Our Racist President

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Our Racist President

15 Nov 2021 ~~ By Pete McArdle
Sure, President Biden is frail, stooped, and increasingly senile. And yes, the “Big Guy” is thoroughly corrupt, lies like a rug, and constantly makes stuff up to appear heroic. But did you know he’s also a dyed-in-the-wool racist?
Why, just this week, our president burnished his white supremacist bona fides, calling the former baseball player, Satchel Paige, “a great Negro.”
Our vile, despicable media, of course, nearly strained a gerund jumping to Biden’s defense. He was referring to the Negro Leagues, they enlightened us, and merely mangled his words (see senile, increasingly).
Perhaps, like the fabled broken clock, the media was right this one time. But the evidence that our charter-in-Chief’s a racist is considerable and covers decades of Biden’s (self-)service to our country.
A couple of years back, Biden, discussing civility in politics, related how he was able to work well with a couple of Southern segregationists, Senators Herbert Talmadge (D-Miss) and Robert Eastland (D-Ga). “We got things done,” Joe proudly told donors, and Eastland “. . . never called me ‘boy,’ he called me ‘son’” Ah, good times, good times.
In summation, our current president may or may not be corrupt, mendacious, inept and at least two cans shy of a six-pack. But the evidence that Joe Biden is a virulent racist is voluminous and overwhelming.
Americans of color beware! Because, based on his past remarks, that senile, Ku Klux Klan-loving bigot in the White House may well be planning to “put y’all back in chains!”
Just as soon as he’s had his pudding.

We know about Joey's racist tendencies from way back when he had ‘the power’ and lorded over all those ‘darkies’ at the pool where he was the life guard. Even bragging about how he put Corn Pop and his little gangsta pals in their place. (Or be banned from the pool?) Preying on the little black girls to stroke his leg. (Or be banned from the pool?) Inferred intimidation.
When asked about Joey Xi's racism and predilection as a pedophile the media and PM/DSA Leftists either bury the facts or claim, “Well that’s just Joe being Joe”, and the proof lies in how they defended him, while continuing to malign Trump viewing him as racist for shutting down the border, for telling the truth that MS-13 are violent criminals that come across our open borders.
The proven truth of the matter is that Democrats have shown their bigotry and racism especially against Blacks for more than 100 years.
Joe said Negro......
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Our Racist President

15 Nov 2021 ~~ By Pete McArdle
Sure, President Biden is frail, stooped, and increasingly senile. And yes, the “Big Guy” is thoroughly corrupt, lies like a rug, and constantly makes stuff up to appear heroic. But did you know he’s also a dyed-in-the-wool racist?
Why, just this week, our president burnished his white supremacist bona fides, calling the former baseball player, Satchel Paige, “a great Negro.”
Our vile, despicable media, of course, nearly strained a gerund jumping to Biden’s defense. He was referring to the Negro Leagues, they enlightened us, and merely mangled his words (see senile, increasingly).
Perhaps, like the fabled broken clock, the media was right this one time. But the evidence that our charter-in-Chief’s a racist is considerable and covers decades of Biden’s (self-)service to our country.
A couple of years back, Biden, discussing civility in politics, related how he was able to work well with a couple of Southern segregationists, Senators Herbert Talmadge (D-Miss) and Robert Eastland (D-Ga). “We got things done,” Joe proudly told donors, and Eastland “. . . never called me ‘boy,’ he called me ‘son’” Ah, good times, good times.
In summation, our current president may or may not be corrupt, mendacious, inept and at least two cans shy of a six-pack. But the evidence that Joe Biden is a virulent racist is voluminous and overwhelming.
Americans of color beware! Because, based on his past remarks, that senile, Ku Klux Klan-loving bigot in the White House may well be planning to “put y’all back in chains!”
Just as soon as he’s had his pudding.

We know about Joey's racist tendencies from way back when he had ‘the power’ and lorded over all those ‘darkies’ at the pool where he was the life guard. Even bragging about how he put Corn Pop and his little gangsta pals in their place. (Or be banned from the pool?) Preying on the little black girls to stroke his leg. (Or be banned from the pool?) Inferred intimidation.
When asked about Joey Xi's racism and predilection as a pedophile the media and PM/DSA Leftists either bury the facts or claim, “Well that’s just Joe being Joe”, and the proof lies in how they defended him, while continuing to malign Trump viewing him as racist for shutting down the border, for telling the truth that MS-13 are violent criminals that come across our open borders.
The proven truth of the matter is that Democrats have shown their bigotry and racism especially against Blacks for more than 100 years.

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