Pakistan Engaged In Grave Ceasefire Violation


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It seems like Pakistan army is itching for a fight. I wonder why!


Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday warned Pakistan and asked it to stop the ceasefire violations immediately.

"India will not tolerate Pakistan's ceasefire violations anymore. Stop ceasefire violations now," Rajnath said.

"It should understand the reality that times have changed in India," he said.

Earlier, five civilians were killed and 35 injured in shelling from the Pakistani side of the India-Pakistan border in Jammu district on Monday.

Rajnath Singh said he had been apprised of the situation by Border Security Force (BSF) Director General D.K. Pathak.

Pathak "has been instructed ... to rush to the border areas of Jammu and Kashmir where incidents of ceasefire violations have been reported", the Home Ministry said.

Monday's major ceasefire violations by Pakistan rangers came on a day when Muslims in both India and Pakistan are celebrating the holy Eid-ul-Azha festival.

"Pakistan rangers resorted to heavy and unprovoked firing and shelling of mortars on 10 border outposts (BoPs) and civilian areas along international border (IB) in Arnia belt of Jammu district from 10 pm last night," a BSF spokesman said on Monday.

They used small, automatic weapons and mortar bombs to target the border hamlets and BoPs along the borderline.

Read more at: Rajnath to Pakistan Stop ceasefire violations now India News - India Today
Pakistan was carved out of India. What has that done for India? Now the Muslims want Kashmir and beyond. It is never going to end. India must wake up.
Pakistani troops resumed heavy firing around 9.45pm on Wednesday with shells raining down on Samba, Kanachak and Akhnoor sectors of Jammu. BSF issued an alert to Indian villages along the IB as Pakistan increased the shelling range from 4km to 7km. Indian journalists in Samba were told to trace their steps 2km back into home territory to avoid coming in the line of Pakistani fire.

India rules out talks to de-escalate tensions till Pakistan stops firing - The Times of India
Pakistan Army continued to shell Indian Border Security Force posts. 12,000 Indian civilians had to abandon their homes and take refuge further from border. It looks like we may witness a full scale war.


BSF chief Pathak said Pakistani troops were targeting residential areas because they weren't able to cause significant damages to the BSF posts. "They are targeting the residential areas because they think that they are not being able to cause any huge damage to the BSF posts, which is wrong and should not happen," said Pathak adding that there are no talks about flag meeting.

Shelling continues at India-Pakistan border 18 000 civilians flee homes - The Economic Times
Vik-----do you think that the recent attacks by Pakistan are
galvanized by the development of "the caliphate" in
Iraq? -----I refer to some sort of RENEWED FERVOR---
as in------"why just Iraq----how about that ""glorious moghul empire''" "
Vik-----do you think that the recent attacks by Pakistan are
galvanized by the development of "the caliphate" in
Iraq? -----I refer to some sort of RENEWED FERVOR---
as in------"why just Iraq----how about that ""glorious moghul empire''" "

For past 10 years or so India had a very weak administration in charge of India. Pakistan had been crossing into Indian side and beheading soldiers and civilians with impunity. Only thing that has changed is that now there is a new administration in New Delhi which is in no mood to tolerate Pakistani cross border terrorism anymore. The result is Border Security Force (BSF) of India is under strict order to retaliate against any Pakistani terrorism. This is what is causing the tension. Pakistan believes that it is their given right to kill Hindus and Hindus are being unfair when they are denying Pakistan that right. I am not sure if this has any connection to ISIS and global caliphate. I could be wrong though. However, I did hear on the news today that four of the major Taliban commanders in Pakistan have declared their allegiance to ISIS.

On a second thought, I just remembered a conversation I had with a friend of mine couple of days ago. My friend mentioned the striking similarity between Pakistan army's penchant for beheading and that of ISIS. So there is definitely a common modus operandi between the two. There are some other similarities as well. Such as both are driven by Wahabi brand of Islam.
It seems like Pakistan army is itching for a fight. I wonder why!


Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday warned Pakistan and asked it to stop the ceasefire violations immediately.

"India will not tolerate Pakistan's ceasefire violations anymore. Stop ceasefire violations now," Rajnath said.

"It should understand the reality that times have changed in India," he said.

Earlier, five civilians were killed and 35 injured in shelling from the Pakistani side of the India-Pakistan border in Jammu district on Monday.

Rajnath Singh said he had been apprised of the situation by Border Security Force (BSF) Director General D.K. Pathak.

Pathak "has been instructed ... to rush to the border areas of Jammu and Kashmir where incidents of ceasefire violations have been reported", the Home Ministry said.

Monday's major ceasefire violations by Pakistan rangers came on a day when Muslims in both India and Pakistan are celebrating the holy Eid-ul-Azha festival.

"Pakistan rangers resorted to heavy and unprovoked firing and shelling of mortars on 10 border outposts (BoPs) and civilian areas along international border (IB) in Arnia belt of Jammu district from 10 pm last night," a BSF spokesman said on Monday.

They used small, automatic weapons and mortar bombs to target the border hamlets and BoPs along the borderline.

Read more at: Rajnath to Pakistan Stop ceasefire violations now India News - India Today

Sometimes I think the whole world has gone crazy.
Well you can come and visit Pakistan someday
1.Everyone around here denies ISIS as muslims . We call them terriosts, we want them to be destroyed.
The taliban (ttp) has some links with isis and our operation against taliban is about to end .
2.In our country it is shown that cease fire voilations are being done by India . So I guess it must be both countries fault . It's not right to put it all on Pakistan .

We don't want any war . We want peace . But believe me if the war wages someday I will be in the first row .
Well you can come and visit Pakistan someday
1.Everyone around here denies ISIS as muslims . We call them terriosts, we want them to be destroyed.
The taliban (ttp) has some links with isis and our operation against taliban is about to end .
2.In our country it is shown that cease fire voilations are being done by India . So I guess it must be both countries fault . It's not right to put it all on Pakistan .

We don't want any war . We want peace . But believe me if the war wages someday I will be in the first row .

hello heck------stop the nonsense. The only truthful thing you said was

On a second thought, I just remembered a conversation I had with a friend of mine couple of days ago. My friend mentioned the striking similarity between Pakistan army's penchant for beheading and that of ISIS. So there is definitely a common modus operandi between the two. There are some other similarities as well. Such as both are driven by Wahabi brand of Islam.

Well yes almost all Pakistani will be in first row in case of war . If someone attacks your country will you not stand against them ? Isis is some other thing they are just using the name of muslims . Their paryers, I mean they don't even know in which direction they have to pray . They are killing muslims and claims to be muslim . They have wepons that even Pakistan doesn't have . They are destroying mosques and holy places of muslims . Still they claim to be muslim . They are just using the tag "muslim" .
I have a question for you . What do you think lifenhere in Pakistan is like ?
hello heck------stop the nonsense. The only truthful thing you said was

Well yes almost all Pakistani will be in first row in case of war . If someone attacks your country will you not stand against them ? Isis is some other thing they are just using the name of muslims . Their paryers, I mean they don't even know in which direction they have to pray . They are killing muslims and claims to be muslim . They have wepons that even Pakistan doesn't have . They are destroying mosques and holy places of muslims . Still they claim to be muslim . They are just using the tag "muslim" .
I have a question for you . What do you think lifenhere in Pakistan is like ?
Well yes almost all Pakistani will be in first row in case of war . If someone attacks your country will you not stand against them ? Isis is some other thing they are just using the name of muslims . Their paryers, I mean they don't even know in which direction they have to pray . They are killing muslims and claims to be muslim . They have wepons that even Pakistan doesn't have . They are destroying mosques and holy places of muslims . Still they claim to be muslim . They are just using the tag "muslim" .
I have a question for you . What do you think lifenhere in Pakistan is like ?

I don't know what life is like in Pakistan ---except for that which the MANY MANY MANY Pakistanis I have known WELL over the past, approximately 50 years,
have TOLD me about Pakistan. You are a typical Pakistani. -------full of BS.
The very first Pakistani I met------I met as a child----we were both 14 years old.
He told me his father was a diplomat----which could be true since he lived in a
place easily accessible to the UN. Since that time, I have worked CLOSELY
with educated Pakistanis as colleagues (in the hundreds) and Pakistanis
as clients-----scores. -------try not to fling too much of that BS. I know too much.
as to ISIS----yup----they are muslims.---- of the SUNNI type. As to
Hezbollah ---SHIITES As to Al Qaeda SUNNI MUSLIMS like most Pakistans and----TALIBAN -- sunni muslims and the DARLINGS OF PAKISTAN.
Yes I can see you do know alot.
But try to look from a different angle.
I am 19 this taliban stuff was created a way before I was born . Nobody told me about this I did a lot of searching,views of different people including non muslisms and them I came to the best thing that fit in . Confirmed it from ex army officers .
Hmmm . Any knowledge how talibans were formed, the so called muslims ?

of course-----my Pakistani colleagues----way back circa 1990 would
tell me PROUDLY of their relatives and school chums who had joined
the TALIBAN-------right off the college campuses-----the CREAM OF
PAKISTANI YOUTH.------try not to attempt to fling BS-------the young docs
were not LYING------they were VERY PROUD-------I am a terrific
LISTENER. I did not comment. I did not ever tell them that my own
husband was born in a classical shariah shit hole. The boys who joined the TALIBAN were motivated to create a GOLDEN UTOPIA in Afghanistan once they got rid of the Russians----a GOLDEN SHARIAH SOCIETY. Are you trying to
make a point? Of course I also know that as far as PAKISTAN is are told----
"WE WERE DOING THE USA A FAVOR"---------well------I do agree that some
americans are stupid enough to believe it and that the USA government even
ENCOURAGED IT-------see? I do know. Feel free to continue your JIHAD
Yes I can see you do know alot.
But try to look from a different angle.
I am 19 this taliban stuff was created a way before I was born . Nobody told me about this I did a lot of searching,views of different people including non muslisms and them I came to the best thing that fit in . Confirmed it from ex army officers .

I am not 19. -----FAR FAR FAR from it. I was fully conscious in the 1980's
when the USA was making the BIG mistake of supporting the Taliban----
the WHITE HOUSE did not ask me. I was around when the idiot CARTER----
decided that the AYATOILET PIGS of Iran are "holy men" You got some nice
propaganda for us------go right ahead-----I miss it. I am no longer working
with Pakistanis so I do not get to hear the latest KHUTBAH JUMAAT crap
Haha you are adressing to me as if I am a taliban .
Okay so the russians, soviet forces atracked afghanistan. Afghanistan had no proper strong army or stable government so civilians had to fight the war . Some came running to Pakistan .
Pakistan knew that after afghanistan it was next and back then Pakistan was not strong enough to fight such a massive power . ISI (Pakistan Intelligence agency) located some young boys in Pakistan who came running from Afghan , army went to see them and those students were very patriotic and they came to Pakistan just forntemporary shelter . Pakistan came up with a plan . Btw we were funded by america because it had its thing against Russia . Here afghan citizens were trained amd were given wepons that were used in ww2 as Pakistan had not many resources . Those citizens fought and drove soviet away .
Then they made up their government their of talibans called afghan taliban . DONOT MIX THEM WITH TTP . Ttp is Tahreek e taliban Pakistan . And for your knowledge operation against ttp is being carried out in Pakistan and is nearly to completion . It began something like 4 months ago and is still in progress . And Afghan Taliban support Pakistan to kill those ttp talibans .
So tell me is it wrong for someone to fight for his country ?

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