Overrun By illegals and now this

Theres sure nothing standing in the way of Congress writing, and enacting legislation to address the problem of illegals...all illegals....and securing the borders.....after all...THATS THEIR JOB....not the Presidents...
The problem is, I don't see the corporations as being the guilty ones so much as the small and/or individual, unscrupulous business owners.

The whole issue from top to bottom is a classic example of a government's elected officials not representing the wishes of the people who elected them. On this issue in particular, it's blatant and right in our faces.

Really? Who do you think is picking our fruits and vegetables in this country? Those aren't family farms they're working for.
Theres sure nothing standing in the way of Congress writing, and enacting legislation to address the problem of illegals...all illegals....and securing the borders.....after all...THATS THEIR JOB....not the Presidents...

So why didn't the Republican Congress do so for the six years they had the power and the white house? It's not like they didn't do everything else they wanted.

So, you were saying?
I love how RGS ignored the thread after it is proven he is uneducated and too dumb to understand public policy.

The dumb ones are the ones that think amnesty will solve anything. It did not work in the 80's and in fact is the reason we have 6 times as many illegal aliens in the country now then we did then.

Again for ignorant, neither party wants to solve the problem, BUT the vast majority of citizens WANT it solved.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...and the fact that Baby Bush has vetoed anything of worth and there's no override yet?

That's just cuz he hasn't authorized himself a line-item veto yet where he can cherrypick.;)

I guess I need to point out that "anything of worth" is a matter of perspective.
Except there AREN'T any clear wishes of "the people". This fantasy you have that most of the country is somehow up in arms over the immigration situation is a fallacy. The reality is that nothing's changed in... well, pretty much forever. Should we enforce the rules as exist? Absolutey. But I find that government never does that. It goes overboard so it can pretend to do something, same as they do with guns or smoking or whatever issue it decides is the flavor du jour.


As for the situation relayed in the OP. Fact: Yes, the situation started under Daddy Bush. Fact: This administration and its CIS have discretion in terms of how this couple's case is treated. If it were up to me, I'd say they acted in good faith. They've been good "Americans". Leave them alone.

Now, you want to hear another really stupid "immigration story". My husband used to go to this guy for haircuts. Nice guy. Born in Italy. Moved here when he was about 3 years old with his family. Was a legal permanent resident and didn't even speak Italian. Just never got around to applying for citizenship, though he paid his taxes and worked legally as a PR. He spoke only English, mind you. What happens? The poor guy is caught with some pot. "Deported" to Italy.... couldn't even speak the language there. Didn't know anyone there.

I thought that was kind of goofy.

First off, you will be hard-pressed to find where I have made any statement that most of the country is up in arms over the issue. I've lived in enough different places that I understand how you, Ms Yankee, could give a rat's ass about the issue because it doesn't have the impact on your daily life that it does mine, or anyone else living down here in the Southwest. Funny how it's a WAY smaller issue when it isn't your back yard its living in.;)

But I DO understand your perspective. Ask me about spending my tax dollars on snow plows.:lol:

What I WILL say to address the issue is that whether or not you or I believe who and how many are up in arms over the issue, there are enough people apparently to get Senate Republicans to go against a Republican President.
Really? Who do you think is picking our fruits and vegetables in this country? Those aren't family farms they're working for.

Au contraire ... most are exactly THAT ... family farms. You don't REALLY believe the corporations that put produce in the marketplace grow their own?

In the construction trade, it is the small contractors/subcontractors that hire illegals. This opens the argument of is the contractor responsible for who his subs hire?

The answer is no. The contractor is responsible for getting the job done by deadline.
The dumb ones are the ones that think amnesty will solve anything. It did not work in the 80's and in fact is the reason we have 6 times as many illegal aliens in the country now then we did then.

Again for ignorant, neither party wants to solve the problem, BUT the vast majority of citizens WANT it solved.

I never said anything of the sort regarding amnesty, so get your facts straight.

I said that an educated person would never butcher the English language like you do. Typos are one thing, butchering the English language is another.

The sad fact is that some illegal immigrants know the English language better than you do.
The problem is, I don't see the corporations as being the guilty ones so much as the small and/or individual, unscrupulous business owners.

The whole issue from top to bottom is a classic example of a government's elected officials not representing the wishes of the people who elected them. On this issue in particular, it's blatant and right in our faces.

I just can't say it often enough: small business is stuck between a rock and a hard place with this. Sure, it loves cheap labor... but it also likes to keep from being slammed with discrimination lawsuits. I work in HR. I can tell you that illegals brandish their fake Id's with no worry about being caught for ID theft or fraud. Bubble jet printer solutions cause small business to look the other way as long as something passable is used. We are not immigration enforcement.

This is why the SS card needs updating on par with what we saw happen to state IDs and DL's within the past decade. Employers need a debit card reader in order to verify i-9 eligability on the spot.

The biggest bowl of craziness is that I have to actually HIRE a person I suspect of being illegal with fake docs BEFORE I can run their ss#'s with the fed.

Wanna know something else? Unless the law was changed from when it was written everyone is FORBIDDEN BY law from using Social Security numbers for IDentification. It is supposed to ONLY be used for the purpose of collecting taxes and the IRS is forbidden from sharing tax information based on Social Security numbers to outside sources.

Every State and the Federal Government are in violation of Federal law and have been for years, unless that law was changed.
yea, I don't know about when the law was changed but:

Anti-Discrimination Notice. It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than an alien not authorized to work in the U.S.) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of that individual's national origin or citizenship status. It is illegal to discriminate against work eligible individuals. Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. The refusal to hire an individual because the documents presented have a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination.

is the first thing on the I-9. This doesn't make employers want to fine tooth comb candidate ID. Thus, the bubble jet solutions infiltrate the system. The first politician, left or right, that figures out the necessity for debit card style employment verification will be a popular individual.

take a look at it.
yea, I don't know about when the law was changed but:

Anti-Discrimination Notice. It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than an alien not authorized to work in the U.S.) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of that individual's national origin or citizenship status. It is illegal to discriminate against work eligible individuals. Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. The refusal to hire an individual because the documents presented have a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination.

is the first thing on the I-9. This doesn't make employers want to fine tooth comb candidate ID. Thus, the bubble jet solutions infiltrate the system. The first politician, left or right, that figures out the necessity for debit card style employment verification will be a popular individual.

take a look at it.

I am going to have to remind employers around here about the Passport thing, My daughter does not have her social Security card at the moment, but she does have an expired passport ( US of course) and some have told her that she must have a social security card.
hehehe.. those emplyers are fucking up. DLs and SS cards are the easiest to accept but, as you can see, requiring any particular form among the list acceptable is suggested to be discrimination. But, that's kinda the point too. Employers like to accept what they are readily familiar with when there is a chance that they will be lanced by the current wave of attention to illegals. I prefer those two as well. I don't require them specifically... but this particular issue is open territory for a savvy politician.

Hell, if you know of a conservative candidate who would impliment such by all means... make the debit card reader suggestion. Clearly, my side is not interested even though such an easy solution would give them credit with small business voters.
for whome?

Illegal Aliens for having to actually make the effort to change mexico into something besides a shit hole or America who could actually have it's prerogative in decided who can and who cannot come in.

Thank the FSM that there was no convenient nation to run to during the revolutionary war. There would be no America if our founding father did what mexicans are doing when escaping the shittiness of their own nation.

first order of business:

Repeal anything that remotely suggests that anchor babies are American citizens.
So the president should just sit on his ass and play politics, while a majority of the country wants something DONE about it?

He represents us. He OUGHT to be going to congress and telling them to fucking ACT on it. Or his administration could draft their own legislation.

After 9/11, how could any president justify allowing illegal immigrants to stay in this country? How can he be sure ANY of them are not part of a terrorist group? We're not just talking about Mexicans, we're talking about ALL illegals.

The only reason he wants them to stay, is because the corporate lobby pressure on him and congress to keep them here is too great. It's about MONEY. Our national security is being sold out to corporate desires.

If another 9/11 happens and it happens to be illegal immigrants involved, the blood will be on the hands of congress and the administration for not KICKING THEM THE FUCK OUT.

I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! Here is the clincher...Illegal's bring in revenue through sales tax and none of the 1 percent that rule America want to solve anything!...There is money to be made in strife. Show me a fight over anything and I will show you someone getting rich. Aids, Cancer, Brest Cancer will never be cured. There is too much money being made fighting for the cure and the drug companies are supported and held in high regard by the 1 percent that rule America. They don't call it the Drug Enforcement Agency for nothing! I have a knee that I just had surgery on and I got my pain meds and had to sign a statement that I would only get my meds from that doc...etc. and I swear to God it says in the statement that NOT taking my meds is a felony and I could go to jail...How fucked up is that...I believe this country is close to a revolution. VIVA REVOLUCION!!!:thup:
I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! Here is the clincher...Illegal's bring in revenue through sales tax and none of the 1 percent that rule America want to solve anything!...There is money to be made in strife. Show me a fight over anything and I will show you someone getting rich. Aids, Cancer, Brest Cancer will never be cured. There is too much money being made fighting for the cure and the drug companies are supported and held in high regard by the 1 percent that rule America. They don't call it the Drug Enforcement Agency for nothing! I have a knee that I just had surgery on and I got my pain meds and had to sign a statement that I would only get my meds from that doc...etc. and I swear to God it says in the statement that NOT taking my meds is a felony and I could go to jail...How fucked up is that...I believe this country is close to a revolution. VIVA REVOLUCION!!!:thup:

Paulatics, what about 'legal immigrants'? Should they be kicked out too? Should their numbers be cut back? What do those new immigrants bring or take from the US?
Folks, the two parties in control look like they have melded together and do not care about your concerns regarding illegals. Its pedal to the metal towards the North American Union and the dissolution of the US. Voters be damned.

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