Our Intelligence Agencies Have The Clap


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence didn't know that 12 men were arrested in the UK for planning a series of massive terrorist attacks this week. Diane Sawyer asked him two days ago if he knew about it and all she got was a blank stare from the former lieutenant general.

This gives Military Intelligence a new meaning. Well actually it just reinforces the old adage that military and intelligence are conflicting terms.

I mean, where the heck has this guy been.

Btw.....this imbecile also supported Bush's claim that WMDs were in Iraq.

"As the former head of the Pentagon’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Clapper played a key role in promoting the Bush administration’s claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction prior to the 2003 invasion."[4] Indeed, in 2003, the New York Times reported that Clapper attempted to explain the absence of WMDs in Iraq by asserting that the weapons materials were "unquestionably" shipped out of Iraq to Syria and other countries just before the American invasion, a "personal assessment" which Clapper's own agency head at the time, David Burpee, "could not provide further evidence to support." James R. Clapper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[5]

This is the type of people Obama has placed the security of this country in. I would expect this of a teenager but not the man directing our intelligence agencies as we speak.

Link to the story

Clapper didn't know
It makes one think about the process we have. We accumulate a lot of intelligence and the top layer of officials only see what the lower layers decide what is important or not and what to pass on. In this case it shows that this man does not even watch the news and he may not have gotten notified by his people of the incident. Maybe it is classified SECRET and he couldn't say anything. Whatever it was it shows that the people in charge of our intelligence are are uninformed!!!
It makes one think about the process we have. We accumulate a lot of intelligence and the top layer of officials only see what the lower layers decide what is important or not and what to pass on. In this case it shows that this man does not even watch the news and he may not have gotten notified by his people of the incident. Maybe it is classified SECRET and he couldn't say anything. Whatever it was it shows that the people in charge of our intelligence are are uninformed!!!

What it means is that idiot isn't qualified for the job nor is he engaged in the process.

He's the guy that briefs Obama every morning for Christ sake.:lol:
The suspects, aged between 17 and 28, are accused of preparing Al Qaeda-inspired attacks on ‘mass casualty’ targets such as shopping malls and nightclubs.
They were taken into custody after more than 150 officers from four forces swooped on homes in London, Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham and Cardiff at 5am.

Police arrest 12 people 'plotting terror attack' | Mail Online

So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?:piss2:
So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?
Our intelligence chief shouldn't at least KNOW about this? Forget the CIA, Clapper isn't part of it. The Obama menstruation admits this is a major gaffe, the guy "should have been briefed." Why don't you?
So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?
Our intelligence chief shouldn't at least KNOW about this? Forget the CIA, Clapper isn't part of it. The Obama menstruation admits this is a major gaffe, the guy "should have been briefed." Why don't you?

A blank stare could mean anything. It could mean that wasn't about to talk about it.
You can't go crazy on a "guess". That's what got us into Iraq.
Maybe it's a trait of all right wingers.
So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?
Our intelligence chief shouldn't at least KNOW about this? Forget the CIA, Clapper isn't part of it. The Obama menstruation admits this is a major gaffe, the guy "should have been briefed." Why don't you?

A blank stare could mean anything. It could mean that wasn't about to talk about it.
You can't go crazy on a "guess". That's what got us into Iraq.
Stupid fuck... Both Clapper AND the Obama menstruation ADMIT Clapper knew nothing about the arrests! And they ADMIT he should have at the very least KNOWN about it!

And Clapper IS one of the people who not only did the "guessing" on Iraq, but also tried to JUSTIFY it later!:lol:

Catch a clue yet?
The suspects, aged between 17 and 28, are accused of preparing Al Qaeda-inspired attacks on ‘mass casualty’ targets such as shopping malls and nightclubs.
They were taken into custody after more than 150 officers from four forces swooped on homes in London, Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham and Cardiff at 5am.

Police arrest 12 people 'plotting terror attack' | Mail Online

So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?:piss2:

No.....they report directly to Reuters and the AP first. That way our intelligence folks, Obama's intelligence folks, won't get wind of it.

Does anybody wonder why Obama seems out of touch with reality?????
So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?
Our intelligence chief shouldn't at least KNOW about this? Forget the CIA, Clapper isn't part of it. The Obama menstruation admits this is a major gaffe, the guy "should have been briefed." Why don't you?

A blank stare could mean anything. It could mean that wasn't about to talk about it.
You can't go crazy on a "guess". That's what got us into Iraq.
Maybe it's a trait of all right wingers.

A blank stare means that you don't know.

How hard is that to figure out rdean?

If the guy has a problem working out simple sentences, even bull shit responses to a question you don't want to answer, how is this guy qualified to be our number one guy running an important part of our government vested with the defense of this nation.

Obviously he's not involved.

Who is at fault????

The Obama Administration.

What it illustrates is national defense is a joke to these people. They feel that the Tea Party is a greater threat then folks that want to blow up train stations, passenger aircraft, and shopping malls.

You cannot whitewash this in any sane manner.
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Our intelligence chief shouldn't at least KNOW about this? Forget the CIA, Clapper isn't part of it. The Obama menstruation admits this is a major gaffe, the guy "should have been briefed." Why don't you?

A blank stare could mean anything. It could mean that wasn't about to talk about it.
You can't go crazy on a "guess". That's what got us into Iraq.
Maybe it's a trait of all right wingers.

A blank stare means that you don't know.

How hard is that to figure out rdean?

If the guy has a problem working out simple sentences, even bull shit responses to a question you don't want to answer, how is this guy qualified to be our number one guy running an important part of our government vested with the defense of this nation.

Obviously he's not involved.

Who is at fault????

The Obama Administration.

What it illustrates is national defense is a joke to these people. They feel that the Tea Party is a greater threat then folks that want to blow up train stations, passenger aircraft, and shopping malls.

You cannot whitewash this in any sane manner.
He doesn't even know the facts of the situation, he's merely reflexively defending Obalalama. Even when Obamalama isn't defending this!

Tells us alot about him.
From a news organization perspective, this is big news (about the arrests). Doesn't necessarily mean it's REALLY big news. Just because some news editor decides to make it the lead story in a broadcast or page one news is a matter of marketing and information posturing. This doesn't add or subtract to the significance of the event. It's what news journalists do.

Nonetheless, General Clapper should have at least known that this was the latest news media event, even if it may not have been a truly significant event from an intelligence perspective. He should have known enough to either add comment or to at least say, "we're aware of it but haven't determined any significance from it yet."

Here's the part that really sucks. A person in Clapper's position simply doesn't have the time to dig through all of the intelligence reports, news stories, internet sites, etc. to be informed. The volume of information today is simply staggering. He has to rely on his staff to identify key events, follow up with details, and brief him on those events. Clearly, someone on his staff screwed up royally because the boss looked like a buffoon on national television.

Here's the part that the majority of Clapper's critics don't understand---perhaps only a military person could understand it----Clapper owns up to the responsibility. He hasn't come online to blame some staffer, although clearly this is what happened. Instead, Clapper admits that he didn't know about it and he should have. The buck stops right there.

And that's the difference between some political flunky appointed to a position and a person who understands the ups and downs of command, responsibility and accountability.

Clapper did no wrong in my book.
From a news organization perspective, this is big news (about the arrests). Doesn't necessarily mean it's REALLY big news. Just because some news editor decides to make it the lead story in a broadcast or page one news is a matter of marketing and information posturing. This doesn't add or subtract to the significance of the event. It's what news journalists do.

Nonetheless, General Clapper should have at least known that this was the latest news media event, even if it may not have been a truly significant event from an intelligence perspective. He should have known enough to either add comment or to at least say, "we're aware of it but haven't determined any significance from it yet."

Here's the part that really sucks. A person in Clapper's position simply doesn't have the time to dig through all of the intelligence reports, news stories, internet sites, etc. to be informed. The volume of information today is simply staggering. He has to rely on his staff to identify key events, follow up with details, and brief him on those events. Clearly, someone on his staff screwed up royally because the boss looked like a buffoon on national television.

Here's the part that the majority of Clapper's critics don't understand---perhaps only a military person could understand it----Clapper owns up to the responsibility. He hasn't come online to blame some staffer, although clearly this is what happened. Instead, Clapper admits that he didn't know about it and he should have. The buck stops right there.

And that's the difference between some political flunky appointed to a position and a person who understands the ups and downs of command, responsibility and accountability.

Clapper did no wrong in my book.
Look at what the Obama menstruation has said about this. They admit it's a BIG gaffe. They admit Clapper "should have been briefed." They promise this type of muff won't happen again. They don't try to defend this at all. The intelligence chief who asserted there were WMDs in Iraq, (and still does) was clueless about a MAJOR terrorist arrest in GB. It just is what it is.

Isn't that all really, that needs to be said?
From a news organization perspective, this is big news (about the arrests). Doesn't necessarily mean it's REALLY big news. Just because some news editor decides to make it the lead story in a broadcast or page one news is a matter of marketing and information posturing. This doesn't add or subtract to the significance of the event. It's what news journalists do.

Nonetheless, General Clapper should have at least known that this was the latest news media event, even if it may not have been a truly significant event from an intelligence perspective. He should have known enough to either add comment or to at least say, "we're aware of it but haven't determined any significance from it yet."

Here's the part that really sucks. A person in Clapper's position simply doesn't have the time to dig through all of the intelligence reports, news stories, internet sites, etc. to be informed. The volume of information today is simply staggering. He has to rely on his staff to identify key events, follow up with details, and brief him on those events. Clearly, someone on his staff screwed up royally because the boss looked like a buffoon on national television.

Here's the part that the majority of Clapper's critics don't understand---perhaps only a military person could understand it----Clapper owns up to the responsibility. He hasn't come online to blame some staffer, although clearly this is what happened. Instead, Clapper admits that he didn't know about it and he should have. The buck stops right there.

And that's the difference between some political flunky appointed to a position and a person who understands the ups and downs of command, responsibility and accountability.

Clapper did no wrong in my book.
Look at what the Obama menstruation has said about this. They admit it's a BIG gaffe. They admit Clapper "should have been briefed." They promise this type of muff won't happen again. They don't try to defend this at all. The intelligence chief who asserted there were WMDs in Iraq, (and still does) was clueless about a MAJOR terrorist arrest in GB. It just is what it is.

Isn't that all really, that needs to be said?

Sorry, pal, but you don't know General James Clapper other than what the news media tells you about him. You don't know his history. You don't know what things he's done as an intelligence officer. You don't know what initiatives he put in place to deter, disrupt and neutralize our nation's enemies.

I do. Served with him in Korea back in the 80's.

And that, friend, is all that really needs to be said.
From a news organization perspective, this is big news (about the arrests). Doesn't necessarily mean it's REALLY big news. Just because some news editor decides to make it the lead story in a broadcast or page one news is a matter of marketing and information posturing. This doesn't add or subtract to the significance of the event. It's what news journalists do.

Nonetheless, General Clapper should have at least known that this was the latest news media event, even if it may not have been a truly significant event from an intelligence perspective. He should have known enough to either add comment or to at least say, "we're aware of it but haven't determined any significance from it yet."

Here's the part that really sucks. A person in Clapper's position simply doesn't have the time to dig through all of the intelligence reports, news stories, internet sites, etc. to be informed. The volume of information today is simply staggering. He has to rely on his staff to identify key events, follow up with details, and brief him on those events. Clearly, someone on his staff screwed up royally because the boss looked like a buffoon on national television.

Here's the part that the majority of Clapper's critics don't understand---perhaps only a military person could understand it----Clapper owns up to the responsibility. He hasn't come online to blame some staffer, although clearly this is what happened. Instead, Clapper admits that he didn't know about it and he should have. The buck stops right there.

And that's the difference between some political flunky appointed to a position and a person who understands the ups and downs of command, responsibility and accountability.

Clapper did no wrong in my book.
Look at what the Obama menstruation has said about this. They admit it's a BIG gaffe. They admit Clapper "should have been briefed." They promise this type of muff won't happen again. They don't try to defend this at all. The intelligence chief who asserted there were WMDs in Iraq, (and still does) was clueless about a MAJOR terrorist arrest in GB. It just is what it is.

Isn't that all really, that needs to be said?

Sorry, pal, but you don't know General James Clapper other than what the news media tells you about him. You don't know his history. You don't know what things he's done as an intelligence officer. You don't know what initiatives he put in place to deter, disrupt and neutralize our nation's enemies.

I do. Served with him in Korea back in the 80's.

And that, friend, is all that really needs to be said.
"He should have been briefed. It won't happen again."

Not getting through to you?
Intelligence my ass! Clapper don't have a clue, Napolitano don't know how many days are in a year and our CiC don't know how many states we have.
Intelligence my ass! Clapper don't have a clue, Napolitano don't know how many days are in a year and our CiC don't know how many states we have.
Had this happened with Bushie as President, the howls would be never ending and Clapper's resignation would have been forced after weeks of Congressional hearings, endless late night comedy bits, and a impersonator on SNL, for months.
The suspects, aged between 17 and 28, are accused of preparing Al Qaeda-inspired attacks on ‘mass casualty’ targets such as shopping malls and nightclubs.
They were taken into custody after more than 150 officers from four forces swooped on homes in London, Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham and Cardiff at 5am.

Police arrest 12 people 'plotting terror attack' | Mail Online

So Scotland Yard should report to the CIA?:piss2:

No... but ordinarily the Brits (and other security agencies) work closely with each other. Idiot.
Sorry, pal, but you don't know General James Clapper other than what the news media tells you about him. You don't know his history. You don't know what things he's done as an intelligence officer. You don't know what initiatives he put in place to deter, disrupt and neutralize our nation's enemies.

You ASSume what I know or don't?

I watched his confirmation hearings carefully last summer. I am well aware of his qualifications and his body of work. And if you'll read the thread again carefully, you'll see I was NOT attacking him.
From a news organization perspective, this is big news (about the arrests). Doesn't necessarily mean it's REALLY big news. Just because some news editor decides to make it the lead story in a broadcast or page one news is a matter of marketing and information posturing. This doesn't add or subtract to the significance of the event. It's what news journalists do.
It was on EVERY major newscast. It IS a big story, whether you want to call it one or not. And as the Obama menstruation admits, Clapper should have known about it.

The issue for me is, at first Clapper's spokespeople lied, said he knew about it but Sawyer's question was "too ambiguous." Then later, Clapper admitted he had no idea about the London arrests. It's this changing of the story that should have you wondering what the hell these people are actually doing. Why the need to lie? He did NOT know about it, straight up.

At minimum, I believe the INTEL CHIEF should be up on world events, especially when it comes to FOILED TERROR PLOTS WITH A DOZEN ARRESTS!

Don't you?

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