Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?
Of course we can reverse course.

The ends of our political spectrum, the people who are doing everything they can to remain divided from the other, can lead the way by dropping the egos and the posing and the partisanship and showing the country how communication and collaboration can lead to the innovation we need to get through this and become great again. One of them can break the logjam by being the first.

Good ol' American leadership by example and teamwork. Pretty simple, really. Too bad we seem to have lost the capacity to do it.
Of course we can reverse course.

The ends of our political spectrum, the people who are doing everything they can to remain divided from the other, can lead the way by dropping the egos and the posing and the partisanship and showing the country how communication and collaboration can lead to the innovation we need to get through this and become great again. One of them can break the logjam by being the first.

Good ol' American leadership and teamwork. Pretty simple, really. Too bad we seem to have lost the capacity to do it.
This coming from the guy that votes for what he is supposedly against lolz
What a moron.
Of course we can reverse course.

The ends of our political spectrum, the people who are doing everything they can to remain divided from the other, can lead the way by dropping the egos and the posing and the partisanship and showing the country how communication and collaboration can lead to the innovation we need to get through this and become great again. One of them can break the logjam by being the first.

Good ol' American leadership by example and teamwork. Pretty simple, really. Too bad we seem to have lost the capacity to do it.

Our only hope of reversing course is the younger generations seeing all the mistakes we made and not following in our footsteps.
Some are, most are not.

But they are still our only hope.

It is not like any of you will ever give up being hyper-partisan putting your party before country.
There are exactly ZERO signs that anyone besides the partisan right want to stop this insanity.

At EVERY TURN the left defend it and the media fall in line to keep the public ignorant
Correction: mistakes you made in 2020 example #1. Your support of Election Fraud. Your vote to destroy the country. You and your kind, no one else.//

It is so cute how you think all the problems started in 2020.

You partisan sheep have no sense of history at all.
There are exactly ZERO signs that anyone besides the partisan right want to stop this insanity.

At EVERY TURN the left defend it and the media fall in line to keep the public ignorant

The partisan right is just as guilty as the partisan left.

If you put even 10% of the energy you do into freaking out over beer cans and mermaids into changing things for the better then maybe you could pretend to care
There are exactly ZERO signs that anyone besides the partisan right want to stop this insanity.

At EVERY TURN the left defend it and the media fall in line to keep the public ignorant
That's not much of a job these days....Why do you think that civics is no longer taught in public schools?

Hardly anyone under say 55 has the slightest inkling about how the .gov is supposed to work.....That's why they get away with what they do time and again.
It is so cute how you think all the problems started in 2020.

You partisan sheep have no sense of history at all.

You dumb OX, that was just your most recent debacle.

We had it on the road to repair at least twice three times. Fools like you are root cause of demise.
It is so cute how you think all the problems started in 2020.

You partisan sheep have no sense of history at all.
The peak of the nation was around 1970 or so. The problems on top of the older problems expanded more since then. We have not figure out how to pay everyone off in a massive welfare state in which many are involved in and have high productive growth with it.
Of course we can reverse course.

The ends of our political spectrum, the people who are doing everything they can to remain divided from the other, can lead the way by dropping the egos and the posing and the partisanship and showing the country how communication and collaboration can lead to the innovation we need to get through this and become great again. One of them can break the logjam by being the first.

Good ol' American leadership by example and teamwork. Pretty simple, really. Too bad we seem to have lost the capacity to do it.
I'm not so sure. You have more hope than I do. Chicago tells the tale with out of control crime and murders, increasing every day due to progressive woke policies from the state and mayor Lightfoot. So, what does Chicago do about it? They boot Lightfoot out on her ass for that high crime and then elect another progressive worse than her. And, when it comes time to vote for governor again? Who will the big Illinois cities vote for? Yet another bluey.

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