Over 200 flights canceled as German piolts refuse to deport migrants


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Pilots in Germany are refusing to deport rejected asylum seekers, leading to the cancellation of more than 200 flights.

A freedom of information request revealed that 222 scheduled flights were forced to be canceled over the course of 2017 as pilots refused to play a part in returning people to Afghanistan, which is still reeling from years of occupation by Western forces.......................
Over 200 Flights Canceled as German Pilots Refuse to Deport Migrants

The severe mental illness is spreading like a cancer virus out of control. They'll all act like this until it happens to one of their own. Way to go morons.
This is the message being sent by their actions
I want my daughter raped, or how about my mother and or sister, aunt yeah that is real smart you morons.
Some 85 of the refusals between January and September 2017 came from Germany's main airline Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings. About 40 took place at Dusseldorf airport, where the controversial deportations are routinely accompanied by protesters on the tarmac. The majority of the canceled flights, around 140, took place at Frankfurt Airport, Germany's largest and most important hub.
German pilots refuse to carry out deportations

Wonder who is supporting these pilots?

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