Our intelligence community puts their lives on the line to protect this country


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Clearly, Donald Trump has been given his orders to weaken our intelligence community.

Remember, 9/11 happened because we had a Republican president that ignored a report from US Intelligence agencies. Without US Intelligence, how many more 9/11's would we see? We only hear about such attacks when politicians don't listen to intel they have been given.

Now we have a president that takes phone calls from Vladimir Putin and discredits the agencies charged with protecting this country.

Would you be willing to put your life on the line for a country led by Donald Trump? A leader who calls Americans who put their lives on the line for this country, "Nazi's".

I do,wish he would make a better distinction between the upper echelon, though, vs the field agents.
The sad fact is that the American intel community has been compromised by Communism. That was after all, one of the stated goals Russia set out to accomplish during the 1950's. During those times, the Soviets had successfully infiltrated the U.S. State Department, which the honorable Senator from Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy tried to warn us about. But many of us laughed at him.

Since those times, the creeping disease of communism and socialism has seeped into every level of the American government, including the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Justice. Even to the casual observer this was never more evident than the 2016 elections, when members of our own intelligence-gathering organizations colluded with and attempted to aid the known communist sympathizers Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, in preventing Donald Trump from winning the election.

If the truth were known, we would even likely find out that our own intelligence agencies were in collusion with Russian interests, in order to prevent Trump from winning the presidency.

Does this sound a little "far-fetched"? The tell me this: Would you have believed them if If someone had told you 20 years ago, that this country would see a President who would would oversee pallets of money on a tarmac, waiting to be shipped to a known terrorist nation like Iran?

Would you have believed them 20 years ago if someone had told you that our own Department of Justice would be involved in putting assault weapons into the hand of Mexican drug gangs?

Would you have believed them 20 years ago if someone had told you that our own Secretary of State would be involved in scheme to allow our eternal adversary Russia, 20% of our uranium reserves?

Would you have believed them if someone told you that an entire political party, namely the Democrat party would not only turn a blind eye to these things, but would thoroughly endorse them?

I wouldn't have believed them. But trust me, these things and more have taken place in this country.
It's not the fault of the president or the intelligence community that they didn't have enough information to prevent 9/11.

President Trump is dealing with a corrupt and politicized intelligence community. Firing Comey was a good start.
Clearly, Donald Trump has been given his orders to weaken our intelligence community.

Remember, 9/11 happened because we had a Republican president that ignored a report from US Intelligence agencies. Without US Intelligence, how many more 9/11's would we see? We only hear about such attacks when politicians don't listen to intel they have been given.

Now we have a president that takes phone calls from Vladimir Putin and discredits the agencies charged with protecting this country.

Would you be willing to put your life on the line for a country led by Donald Trump? A leader who calls Americans who put their lives on the line for this country, "Nazi's".

And Trump puts their lives on the line to protect his ass.
It's not the fault of the president or the intelligence community that they didn't have enough information to prevent 9/11.

President Trump is dealing with a corrupt and politicized intelligence community. Firing Comey was a good start.

What do you mean by "corrupt"?
It's not the fault of the president or the intelligence community that they didn't have enough information to prevent 9/11.

President Trump is dealing with a corrupt and politicized intelligence community. Firing Comey was a good start.
Don't listen to that Fox bullsh!t. It's not real.

Comey and Mueller are lifelong Republicans. They just happen to also love the US.
He didn’t say in that post the intelligence community put it together. Show me where he does.
The dossier was dirty and false stuff! He has a right to call them for it.
What are you talking about?
You know. You just pretend not to.
I'm not aware of a dossier put together by our intelligence community.

Since you are, what does it say? Do you have a link to it?
Then why bring it up?
The sad fact is that the American intel community has been compromised by Communism. That was after all, one of the stated goals Russia set out to accomplish during the 1950's. During those times, the Soviets had successfully infiltrated the U.S. State Department, which the honorable Senator from Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy tried to warn us about. But many of us laughed at him.

Since those times, the creeping disease of communism and socialism has seeped into every level of the American government, including the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Justice. Even to the casual observer this was never more evident than the 2016 elections, when members of our own intelligence-gathering organizations colluded with and attempted to aid the known communist sympathizers Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, in preventing Donald Trump from winning the election.

If the truth were known, we would even likely find out that our own intelligence agencies were in collusion with Russian interests, in order to prevent Trump from winning the presidency.

Does this sound a little "far-fetched"? The tell me this: Would you have believed them if If someone had told you 20 years ago, that this country would see a President who would would oversee pallets of money on a tarmac, waiting to be shipped to a known terrorist nation like Iran?

Would you have believed them 20 years ago if someone had told you that our own Department of Justice would be involved in putting assault weapons into the hand of Mexican drug gangs?

Would you have believed them 20 years ago if someone had told you that our own Secretary of State would be involved in scheme to allow our eternal adversary Russia, 20% of our uranium reserves?

Would you have believed them if someone told you that an entire political party, namely the Democrat party would not only turn a blind eye to these things, but would thoroughly endorse them?

I wouldn't have believed them. But trust me, these things and more have taken place in this country.
What does re-posting debunked conspiracies add to any conversation?
The dossier was dirty and false stuff! He has a right to call them for it.
What are you talking about?
You know. You just pretend not to.
I'm not aware of a dossier put together by our intelligence community.

Since you are, what does it say? Do you have a link to it?
You aren't aware of it? You mean to tell us Trump never sent you your copy so he can get your recommendations on how to proceed? Unbelievable.
The dossier was dirty and false stuff! He has a right to call them for it.
What are you talking about?
You know. You just pretend not to.
I'm not aware of a dossier put together by our intelligence community.

Since you are, what does it say? Do you have a link to it?
You aren't aware of it? You mean to tell us Trump never sent you your copy so he can get your recommendations on how to proceed? Unbelievable.
Why won't you tell us what it says?

You seem to know.
Quit the lies. They did not have anything to do with the dossier-

The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.
The dossier was dirty and false stuff! He has a right to call them for it.
What are you talking about?
You know. You just pretend not to.
No I don't. The only dossier in the news is the one Republicans paid some British company to make on Trump.
What does that have to do with the FBI?
It's so pathetic that the intelligence community puts their lives on the line for a boss that bows before Putin.
Don't worry, there is literally nobody left on the planet that takes this man seriously. Not one person honestly buys into his bullshit about the FBI. The ones who claim they do are lying.

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