Our Time


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How can we understand where we are today if we donā€™t know how we got here? And, there is just the tiniest chance that if we understand where we are today, we can guess where we are goingā€¦.and how to avoid that.

1.Itā€™s been a journey of some three millennia and we can chart the start as moving from polytheism to monotheism. I got to see some of the oldest texts when the Dead Sea Scrolls was on display, here in NYC. Always amazing is the course of lifeā€™s history as laid out in Genesis, with the steps in creation mirroring the steps science accepts todayā€¦. The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago.
It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

2. Unavoidable is the recognition that the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis:
light from an explosion (the Big Bang),
universe/earth formed,
the seas from the cooling earth,
plants as the first life forms;
abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion),
the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today.

Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

3. If it is not evidence for God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.
Parker, ā€œThe Genesis Enigma,ā€ p. 160.

And this from folks living in the desert!

Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!

The alternative explanation is divine intervention.

Kind of hard to miss the implication. ā€œ a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.ā€ What do scientists think about religion?

4. But at least as significant as the science is the political impact of monotheism and the Bible. In pre-Bible times, as in the Hammurabi Code, it is only the king who was said to have been created in Godā€™s image.
The Bible created Western civilization, and changed all that in Genesis 1:26- And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
That means all people, not just kings. All individuals have lives with meaning and purpose, and that extends to other. We owe that to God.

Lest any imagine that all religions are the same, Leviticus 19:34
34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Compared to this: ā€œNew York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ā€˜Muslims should hate non-Muslimsā€™ ā€œThe general principleā€¦ is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,ā€ New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ā€˜Muslims should hate non-Muslimsā€™

The difference between what produce Western civilizationā€¦and some other on less accommodating to humanity.
Actually, after the Big Bang, there was a dark period of 400 million years before the lights came on. Making Genesis wrong. Even for North Koreans.
Humans have always created and maintained gods as a means of providing answers, comfort, hope and guidance. Not to mention control and convenient excuses.

Over 2,500 so far, as I understand it.
While I worship none of those, nor subscribe to any organized religion, I have no problem with the concept that a far higher ancient intelligence very well could have set up the rules governing this universe.
Actually, after the Big Bang, there was a dark period of 400 million years before the lights came on. Making Genesis wrong. Even for North Koreans.
I'd like to see your video of that.
It's what science and scientists say.
So you don't actually know if this 400 million years of darkness actually happened or the duration of it. I have a clue for you NOBODY was around back then! NOBODY knows what happened.
Humans have always created and maintained gods as a means of providing answers, comfort, hope and guidance. Not to mention control and convenient excuses.
Over 2,500 so far, as I understand it.
While I worship none of those, nor subscribe to any organized religion, I have no problem with the concept that a far higher ancient intelligence very well could have set up the rules governing this universe.
Agreed. It may be that there is some kind of initial Creator, billions of years ago. 50/50. I don't know, no one does, no one can.

But is it one of the 2,500 we have created on this little planet? Doubtful.
Actually, after the Big Bang, there was a dark period of 400 million years before the lights came on. Making Genesis wrong. Even for North Koreans.
I'd like to see your video of that.
It's what science and scientists say.
So you don't actually know if this 400 million years of darkness actually happened or the duration of it. I have a clue for you NOBODY was around back then! NOBODY knows what happened.
So everyone's claim that God gave us light... is bullshit? The Garden of Eden, bullshit. ... Because nobody was there?
Actually, after the Big Bang, there was a dark period of 400 million years before the lights came on. Making Genesis wrong. Even for North Koreans.
I'd like to see your video of that.
It's what science and scientists say.
So you don't actually know if this 400 million years of darkness actually happened or the duration of it. I have a clue for you NOBODY was around back then! NOBODY knows what happened.
So everyone's claim that God gave us light... is bullshit? The Garden of Eden, bullshit. ... Because nobody was there?
Clearly, to anyone who can read, I said no such thing. The concept of God allows that he or she or it is an omnipotent being who is nowhere and everywhere. Not a person and certainly would not fall under the blanket term of "nobody". Also according to the bible, the garden of eden was populated with beings who do live under the blanket notion of "bodies".
How can we understand where we are today if we donā€™t know how we got here? And, there is just the tiniest chance that if we understand where we are today, we can guess where we are goingā€¦.and how to avoid that.

1.Itā€™s been a journey of some three millennia and we can chart the start as moving from polytheism to monotheism. I got to see some of the oldest texts when the Dead Sea Scrolls was on display, here in NYC. Always amazing is the course of lifeā€™s history as laid out in Genesis, with the steps in creation mirroring the steps science accepts todayā€¦. The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago.
It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

2. Unavoidable is the recognition that the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis:
light from an explosion (the Big Bang),
universe/earth formed,
the seas from the cooling earth,
plants as the first life forms;
abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion),
the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today.

Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

3. If it is not evidence for God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.
Parker, ā€œThe Genesis Enigma,ā€ p. 160.

And this from folks living in the desert!

Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!

The alternative explanation is divine intervention.

Kind of hard to miss the implication. ā€œ a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.ā€ What do scientists think about religion?

4. But at least as significant as the science is the political impact of monotheism and the Bible. In pre-Bible times, as in the Hammurabi Code, it is only the king who was said to have been created in Godā€™s image.
The Bible created Western civilization, and changed all that in Genesis 1:26- And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
That means all people, not just kings. All individuals have lives with meaning and purpose, and that extends to other. We owe that to God.

Lest any imagine that all religions are the same, Leviticus 19:34
34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Compared to this: ā€œNew York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ā€˜Muslims should hate non-Muslimsā€™ ā€œThe general principleā€¦ is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,ā€ New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ā€˜Muslims should hate non-Muslimsā€™

The difference between what produce Western civilizationā€¦and some other on less accommodating to humanity.

quoting leviticus?


I thought modern evangelicals only went by the New T?
Humans have always created and maintained gods as a means of providing answers, comfort, hope and guidance. Not to mention control and convenient excuses.
Over 2,500 so far, as I understand it.
While I worship none of those, nor subscribe to any organized religion, I have no problem with the concept that a far higher ancient intelligence very well could have set up the rules governing this universe.
Agreed. It may be that there is some kind of initial Creator, billions of years ago. 50/50. I don't know, no one does, no one can.

But is it one of the 2,500 we have created on this little planet? Doubtful.
Just a basic recognition that we are not top dog in the verse.
My argument has always been, is that any creator or God or designer, is the ultimate scientist.
The flowing white robes were actually lab coats.
Actually, after the Big Bang, there was a dark period of 400 million years before the lights came on. Making Genesis wrong. Even for North Koreans.
I'd like to see your video of that.
It's what science and scientists say.
So you don't actually know if this 400 million years of darkness actually happened or the duration of it. I have a clue for you NOBODY was around back then! NOBODY knows what happened.
So everyone's claim that God gave us light... is bullshit? The Garden of Eden, bullshit. ... Because nobody was there?
Clearly, to anyone who can read, I said no such thing. The concept of God allows that he or she or it is an omnipotent being who is nowhere and everywhere. Not a person and certainly would not fall under the blanket term of "nobody". Also according to the bible, the garden of eden was populated with beings who do live under the blanket notion of "bodies".
But nobody was there in the Garden of Eden, so according to you, it can't be true.
Humans have always created and maintained gods as a means of providing answers, comfort, hope and guidance. Not to mention control and convenient excuses.
Over 2,500 so far, as I understand it.
While I worship none of those, nor subscribe to any organized religion, I have no problem with the concept that a far higher ancient intelligence very well could have set up the rules governing this universe.
Agreed. It may be that there is some kind of initial Creator, billions of years ago. 50/50. I don't know, no one does, no one can.

But is it one of the 2,500 we have created on this little planet? Doubtful.

Did you want to hazard a suggestion as to the amazing coincidence outlined in the OP:

2. Unavoidable is the recognition that the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis:
light from an explosion (the Big Bang),
universe/earth formed,
the seas from the cooling earth,
plants as the first life forms;
abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion),
the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today.

Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

3. If it is not evidence for God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.
Parker, ā€œThe Genesis Enigma,ā€ p. 160.

The book was written by a scientist....

Humans have always created and maintained gods as a means of providing answers, comfort, hope and guidance. Not to mention control and convenient excuses.
Over 2,500 so far, as I understand it.
While I worship none of those, nor subscribe to any organized religion, I have no problem with the concept that a far higher ancient intelligence very well could have set up the rules governing this universe.
Agreed. It may be that there is some kind of initial Creator, billions of years ago. 50/50. I don't know, no one does, no one can.

But is it one of the 2,500 we have created on this little planet? Doubtful.

Did you want to hazard a suggestion as to the amazing coincidence outlined in the OP:

2. Unavoidable is the recognition that the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis:
light from an explosion (the Big Bang),
universe/earth formed,
the seas from the cooling earth,
plants as the first life forms;
abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion),
the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today.

Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

3. If it is not evidence for God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.
Parker, ā€œThe Genesis Enigma,ā€ p. 160.

The book was written by a scientist....

The earth wasn't formed until 9 billion years after the BB. But I'm not surprised that you believe the bullshit in the bible, all Koreans like the white man's god.
5. Monotheism, becoming the Judeo-Christian faith, is one of the two ā€˜parentsā€™ of Western civilization.

The Greeks provided the other: reason. Ben Shapiro put it this way: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.

In the 18th century, the impetus of science led to the Enlightenment. A benefit by itself, it advanced reason and science so far ahead of that other ā€˜parentā€™ that elites began to claim that faith, religion and morality were no longer necessary for humanity, in fact, claiming that religion was superstition that held learning back.

And, they added materialism to the most important beliefs.

This is a great big ā€˜uh-oh.ā€™
5. Monotheism, becoming the Judeo-Christian faith, is one of the two ā€˜parentsā€™ of Western civilization.

The Greeks provided the other: reason. Ben Shapiro put it this way: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.

In the 18th century, the impetus of science led to the Enlightenment. A benefit by itself, it advanced reason and science so far ahead of that other ā€˜parentā€™ that elites began to claim that faith, religion and morality were no longer necessary for humanity, in fact, claiming that religion was superstition that held learning back.

And, they added materialism to the most important beliefs.

This is a great big ā€˜uh-oh.ā€™
So God created deformed babies in His image? Is that your final answer?
5. Monotheism, becoming the Judeo-Christian faith, is one of the two ā€˜parentsā€™ of Western civilization.

The Greeks provided the other: reason. Ben Shapiro put it this way: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.

In the 18th century, the impetus of science led to the Enlightenment. A benefit by itself, it advanced reason and science so far ahead of that other ā€˜parentā€™ that elites began to claim that faith, religion and morality were no longer necessary for humanity, in fact, claiming that religion was superstition that held learning back.

And, they added materialism to the most important beliefs.

This is a great big ā€˜uh-oh.ā€™
So God created deformed babies in His image? Is that your final answer?
To the sick twisted mind of a deranged hater like yourself, all you can see is bad things.
5. Monotheism, becoming the Judeo-Christian faith, is one of the two ā€˜parentsā€™ of Western civilization.

The Greeks provided the other: reason. Ben Shapiro put it this way: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.

In the 18th century, the impetus of science led to the Enlightenment. A benefit by itself, it advanced reason and science so far ahead of that other ā€˜parentā€™ that elites began to claim that faith, religion and morality were no longer necessary for humanity, in fact, claiming that religion was superstition that held learning back.

And, they added materialism to the most important beliefs.

This is a great big ā€˜uh-oh.ā€™
So God created deformed babies in His image? Is that your final answer?
To the sick twisted mind of a deranged hater like yourself, all you can see is bad things.
So why did God create deformed babies and cancer?

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