Overturning Trump's 2020 victory


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
We all know that Dems are still focused on winning 2016, while Trump is focused on winning 2020. This is why Trump will win 2020, and dems will finally abandon the fight to win 2016. This thread is here to document the predictions of how the dems will begin their fight to overturn Trump's 2020 victory.

My prediction for the 2020 Democrat fight to overturn the 2020 Trump victory is pretty much the same as 2016. Lefties will demand recounts, but this time they will demand recounts in every single state that they lost. I also predict that the 2020 will be plagued with lefty scandals.

Any other prediction about how lefties will be fighting to overturn Trump's 2020 victory? Let's hear what others predict.
We all know that Dems are still focused on winning 2016, while Trump is focused on winning 2020. This is why Trump will win 2020, and dems will finally abandon the fight to win 2016. This thread is here for to document the predictions of how the dems will begin their fight to overturn Trump's 2020 victory.

My prediction for the 2020 Democrat fight to overturn the 2020 Trump victory is pretty much the same as 2016. Lefties will demand recounts, but this time they will demand recounts in every single state that they lost. I also predict that the 2020 will be plagued with lefty scandals.

Any other prediction about how lefties will be fighting to overturn Trump's 2020 victory? Let's hear what others predict.

That's why the Stalinists MUST be driven from the house. The Marxist democrats must be at best a permanent minority party.
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

So, I say bring it on. The "madder" the Dem-Progs act, the more they freak out normal people and ensure Trump 2020.
Your Orange God has already won?


Wow. You certainly are amazing, being able to predict the future.



Signs and Portents, bub.

When Brexit passed in 2016, some of us (including moi) predicted Trump would win.

Boris' victory this past week is another such sign in favor of Trump.

Regular people who work hard, take care of their families, pay their bills on time and live within their means are sick and tired of being hated by the self-anointed global "elites" who think they have the divine right to rule the plebes.
Your Orange God has already won?


Wow. You certainly are amazing, being able to predict the future.




It has nothing to do with Trump.

Only a drooling retard would miss the fact he will easily win reelection.

The question is the house, will the Communists be routed in the house?

Yes, yes they will be. Why? Because it only takes a 16 seat turnover to hand the house back to the Americans. This impeachment face is a disaster for the Communists. They have solidified their base, but that base was already with them. At the same time, they have alienated the moderates and independents. The representatives who lied that they were moderates in 2018 are exposed. They WILL be turned out en masse - and that is 36 seats, far more than the 16 needed to hand the house back to the Americans.

Pelosi fucked up, the Communist party is fucked.
We all know that Dems are still focused on winning 2016, while Trump is focused on winning 2020. This is why Trump will win 2020, and dems will finally abandon the fight to win 2016. This thread is here to document the predictions of how the dems will begin their fight to overturn Trump's 2020 victory.

My prediction for the 2020 Democrat fight to overturn the 2020 Trump victory is pretty much the same as 2016. Lefties will demand recounts, but this time they will demand recounts in every single state that they lost. I also predict that the 2020 will be plagued with lefty scandals.

Any other prediction about how lefties will be fighting to overturn Trump's 2020 victory? Let's hear what others predict.
I agree with you on ALL of these things. The Dems will DEFINITELY be cheating as much as they possibly can to try to steal the 2020 election. Like 2016, they WILL be getting all the illegal alien votes they can get, all the DEAD voter votes they can muster and also all the ballot harvesting they can get away with. But I don't think any of this will matter because Trump WILL be re-elected, no matter HOW much crap the Dim Dems try to do in next year's election.
We all know that Dems are still focused on winning 2016, while Trump is focused on winning 2020. This is why Trump will win 2020, and dems will finally abandon the fight to win 2016. This thread is here to document the predictions of how the dems will begin their fight to overturn Trump's 2020 victory.

My prediction for the 2020 Democrat fight to overturn the 2020 Trump victory is pretty much the same as 2016. Lefties will demand recounts, but this time they will demand recounts in every single state that they lost. I also predict that the 2020 will be plagued with lefty scandals.

Any other prediction about how lefties will be fighting to overturn Trump's 2020 victory? Let's hear what others predict.

Democrats always cheat, but they are going to sink to new gutter depths in cheating in 2020
bluzman61 said:
...also all the ballot harvesting they can get away with.
Ballot Harvesting Won't Matter
California Has 55 Electoral Votes
No Matter How Many Votes Are Collected

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