OWS Echoes The French Revolution.

The emergency room isn't health care? So what the hell is it, a pinochle tournament? Sure looked medical to ME the last time I visited.

You consider the Emergency Room to be a health care program? I bet they hate to see you coming. "Hi, I'm Cecilie, and I'd like my flu shot, my annual exam, tell me if I'm having allergies or if I've got a sinus infection, please refill these prescriptions, check this lump I found last Tuesday, I'm afraid it might be malignant, and don't you dare make me wait while you deal with those people with head trauma, heart attacks, mental breakdowns, and gaping, bleeding wounds before you see me." :cuckoo:

You didn't say "health care program", moron. You said, "The ER is not health care" (See the bolded part of your own quote), and it sure the hell is. I suggest that you pick the frigging topic you want to discuss and stick to it, because your little attempt to move the goalposts is as good as a surrender.

Thanks for playing. Buh bye.

I expected you to have enough sense to comprehend my meaning. Clearly you did have at least that much sense, as your response was a lame joke, already made by another poster. As usual, you're built too low for this discussion. Fail.
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You consider the Emergency Room to be a health care program? I bet they hate to see you coming. "Hi, I'm Cecilie, and I'd like my flu shot, my annual exam, tell me if I'm having allergies or if I've got a sinus infection, please refill these prescriptions, check this lump I found last Tuesday, I'm afraid it might be malignant, and don't you dare make me wait while you deal with those people with head trauma, heart attacks, mental breakdowns, and gaping, bleeding wounds before you see me." :cuckoo:

You didn't say "health care program", moron. You said, "The ER is not health care" (See the bolded part of your own quote), and it sure the hell is. I suggest that you pick the frigging topic you want to discuss and stick to it, because your little attempt to move the goalposts is as good as a surrender.

Thanks for playing. Buh bye.

I expected you to have enough sense to comprehend my meaning. Clearly you did have at least that much sense, as your response was a lame joke, already made by another poster. As usual, you're built too low for this discussion. Fail.

You're done here, shitbrick. Run along.
It's interesting to see the conservatives defend Marie Antoinette. Everyone on this board would have been somewhere among the "lower classes" during that reign.
It's interesting to see the conservatives defend Marie Antoinette. Everyone on this board would have been somewhere among the "lower classes" during that reign.

Defending Marie Antoinette from what? She didn't do anything that needed defending, moron (not that anyone's mentioned her so far except you, that I've noticed). And what is it with you leftists and situational morality? Why are you so incapable of recognizing right and wrong irregardless of which one you personally profit from?
And how did that French revolution work out for the fat cats?

Fat cats?

600,000 were slaughtered in the abattoir.

You have been somewhat misinformed

Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed.[2] After the fall of the Jacobins and the execution of Robespierre, the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799, when it was replaced by the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte.
It's interesting to see the conservatives defend Marie Antoinette. Everyone on this board would have been somewhere among the "lower classes" during that reign.

Conservatism means protecting established power and social order-defending Marie Antoinette is right up their alley. [CC is right to an extend, Marie's primary fault was being clueless, and as she'd been raised to be clueless, she certainly didn't deserve her fate.] To get the respect of the "higher classes", you typically have to be a good toady.
How did the revolution work out for the revolutionaries?

They were killed, with the same guilliontines used on the people they killed last time.
It seems clear from the Occupy Black Friday fiasco that OWS does not have the stomach for a real revolution. They are afraid to face Wal Mart shoppers. The physical occupation has been abandoned into an unsuccessful simple boycott.

I can't say I blame them. It is well known that those who join OWS have a special sensitivity to pepper spray and couldn't tolerate shoppers spraying one another to get that sale. Especially since there aren't any cops around to emote for. They aren't going to get into the cross fire of rival shoppers either.

With this kind of real fear, the revolution is an epic fail. They can't control the people like they want to. They can only do it UNDER police protection.

Speech by George Katsiaficas prepared for OWS on November 17, 2011
Here in the church they call Wall Street, money is worshipped as bankers drink the earth’s blood and feast on her flesh

War machines of epic proportions are financed—and sent out to kill, maim, and destroy millions of people from Korea to Vietnam to Iraq.

Every day the bankers gather, human lives are bought and sold in the name of stocks, bonds, derivatives, and futures.

They steal out children and grandchildren’s futures as they profit from their clever machinations.

22 years ago on Earth Day, hundreds of us tried to shut down Wall Street. We were met with overwhelming police force and compelled to withdraw. The next year, we tried again, but once more, our numbers were too small.

By acting today, we enrich and enlarge this growing global insurgency against the system. Each time we act we build for the next phase.

What we are doing today is not the end, but neither is it the beginning.

We will be free!

George Katsiaficas November 17th at Occupy Wall Street | Occupy Philly Media
There can be no revolution if the revolutionaries have to depend on the police to protect them from the people. They can SAY whatever they like, but are too afraid of angering the people to take much more action than shitting in the street.

Did you see OWS take over Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade? Did you see them Occupy Black Friday? Clearly those who claim to be the 99% are shit scared of the 99%.
And how did that French revolution work out for the fat cats?

Fat cats?

600,000 were slaughtered in the abattoir.

You have been somewhat misinformed

Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed.[2] After the fall of the Jacobins and the execution of Robespierre, the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799, when it was replaced by the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte.

1. Rather than my being misinformed, your are more than a bit restricted in your view of the timeline.
But in the spirit of the holiday, I will be happy to educate you...and the little camp follower who 'thanked' you.

a. If one were to announce the length of a staircase mounted with ones eyes shut, the answer would depend on the point at which one stopped climbing.

The same is true of the deaths associated with the French Revolution.

b. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

You do understand that the provenance of Napoleon was the French Revolution, don't you?

2. "Although historians are agreed that the French Revolution started in 1789 they are divided on the end date. A few histories stop in 1795 with the creation of the Directory, some stop in 1799 with the creation of the Consulate, while many more stop in 1802 when Napoleon Bonaparte became Consul for Life or 1804 when he became Emperor.

3. If one were to calculate from the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794, the death toll would be between 16,000 and 40,000 people killed.
Ces chiffres sont le fruit du travail de Donald Greer, The Incidence of the Terror during the French Revolution: A Statistical Interpretation, Cambridge (USA), Harvard University Press, 1935.
and Ils sont repris dans J. Tulard, J.-F. Fayard, A. Fierro, Histoire et dictionnaire de la Révolution française, 1789–1799, 1987, p.1114 et dans A. Soboul, Dictionnaire historique …, 2005, p.1023 ; personnes ont été exécutées pour l’ouvrage collectif, Oublier nos crimes, 1994, p.94

The explosion, the start of the revolution, was followed by the punishment of enemies, followed by an attempt to impose a strong leader to stop the slaughter...which itself resulted in slaughter....and the reation to and with the surrounding nations.

4. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

5. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

And so you can see, my history dilettante, rather than my "having been somewhat misinformed,"...you have benefited from a history lesson this fine Thanksgivng morn.

I suspect, though, that your little hanger-on is beyond educable.
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And how did that French revolution work out for the fat cats?

Fat cats?

600,000 were slaughtered in the abattoir.

You have been somewhat misinformed

Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed.[2] After the fall of the Jacobins and the execution of Robespierre, the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799, when it was replaced by the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte.

Your post suggested that you meant the Reign of Terror. It's perfectly reasonable to believe that abattoir referred to that time period, and to the guillotine.

The staircase always ends at the landing...not at the [recently altered] point that PC demands.

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If the left is to achieve their glorious recreation of the French revolution they are going to have to get a group less pussy than OWS.
"...Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."

What crimes?

Here's a primer for you:

» Matt Taibbi On The SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

1. Every once in a while a poster on the board veers off into some spittle punctuated rant based on nothing more than a desire to post.

That would be you.
Such a pattern is often the result of having attended a public school, where every utterance, no matter how inane, is rewarded with a pat on the head.
Not here.

2.You claimed "The OW protesters point to the FACT that you have Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."
My request: 'What crimes?'

3. The reponse would have been perfunctory, had you a brain in your head, or the integrity to claim what was actually a FACT.
While neither is the case, I should have been clued in by the term 'liberal' in your avi.

4.The vid you provided was about a thief who was long go sentenced to 150 years. Clearly long-gone culprit has nothing to do with the OWS rabble...
...so either you are as dumb as a box of rocks,
...or you have, to put it kindly, fibbed.

5. Your cavalier "Here's a primer for you" turns out to be appropriate, in that a 'primer' is an elementary text, and since your ability is elementary, I can see where you would grope for that term.

6. While you have no place posting with adults, I feel certain that, with just a bit of remedial training, you could perform adequately as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

As for future posting....You should go back to the task for which you are better prepared, using silly putty to lift the comic page. I’m sure somebody will open the egg for you.

Like all willfully ignorant neocon toadies with delusions of intelligence, Politicalchic IGNORES the parts of the video I linked to focus in on one aspect...to which she falsely portrays as the ENTIRE focus of the video, which it was not.

Politicalchic asked "what crimes" did Wall St. commit in leading the nation to our current fiscal fiasco....the video interview points to how banking and investment institutions DID NOT follow SEC rules, but knowingly and willingly aided and abetted the falsifying of various investments. Bernie Madoff is but one example, as the interviewee points to Deutsche Bank and others as participants, and how the SEC hierarchy was criminally lax in it's duties despite warnings given by various individuals. All one has to do is actually watch the video to see that I am telling the truth.

Indeed, for those wholly (or willfully) ignorant of the Wall St. shennanigans, this video is indeed just a primer for those truly interested in furthering their research on the matter. Politicalchic, however, is intellectually dishonest and therefore incapable of such honest reseach. Instead, she lies about the true content of the video, and then proceeds in a childish diatribe to lie about what I posted and my character.

In short, we're dealing with a Political-hack of the female persuasion....and a hack of the Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Crowley, Beck, Drudge character judging by her tactic here. It's not about the FACTS, but about replacing them with supposition and conjecture and thus trying to change the narrative.

I answered the Political Chic's question.....if she makes a further fool of herself, I may do a little more of her homework for her to set her on the right track...as this stupidity of comparing the Occupy Wall St. event to the French Revolution is indeed that...stupidity.
What OWS knows about the French Revolution comes out of Les Miserables. They have a hazy mythic understanding of being able to do whatever they want and no one could fight back because they didn't get that after the Song of Angry Men. Plainly speaking, the current crop of revolutionaries can't take a punch. They cry, they whine about how their rights are violated while they go around violating the rights of others. So far, they have been tolerated, avoided and ignored. That won't go on forever.

And since the US does NOT have an aristocracy the rules the country....much less a partial theocracy....this whole comparison to the French Revolution is just another neocon numbskull's attempt to lay claim of definition to actions that they don't like. But since to date there has been NOTHING similar to the French Revolution in the statements from the protestors as to what they are actually pointing out is wrong in the country, to further push this "french revolution" silliness is just that...silly.

Mind you, the nano-second that these protest become cohesive behind an actual political agenda towards legislation...the faux demonization by the right wingnut media will go into overdrive!
Why? It's just another part of a pattern of nasty eliminationist rhetoric from Coulter. She likes to talk about killing people who don't agree with her ideology.

Neocons, teabaggers and libertarian hacks are essentially intellectually dishonest and cowardly...the nano-second their punditry leaders spew venom that reeks of facism and/or nazism, they bend over backwards to justify or "excuse" that piece of the rhetoric as if nothing else in diatribes like the ones Coulter gives are entwined. It's only when they feel they have power on their side do they wholly embrace such vile swill.
So do liberals! That's why they love the French Revolution so much. They just can't believe someone would fight back!

Coulter is right, once again.

Coulter is a bigoted harpy who found it more lucrative to spew hate and have dopes like you pay her bills via purchasing her trash and advocating support to her advertisers....than say, working in the field of law (by which she was canned by her former employers).

Again, since the OW has NOT stated or used the French Revolution as it's format, all this BS is just another neocon fabrication trying to pass itself off as reality....unless of course jokers like you are actually trying to advocate replacing our gov't with an aristocracy or theocracy? :razz:

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