Outlook bleak for President Obama


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So whats the news today over at DRUDGE??

As of 6pm, June 12th, not very good if you're the president...................seems the snowball running downhill is picking up speed very, very fast!! And Im laughing.

The headlines read.......................



Not just 'racist people' unhappy...

'People ain't got jobs, people are hurting'...
GOP demands Senate vote on leak investigation...

PETER KING: 'Worse than Watergate'...

DEMS BLOCK SPECIAL COUNSEL...POLL: Obama rapidly losing support among black voters...

White support cracking...

Jewish support in NY drops 22% -- in 1 month!

PANIC! Ex-Clinton advisors warn of 'impossible head

EU Mulls Worst-Case Scenarios If Greece Leaves Euro...

Spain deal 'will come apart in less than a month'... wind' for Dems...

POSTAL CHIEF: We're headed for Greece...


Of course, this is escalator up............but only for the k00k left trolling in the nether-regions of the internet. At this rate, Im wondering.........might it well be that Im looking at November feeling much like the night of November 5th, 1980!!??:2up:
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Outlook looks worse for the Nation. I only pray we get some good leadership in soon.
Don't count the clowns out just yet. A lot can happen between now and November. You watch, the New York times will miraculously find a woman carryimg the love child of one of Romney's son's. She will maintain that Romney had devil worshiping parties in his house as late as 1995 and that Anne Romney is a member of the KKK. As it is Obama's campaign has gone back to attacking Bain Capitial, even though it is a losing issue, so don't be surprised what the Lamestream media does.
Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe made another pitch for reforms to keep the Postal Service afloat.

WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- The head of the U.S. Postal Service said Tuesday that if the service doesn't cut costs and Congress fails to act, it's going to be in the same dire straits as Greece.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe drew chuckles from a group of postal policy conference attendees by comparing the beleaguered, indebted Postal Service to the beleaguered, indebted nation.

He said that Greece's ratio of debt compared to gross domestic product is 1.61 and the U.S. Postal Service's ratio of debt compared to revenue is 1.51.

Donahoe clarified later that he was sincere in the comparison, except he didn't think the U.S. Postal Service is on the verge of default or a bailout.

Postal Service chief: If we do nothing, we're Greece - Jun. 12, 2012
Don't count the clowns out just yet. A lot can happen between now and November. You watch, the New York times will miraculously find a woman carryimg the love child of one of Romney's son's. She will maintain that Romney had devil worshiping parties in his house as late as 1995 and that Anne Romney is a member of the KKK. As it is Obama's campaign has gone back to attacking Bain Capitial, even though it is a losing issue, so don't be surprised what the Lamestream media does.

Level head and a steady course, don't let the shit slinging get to you, they have done too much damage already. Enough is enough.
Yeah..he's going to have to spend four more years dealing with the fruit loop tea baggers in congress.

The Fruit-Looper's are on your side of the aisle fang. ;) He would probably do better as a Congressional Staffer though, you do have me there.
Avatar bro..........I have to admit that these days, Im enjoying the shit out of seeing the left becomming more and more miserabale by the day. Been watching the political winds blow for decades now and never have I become so ammused in seeing the regular miserable become mental case miserable as this whole thing does in under 3 years.

On election night ( much like last week after Wisconsin), Im going to be the most irritating fucking prick that ever posted on these forums. I'll be on here rubbing the salt in the wounds with dozens of my gay MSPaint classics........and laughing my balls off every time I click "post quick reply".:D:D:D. I'll especially like pwning the fruit loop fairies and the feminist bulldogs........as well as the OCD k00k assholes with 85 million posts.
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why does the right hate the post office?

Another well thought out statement? Not...

I do not want the Post Office to fail, no more than I would want the entire country to fail. If it sent the cost of postage up a dime a letter to save the Post office then i would say do it. Do not cut service at the same time. But that 75 year retirement BS is just that, BS........
why does the right hate the post office?

We don't hate the post office its a money pit let it be privatized and thus cheaper and more efficient and wealth would develop not debt. Dept. of Education needs to go to, we have a system set up where the state and local municipalities take care of that. The Kremlin Errr I mean DC has never developed a program ever that didn't cost 10-30 times its projected cost. Lol hate the post office? talk about a typical democrap :lol:
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why does the right hate the post office?

Why does TM act out every delusion and fantasy here, on these boards? Why does TM ask stupid and disingenuous questions?

You are a liar and a fraud TM. You are also an Idiot, a rudderless tool, so I will leave you to your Demons.
Yeah..he's going to have to spend four more years dealing with the fruit loop tea baggers in congress.

The Fruit-Looper's are on your side of the aisle fang. ;) He would probably do better as a Congressional Staffer though, you do have me there.

Maybe Obama can be a ball boy for the Washington Wizards next season. He MAY be able to handle that job. He certainly doesn't have a CLUE what it takes to be the POTUS.

At this point in our history, JIMMY CARTER looks like a genius when compared to Barack Obama.

At least "Jimmah" was a good and decent man.......naive and ignorant, yes........but Jimmah had a good heart.

Obama is nothing more than a snake, or maybe a carp...........pick whatever bottom feeder you want.
why does the right hate the post office?

Another well thought out statement? Not...

I do not want the Post Office to fail, no more than I would want the entire country to fail. If it sent the cost of postage up a dime a letter to save the Post office then i would say do it. Do not cut service at the same time. But that 75 year retirement BS is just that, BS........

I do not want the Post Office to fail either. I rely on it. I support it's Constitutional Mandate and directive. TM is here to disrupt, without foundation or conscience.
why does the right hate the post office?

Another well thought out statement? Not...

I do not want the Post Office to fail, no more than I would want the entire country to fail. If it sent the cost of postage up a dime a letter to save the Post office then i would say do it. Do not cut service at the same time. But that 75 year retirement BS is just that, BS........

I do not want the Post Office to fail either. I rely on it. I support it's Constitutional Mandate and directive. TM is here to disrupt, without foundation or conscience.

Your buddy Motownron wants it privatized.

You with that?
I am from the burbs and I've seen 20-30 businesses close near me, but my hero comrade Obama said "its fine". Yep all good :lol:
A retarded kindergartner can see what happens to liberal strongholds, they perish.
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Another well thought out statement? Not...

I do not want the Post Office to fail, no more than I would want the entire country to fail. If it sent the cost of postage up a dime a letter to save the Post office then i would say do it. Do not cut service at the same time. But that 75 year retirement BS is just that, BS........

I do not want the Post Office to fail either. I rely on it. I support it's Constitutional Mandate and directive. TM is here to disrupt, without foundation or conscience.

Your buddy Motownron wants it privatized.

You with that?

In one sense it already has been. There is allot right with it, there is allot wrong with it. I would be very interested in what the Postal Workers think in reference to implementation and problem solving. Show me the best and worst ten things about it. Show me 5 factors that influence it's volume, in general, such as E-Mail, Instant Messaging, Text Messaging. What if the USPS set up something that was registered (Optional Confidential User Info on File-Real Name, Address, Phone Number), like G-Mail? Just a thought. Better to think innovation in a changing world, rather than finger pointing.

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