Outrageous Sexual Abuse!

what a witty little response. Good job, you sure showed me. Wonder who predicted that...

Look who's talking. Go back to the playground and grow up before you try and play with the adults. At the minimum, learn a little respect and maybe you'll get a little in return.
Let's look at your signature

"For the intellectually impared, HINT: it's a satire."

Oh, the arrogance of youth. Here's a hint for you. Satire is supposed to be humorous, makes people enjoy it more. Keep practicing, maybe your English professor will like it.

Alot of you seem to be incredibly deluded on the value of your respect for me, so just to clarify, i don't give a damn.

You were just throwing a hissy fit wondering why you weren't getting any respeect. I was merely trying to show you why. Once again, you have demonstarted what a pompous ass you are and that you really need to be sent to the woodshed for a year or so to learn some manners.

my status: lookin for some.

Looking for some what? Some bud so you can get high and tell your friends how great you are? Some pussy? Probably wouldn't know what to do with it. Some respect, got to give some to get some. Looks like you are 0 for 3.
And now the rest:

Wow...you fuckers blind me with your intellectual prowess. Is that what you want to hear?

I wonder if it ever occurred to you well read Google-searching fuckers that the picture in my display picture isn't to show my gender, but rather to again illustrate my motives. My guess is that you fucking geniuses are ready to criticize a point as long as its only using knowledge you already have at your finger tips - and believe me, gentlemen, I use the term "knowledge" loosely. Because when it comes to knowledge, what you don't know is that my display picture is of The White Buffalo Lady, the myth of the lady who first introduced the peace pipe to the Native Americans, and what you don't realize is that I’m a man. My friends do you see how without a word to Google, you are completely useless? You see how, with all the powers of wit at your disposal, you don't even know the gender of the person you're talking to?

See I know who the fuck you are. I was you a few years ago, so believe me, I know. You go to class, or watch the news, attentive as shit, but never doing a single fucking drop of work outside of 8:00-3:00 or 7:00-8:00 (depending on which stage in your pathetic little lives you are), and bring that practice onto these boards. You expect any and all knowledge to be brought to you, ready and willing, and have never worked a second in your life to learn something more than you know in the here and now. You expect that you’re natural intellect, and the knowledge that you happen to have whipped off the news man's ass crack for that day to get you through any argument you happen to encounter. I've been through that phase and I’ve passed it. So when you Neanderthals come to me with your fucking witty responses, and you're quick-to-draw misconceptions that have been handed to you your ENTIRE life, I laugh. You think you're smarter than everyone, and I’ll bet you do a damn good job keeping up with the comparatively slow people in your every day life, but in reality, I'm smarter than you, and I'm better than you in every sense of the world.

And when the average person looks in at us and sees us arguing they'll say "Hey those guys are pretty fuckin smart," and not know any better about it. But you do. And I do. They may not even realize that I’ve just won - there's still time to spare. So go head my friends, pretend that nothing happened. Use your feeble little wit to construct arguments. Make some witty jokes about how I talk like a girl anyways. Use all the wit you've stockpiled over the years to show that I’m new to these boards, and you're ancient history. Or better yet be even wittier and don't respond at all. Pretend that you never really gave a shit what I had to say. Do all the witty little things that I used to do. Use your witty little vocabulary words to try and condescend (because that makes *ME* look like the asshole, right? :rolleyes:). In general, be witty little fucks. Convince the world of fools that you're really the smart ones, and I’m just some stupid shmuck. But just keep in mind that the only difference between you and those you so love to criticize is a little bit of spare wit between your ears, and that the difference between you and I can only be gapped by hard work - the one thing in life that you have never experienced.

No...What I would have liked to hear is that you have an opinion about something other than legalizing pot. But obviously you have proven that you are only here to spew about your insecurities.

A message board is not like the real world, nor is like the debate club. Most people come on here to vent. Unlike you they have kids to feed and mortgages to pay. Many on this board DONT work blue collar jobs but even if they did I would STILL take their experience over someone like you who hasnt even finished college yet to start paying all those student loans.

Kind of hard to be all smart when you havent even lived. You are still a child.

And if you want to believe that I am calling myself smarter than you then think again...I am calling everyone else on this board smarter than you because at least they dont have complete and utter melt down after a few posts. Except for maybe the other children that post on this board.
two more very witty responses. I joined these boards TO talk about legalizing pot. That is my one and only intent. I could of course add my share about any of the other political, legal, and ecconomical problems plaguing our country, but to be honest, i don't really want to. And as for my life, and whatever experiences i do or do not have, i would like it very much if you stopped making assumptions about something you know NOTHING about. What do you know about me to make these assumptions? You know that i'm from south boston. You know that I'm 19 years old (good job you can check my profile...want a cookie?). You know i'm a boy...although it took you morons about a week to figure that one out. You know I'm Greek Orthidox. Thats a whole four different things about me that you know for a fact, and with these four things, you assume to be infinitely more experienced than me, infinitely more intelligent than me, and infinitely better in every respect. In other words you think your shits are like candy bars to me. Now I'm not saying that you're not any of these things. I'm just saying that those are the kind of things you don't say unless you're damn fucking sure that your assumptions are right.

I'm done with you three clowns. I don't think i'll be responding do any of the bitch crew anymore, so if you don't want to waste your time and precious wit, please don't respond to my threads anymore with your useless spam, because it will go completely unheeded.
"...what you don't know is that my display picture is of The White Buffalo Lady, the myth of the lady who first introduced the peace pipe to the Native Americans, and what you don't realize is..."

ummm... you don't sound as peaceful as you might think!
<just sayin'>
two more very witty responses. I joined these boards TO talk about legalizing pot. That is my one and only intent. I could of course add my share about any of the other political, legal, and ecconomical problems plaguing our country, but to be honest, i don't really want to. And as for my life, and whatever experiences i do or do not have, i would like it very much if you stopped making assumptions about something you know NOTHING about. What do you know about me to make these assumptions? You know that i'm from south boston. You know that I'm 19 years old (good job you can check my profile...want a cookie?). You know i'm a boy...although it took you morons about a week to figure that one out. You know I'm Greek Orthidox. Thats a whole four different things about me that you know for a fact, and with these four things, you assume to be infinitely more experienced than me, infinitely more intelligent than me, and infinitely better in every respect. In other words you think your shits are like candy bars to me. Now I'm not saying that you're not any of these things. I'm just saying that those are the kind of things you don't say unless you're damn fucking sure that your assumptions are right.

I'm done with you three clowns. I don't think i'll be responding do any of the bitch crew anymore, so if you don't want to waste your time and precious wit, please don't respond to my threads anymore with your useless spam, because it will go completely unheeded.

If you came on here to TALK, why did you lecture like some know-it-all? I know you're a pompus windbag who comes on like Attila the Hun and leaves like Gomer Pyle. And how can you be Greek Orthodox when you can't even spell it.

Hate to break it to you, I don't care what you are or where you come from. This is the internet, you could be a fat middle aged transexual from Topeka for all I know. I do care that you come on here and start prancing around like you are the cat's meow and then expect everyone to bow to your wisdom. I treat you the same way I treat the other 5 year old temper tantrum throwing motherfucker. I take you to the woodshed every chance I get.

And I don't care if you respond or not, I'm still posting anywhere I fucking feel like because this is America and I can do that!!!!
"...what you don't know is that my display picture is of The White Buffalo Lady, the myth of the lady who first introduced the peace pipe to the Native Americans, and what you don't realize is..."

ummm... you don't sound as peaceful as you might think!
<just sayin'>

rofl that's funny stuff.
I am not a mod......

Seeing as you believe having NO sex is a good idea you probably would get off on me slapping your wrist.

Not interested!

didn't the shakers try this once....look where they are now...sorry i am not giving up sex for world peace
I dont think that too many people are going to jump on this bandwagon.

They might
if it is promoted as a weight loss program.

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