Our wacky Judaized world

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Once your country becomes Judaized, everything will seem alien and every decision made by those in authority will seem like the wrong one. To wit:

City News Service
About a dozen antisemitic flyers criticizing President Joe Biden and making comments about the COVID-19 pandemic were dumped at homes in a Huntington Beach neighborhood Tuesday.
OK, Joe Biden is not a Jew, and the "pandemic" is not a Jewish topic. So how is the flyer "antisemitic?" We don't know because the newspaper did not provide the text of the flyer.
Police believe that about 15 homes in the Bushard Street and Hamilton Avenue area received the flyers, said Jennifer Carey, a spokeswoman for the city.
So here we have some flyer, the contents of which we don't even know, distributed to roughly .000008 per cent of the population, and it's national news.
Police were working to determine the source of the flyers, Carey said.
Not only is it national news, it's a crime. But what, exactly, is the crime?
“I am terribly disappointed to hear that a few unfortunate residents within one of our HB neighborhoods received flyers promoting antisemitic messaging and propaganda this morning,” Mayor Barbara Delgleize said. “I have been assured by our chief of police that the Huntington Beach Police Department is actively investigating this situation and the source of the flyers. While HBPD believes the distribution of these flyers is isolated to a very small area, HBPD detectives are taking it very seriously and following every lead.

“I want to be clear, the messaging contained within these flyers does not reflect the values or ideas we believe here in Huntington Beach. We have zero tolerance for hateful rhetoric or prejudice within our community,” Delgleize continued. “I know that I speak for all of my fellow City Council members in condemning not only this flyer but all instances of hate within our city.”
So, the crime, apparently, is offending the town's "values," according to this lame-ass mayor, or not "reflecting the ideas" the town believes in. Those values include complete intolerance of speech the mayor doesn't like, and disregard of the First Amendment. And, by the way, for all we know, the flyers may have contained valuable information or political opinions.
The HBPD asked that anyone with information about the incident contact them at 714-960-8811.
Or you might just call and ask them whether they really think it is a good idea spending money to officially assault what little of our civil liberties we have left.
One thing you'll never hear a Jew say, hmm, maybe you have a point. maybe this is ridiculous. maybe this is why we've been hated for 3000 years by everybody else. maybe we need a little self-reflection.

Even the Israelites rejected Judah.
Jews give loans and boost the economy. For that reason they where invited to Germany in the 14th century. But the day will come and they want their money back. That´s when a pogrom starts.
Once your country becomes Judaized, everything will seem alien and every decision made by those in authority will seem like the wrong one. To wit:

City News Service

OK, Joe Biden is not a Jew, and the "pandemic" is not a Jewish topic. So how is the flyer "antisemitic?" We don't know because the newspaper did not provide the text of the flyer.

So here we have some flyer, the contents of which we don't even know, distributed to roughly .000008 per cent of the population, and it's national news.

Not only is it national news, it's a crime. But what, exactly, is the crime?

So, the crime, apparently, is offending the town's "values," according to this lame-ass mayor, or not "reflecting the ideas" the town believes in. Those values include complete intolerance of speech the mayor doesn't like, and disregard of the First Amendment. And, by the way, for all we know, the flyers may have contained valuable information or political opinions.

Or you might just call and ask them whether they really think it is a good idea spending money to officially assault what little of our civil liberties we have left.
The flyers no doubt blame Covid on a worldwide Jewish plot, headed by George Soros.

It doesn't take anything except for half a brain to know what this is about.
The flyers no doubt blame Covid on a worldwide Jewish plot, headed by George Soros.

It doesn't take anything except for half a brain to know what this is about.

Well, they have that space laser that starts wild fires, so there is that.

And they have a lot of semi-literate enemies with only a few teeth and a family tree with no branches, so there is that too.
One thing you'll never hear a Jew say, hmm, maybe you have a point. maybe this is ridiculous. maybe this is why we've been hated for 3000 years by everybody else. maybe we need a little self-reflection.

Even the Israelites rejected Judah.
I hope you're just bustin chops...but if not.

No group is completely homogenous.

So...when you blame 'Jews'.

Jews see that...people see that, and see the idiocy of it.

Because it is idiotic to blame an entire group of people.

I come on here and rip the ass out of the blacks...but I don't, can't blame ALL blacks for everything...what kind of silliness is that?
Jews give loans and boost the economy.

I suppose that's what you were taught, but the truth is far different--as is the case so often with the Jews.

Read Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together

But the economics of it isn't the problem with a Judaized world. The usury, fraud, and inhumane ruthlessness are just means to and end, and it's the end that is the problem.

Deuteronomy: All other humans must be enslaved or exterminated. Period.

That's the real problem.

In Deuteronomy Judaism was born, yet this would have been a stillbirth, and Deuteronomy might never again have been heard of, if that question had rested only with the Levites and their captive Judahites. They were not numerous, and a nation a hundred times as many could never have hoped to enforce this barbarous creed on the world by force of its own muscle. There was only one way in which "the Mosaic Law" could gain life and potency and become a disturbing influence in the life of other peoples during the centuries to follow. This was if some powerful "stranger" (among all those strangers yet to be accursed), some mighty king of those "heathen" yet to be destroyed, should support it with arms and treasure.

Precisely that was about to happen when Josiah read The Second Law to the people in 621 BC, and it was to repeat itself continually down the centuries to our day: the gigantic improbability of the thing confronts the equally large, demonstrable fact that it is so! The rulers of those "other nations" which were to be dispossessed and destroyed repeatedly espoused the destructive creed, did the bidding of the dominant sect, and at the expense of their own peoples helped to further its strange ambition.

Some twenty years after the reading of Deuteronomy in Jerusalem, Judah was conquered by the Babylonian king, in about 596 BC. At the time, this looked like the end of the affair, which was a petty one in itself, among the great events of that period. Judah never again existed as an independent state, and but for the Levites, their Second Law and the foreign helper the Judahites, like the Israelites, would have become involved in mankind.

Instead, the Babylonian victory was the start of the affair, or of its great consequences for the world. The Law, instead of dying, grew stronger in Babylon, where for the first time a foreign king gave it his protection. The permanent state-within-states, nation-within-nations was projected, a first time, into the life of peoples; initial experience in usurping power over them was gained. Much tribulation for other peoples was brewed then.

As for the Judahites, or the Judaists and Jews who sprang from them, they seem to have acquired the unhappiest future of all. Anyway, it was not a happy man (though it was a Jewish writer of our day, 2,500 years later, Mr. Maurice Samuel) who wrote: "… we Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyer forever … nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands."

At first sight this seems mocking, venomous, shameless. The diligent student of the controversy of Zionism discovers that it is more in the nature of a cry of hopelessness, such as the "Mosaic Law" must wring from any man who feels he cannot escape its remorseless doctrine of destruction.
I hope you're just bustin chops...but if not.

No group is completely homogenous.

So...when you blame 'Jews'.

Jews see that...people see that, and see the idiocy of it.

Because it is idiotic to blame an entire group of people.

I come on here and rip the ass out of the blacks...but I don't, can't blame ALL blacks for everything...what kind of silliness is that?
And, yet, you wrote: "Guard...release the Jews."

And it is true, you will never hear a Jew say: perhaps Jews share some blame for all the trials and tribulations. Maybe Jews, too, do their fair share of persecuting. So, yes, blanket statements are justified.

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