruction of the temple.

So what did you think happened to them, were they abducted by aliens or what? Where does this new ultra-Zionist history teach you that they went?

Amity dear----unlike you---jews do have a written history----jews have been
generally literate (that means the general population was literate) since
approximately 500 BC----prior to that literacy was less than general but
fairly prevalent) You are presenting the islamo Nazi pig version of history.

In fact jews were expelled from Palestine under the romans ---and then with
the reign of Constantine subjected to the filth you favor----a verson of dhimmia
and the Nuremburg laws----a genocidal program They tended to MOVE away
from the genocidal filth you so like------to places where jews already lived----
like ALEXANDRIA, PERSIA, and even parts of South east asia, and Arabia
and Yemen There were jewish communities in those lands since before
500 BC ---established. That's what happened to them. How do we know---
easy----they wrote stuff.. Then islam happened so lots of the stuff
they wrote magically disappeared----but still----stuff got known because they also
communicated with EACH OTHER (long distance) Now you know---but you can
go right ahead and believe whatever sensationalist Nazi stuff comes your way

I will help you a bit more-----now try to focus----think Muhummad---
-----in the time of 600 CE He encountered lots of jews----because there were
lots of jews in Arabia ----he knew all kinds of stuff about the bible (sorta)
why? because he visited roman controlled Palestine?---nope---because
there were lots of jews in Arabia. Now think the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST ---about 700 AD invasions of Iraq, -Baghdad becomes
a "capital"----invasions of the Iberian peninsula-----etc etc----since you read
islamo Nazi pig propaganda---you will be told "jews went there because muslims
were so nice"------nope----Jews were already there. What became
Baghdad was a cultural center long before muslims got there----
Barcelona, Toledo, Cordoba---were great cities and had jewish populations
BEFORE MUSLIMS GOT THERE It's easy once you know a bit of history--
I know how the Zionists on this board LOVE to see old pictures and films of Eretz Israel before they got there to mess it up, so I wanted to post a few more I found. Note the still images go back as far as 1837, and the earliest film to 1896.

Palestine in 1837:

Palestine in 1896:

1920s - 1930s still images:

A Voice from Palestine, lots of facts and figures:

Palestine Before 1948:

Palestine Before and After Ethnic Cleansing:

And just to be even handed, I have got to post some very early ZIONIST films, too. These also clearly show Palestine as it was in the days before any rational Z could deny the indigenous Arab presence, even though their purpose is to encourage Jewish immigration. I also love these films and just wish we could turn back the clock:

The Speilberg "first film" 1911:

1913 World Zionist Congress:

Repeating yourself won't help, amity. The fact that you insinuate Israel engaged in 'ethnic cleansing' is hilarious and ironic.

Six million Jews were cleansed by the Nazis, yet somehow Palestine has suffered a worse fate. Stop living in the past.

land jews were allowed to buy from the ottoman and hired locals to help build and cultivate.
Land highly under populated and developed. Land capable for sustaining millions as it was documented since roman times. Land that was less than half a million till jews created jobs and arab from around the area came to seek work well above what they were earning in their own countries

It was not palestinians land, it was ottoman and it was a land with few people that needed a population that could produce income to pay ottoman taxes, which had been loosing money in those sanjukes that later made up the british mandate, including jordan.
Pilgrimage to jerusalem and other holy cities was not sufficient tax revenue to cover costs to the Ottoman empire.
Jews were invited by Ottoman and arabs since the early 19th C. Well before the founders of zionism were born. There had been a flow of jews to muslim areas since the spanish inquisitions, though jews could not pray at the wall till the 19th C. They still visited the mount, other areas in and around jerusalem and hebron. They settled in jewish communities from gaza to the jordan river. There were large jewish communities in Lebanon and syria to Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Which is why every non-Muslim nation on earth has had to pump money into the West Bank and the Gaza for the last 40 years only to have Mrs. Arafat walk off with it.

Your impressions are becoming more meaningless with every one of your postings as you live in an alternate reality.

I'm afraid we have Israel to thank for that, too.

And the reason other countries have to pump money into it is because the economy is hamstrung by Israel.

And if Canada was using it's money to attack Israel, we'd boycott, blockade, and hamstring their economy too.... until they stopped.

I can promise you, if the Palestinians accept their situation, and put down their arms, and stop firing rockets, and supporting suicide bombers, Israel will stop keeping them from advancing.

Again, they can't sit there and celebrate the murder of children, and then whine about Israel holding them down. The one's holding them down, is them.
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the zionazis here are on the false mythology of Yahweh, the "house of judah," the "house of israel," and other ridiculous nonsense contained in the Bible not to mention the even nastier crap of the Talmud. And the fact the zionist regime was established primarily through their unprecedented use of modern day terrorism.

The reason you are amazed, is because.... we don't give a crap what you think about us, about the Bible, or anything else. Your opinion has zero value to any of us.

When your opinion of us, or our Bible matters to us, we'll give you a call. Until then, you can assume it doesn't, and we'll continue to support Israel. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow! Israel has more pull than the Oil Sheiks.
Now I know you're an idiot.
And aren't all those other Arab nation just pure cauldrons of innovation?
You see, that's the problem, no Middle Eastern nation except for Israel has accomplished anything.
Just Oil Sheiks having sex and throwing their people dry bones.
No excuses.

Did your Zionist brainwashing leave out the part where Arabs invented algebra, etc?
And if Canada was using it's money to attack Israel, we'd boycott, blockade, and hamstring their economy too.... until they stopped.

I can promise you, if the Palestinians accept their situation, and put down their arms, and stop firing rockets, and supporting suicide bombers, Israel will stop keeping them from advancing.

Again, they can't sit there and celebrate the murder of children, and then whine about Israel holding them down. The one's holding them down, is them.

...and pray tell, what situation is it that you want them to accept?

Because I'm afraid what you are asking would be worse than death for them, so hell no, they won't accept it.

You have a remarkable inability to see the point of view of your opposition. That will keep you in a perpetual state of war for, potentially, centuries and millenia even.

I don't really think it will last that long, but it won't be because Zionism is rational.
.. and I am pretty sure Palestinians will stop celebrating the murder of children when Israel does.
Mark Twain in the Holy Land

Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.
You're back to being hateful again.
Didn't Billo post stats for us that showed that Muslims gave by far more to charity than any other group? "Don't give a f--- about each other" was definitely NOT the impression I ever had.

Christians give more than Muslims to charity by far. You're lying.

I don't really know. That was a stat Billo found, I am just repeating it. But I believe it is probably true. I witnessed some incredible acts of self-sacrifice reminiscent of the story of the widow's mite while I was there. I won't forget it.
Mark Twain in the Holy Land

Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.

Here is the rest of the Mark Twain quote .... the part you conveniently left out?

Mark Twain:
These descriptions of the often quoted non-arable areas few people would inhabit are as Twain says, "by contrast" to occasional scenes of arable land and productive agriculture: "The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side"..."Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding"..."We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried"..."Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side [32]

Bayard Taylor who wrote of the Jezreel Valley in 1852 ".. one of the richest districts in the world"..."The soil is a dark-brown loam, and, without manure, produces annually superb crops of wheat and barley."[33] Laurence Oliphant wrote in 1887, again of the Valley of Jezreel "..a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands ... it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive"[34]

Kathleen Christison, an American author who spent sixteen years as an analyst for the CIA, was critical of attempts to use Twain's humorous writing as a literal description of Palestine at that time. She writes that "Twain's descriptions are high in Israeli government press handouts that present a case for Israel's redemption of a land that had previously been empty and barren. His gross characterizations of the land and the people in the time before mass Jewish immigration are also often used by US propagandists for Israel."[35] For example she noted that Twain described the Samaritans of Nablus at length without mentioning the much larger Arab population at all.[36] The Arab population of Nablus at the time was about 20,000.[37]
During the 19th century, many residents and visitors attempted to estimate the population without recourse to official data, and came up with a large number of different values. Estimates that are reasonably reliable are only available for the final third of the century, from which period Ottoman population and taxation registers have been preserved.[38]

After a visit to Palestine in 1891, Ahad Ha'am wrote:
From abroad, we are accustomed to believe that Eretz Israel is presently almost totally desolate, an uncultivated desert, and that anyone wishing to buy land there can come and buy all he wants. But in truth it is not so. In the entire land, it is hard to find tillable land that is not already tilled; only sandy fields or stony hills, suitable at best for planting trees or vines and, even that after considerable work and expense in clearing and preparing them- only these remain unworked. ... Many of our people who came to buy land have been in Eretz Israel for months, and have toured its length and width, without finding what they seek.[39]

In 1852 the American writer Bayard Taylor traveled across the Jezreel Valley, which he described in his 1854 book The Lands of the Saracen; or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain as: "one of the richest districts in the world.",[40]

while Lawrence Oliphant, who visited Palestine in 1887, wrote that Palestine's Valley of Esdraelon was "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive."[41]

According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."[42]

In 1856 H.B. Tristram said of Palestine "A few years ago the whole Ghor (Jordan Valley) was in the hands of the fellaheen, and much of it cultivated for corn. Now the whole of it is in the hands of the Bedouin, who eschew all agriculture…The same thing is now going on over the plain of Sharon where….land is going out of cultivation and whole villages rapidly disappeared….Since the year 1838, no less than twenty villages there have thus erased from the map, and the stationary population extirpated."[43]
From Wikipedia.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And by the way, the main difference between then and now is that the entire place often seems to have been paved with all the concrete Israel has laid down and the raw sewage it is releasing on the land. It used to be beautiful.

As I have said before, Zionists don't really care anything about Eretz Israel or they would treat it so much better.
Last edited:
Mark Twain in the Holy Land

Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.

Here is the rest of the Mark Twain quote .... the part you conveniently left out?

Mark Twain:
These descriptions of the often quoted non-arable areas few people would inhabit are as Twain says, "by contrast" to occasional scenes of arable land and productive agriculture: "The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side"..."Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding"..."We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried"..."Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side [32]

Bayard Taylor who wrote of the Jezreel Valley in 1852 ".. one of the richest districts in the world"..."The soil is a dark-brown loam, and, without manure, produces annually superb crops of wheat and barley."[33] Laurence Oliphant wrote in 1887, again of the Valley of Jezreel "..a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands ... it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive"[34]

Kathleen Christison, an American author who spent sixteen years as an analyst for the CIA, was critical of attempts to use Twain's humorous writing as a literal description of Palestine at that time. She writes that "Twain's descriptions are high in Israeli government press handouts that present a case for Israel's redemption of a land that had previously been empty and barren. His gross characterizations of the land and the people in the time before mass Jewish immigration are also often used by US propagandists for Israel."[35] For example she noted that Twain described the Samaritans of Nablus at length without mentioning the much larger Arab population at all.[36] The Arab population of Nablus at the time was about 20,000.[37]
During the 19th century, many residents and visitors attempted to estimate the population without recourse to official data, and came up with a large number of different values. Estimates that are reasonably reliable are only available for the final third of the century, from which period Ottoman population and taxation registers have been preserved.[38]

After a visit to Palestine in 1891, Ahad Ha'am wrote:
From abroad, we are accustomed to believe that Eretz Israel is presently almost totally desolate, an uncultivated desert, and that anyone wishing to buy land there can come and buy all he wants. But in truth it is not so. In the entire land, it is hard to find tillable land that is not already tilled; only sandy fields or stony hills, suitable at best for planting trees or vines and, even that after considerable work and expense in clearing and preparing them- only these remain unworked. ... Many of our people who came to buy land have been in Eretz Israel for months, and have toured its length and width, without finding what they seek.[39]

In 1852 the American writer Bayard Taylor traveled across the Jezreel Valley, which he described in his 1854 book The Lands of the Saracen; or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain as: "one of the richest districts in the world.",[40]

while Lawrence Oliphant, who visited Palestine in 1887, wrote that Palestine's Valley of Esdraelon was "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive."[41]

According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."[42]

In 1856 H.B. Tristram said of Palestine "A few years ago the whole Ghor (Jordan Valley) was in the hands of the fellaheen, and much of it cultivated for corn. Now the whole of it is in the hands of the Bedouin, who eschew all agriculture…The same thing is now going on over the plain of Sharon where….land is going out of cultivation and whole villages rapidly disappeared….Since the year 1838, no less than twenty villages there have thus erased from the map, and the stationary population extirpated."[43]
From Wikipedia.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And by the way, the main difference between then and now is that the entire place often seems to have been paved with all the concrete Israel has laid down and the raw sewage it is releasing on the land. It used to be beautiful.

As I have said before, Zionists don't really care anything about Eretz Israel or they would treat it so much better.

Propagandists love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. No credibility.
Mark Twain in the Holy Land

Mark Twain visited Israel in 1867, and published his impressions in Innocents Abroad. He described a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

He was amazed by the smallness of the city of Jerusalem:

“A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”

And he described the Temple Mount thus:

“The mighty Mosque of Omar, and the paved court around it, occupy a fourth part of Jerusalem. They are upon Mount Moriah, where King Solomon’s Temple stood. This Mosque is the holiest place the Mohammedan knows, outside of Mecca. Up to within a year or two past, no christian could gain admission to it or its court for love or money. But the prohibition has been removed, and we entered freely for bucksheesh.”

Chapters 45-56 of Innocents Abroad can be read on
More quotes from pilgrims to the Holy Land can be found on the COJS website.

Here is the rest of the Mark Twain quote .... the part you conveniently left out?

Mark Twain:
These descriptions of the often quoted non-arable areas few people would inhabit are as Twain says, "by contrast" to occasional scenes of arable land and productive agriculture: "The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side"..."Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding"..."We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried"..."Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side [32]

Bayard Taylor who wrote of the Jezreel Valley in 1852 ".. one of the richest districts in the world"..."The soil is a dark-brown loam, and, without manure, produces annually superb crops of wheat and barley."[33] Laurence Oliphant wrote in 1887, again of the Valley of Jezreel "..a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands ... it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive"[34]

Kathleen Christison, an American author who spent sixteen years as an analyst for the CIA, was critical of attempts to use Twain's humorous writing as a literal description of Palestine at that time. She writes that "Twain's descriptions are high in Israeli government press handouts that present a case for Israel's redemption of a land that had previously been empty and barren. His gross characterizations of the land and the people in the time before mass Jewish immigration are also often used by US propagandists for Israel."[35] For example she noted that Twain described the Samaritans of Nablus at length without mentioning the much larger Arab population at all.[36] The Arab population of Nablus at the time was about 20,000.[37]
During the 19th century, many residents and visitors attempted to estimate the population without recourse to official data, and came up with a large number of different values. Estimates that are reasonably reliable are only available for the final third of the century, from which period Ottoman population and taxation registers have been preserved.[38]

After a visit to Palestine in 1891, Ahad Ha'am wrote:
From abroad, we are accustomed to believe that Eretz Israel is presently almost totally desolate, an uncultivated desert, and that anyone wishing to buy land there can come and buy all he wants. But in truth it is not so. In the entire land, it is hard to find tillable land that is not already tilled; only sandy fields or stony hills, suitable at best for planting trees or vines and, even that after considerable work and expense in clearing and preparing them- only these remain unworked. ... Many of our people who came to buy land have been in Eretz Israel for months, and have toured its length and width, without finding what they seek.[39]

In 1852 the American writer Bayard Taylor traveled across the Jezreel Valley, which he described in his 1854 book The Lands of the Saracen; or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain as: "one of the richest districts in the world.",[40]

while Lawrence Oliphant, who visited Palestine in 1887, wrote that Palestine's Valley of Esdraelon was "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive."[41]

According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."[42]

In 1856 H.B. Tristram said of Palestine "A few years ago the whole Ghor (Jordan Valley) was in the hands of the fellaheen, and much of it cultivated for corn. Now the whole of it is in the hands of the Bedouin, who eschew all agriculture…The same thing is now going on over the plain of Sharon where….land is going out of cultivation and whole villages rapidly disappeared….Since the year 1838, no less than twenty villages there have thus erased from the map, and the stationary population extirpated."[43]
From Wikipedia.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And by the way, the main difference between then and now is that the entire place often seems to have been paved with all the concrete Israel has laid down and the raw sewage it is releasing on the land. It used to be beautiful.

As I have said before, Zionists don't really care anything about Eretz Israel or they would treat it so much better.

Propagandists love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. No credibility.

JEW haters increase in their hate as the end days are almost here!!
Propagandists love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. No credibility.

As we have certainly seen on this board, websites that CAN'T be edited are often totally bogus. Kinda surprising how often this turns out to be true of Zionist hate sites that show us phony pictures of alleged terrorists training their kids to be terrorists, etc ..... you know, anything to make us hate brainlessly.....

But the good thing about Wikipedia is that it has FOOTNOTES. In fact, every single statement has to have one sound source .... Very scholarly.

And what that typically means is that if the Zionists can't source their more ridiculous statements, the pro-Palestinians can yank it down. And vice versa of course. Crowd editing seems to work quite well over time.

Go ahead! Try! Put something totally ridiculous on that webpage. See how long it lasts.

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