Our government never lies!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Let me try and figure this out. There is a election next month and the unemployment rate has been above 8% for 43 straight months. NOW......a month before the election....unemployment drops below 8%. It sure is "convenient" timing for Obama. Common sense says it's not true. Chicago politics at their best.

There are the campaign speeches and promises, then there is a track record of what a person actually accomplished. That is the important part.

Some of us want a president who understands how the private sector works. We want jobs and we want to create our own wealth. Can he make policies condusive to that?

Some want a president who promises to give them things and they are always bashing the private sector. They want more entitlements, not the chance to work. Will he provide that in lieu of jobs?

I always wonder why the liberals who work everyday are so anxious to vote for someone who will increase checks for those who don't work when it means they will have more taken from their paychecks.

No one complains about helping the elderly, the disabled or the downtrodden, but liberals have no problem when some able bodied people rely on welfare their whole lives, just as their ancestors did.

The left is quick to make excuses for people who are middle-aged and still only qualify for a cheap labor job and still relies on government assistance. When we see generations on welfare, something is wrong, but not with society. People have fallen into a rut and aren't trying to break the cycle of dependency. It is getting bad. Why do they listen to the left when all they are told is that they need help or they will live miserable lives? It's like the liberals don't want see people elevate themselves and they tell people it's impossible without government programs. They tell these dependents that if they or their children are ever going to make it in the world, they must lower standards for them. I think the left has really done a number on people over the last 7 decades.

When people on the right talk about the power of the individual and how we can all pursue our dreams because we are in the best country in the world, it goes right over their heads and they think we're telling them they have to go without because we aren't handing them anything, but reminding them what they are capable of doing for themselves. Why is this such a foreign concept among so many of the government dependents? I've listened to them and so often hear that they love Obama, but not because of foreign policy or because of what he's doing for the economy. They talk about the money they'll get from Obama's stash, how he'll pay their mortgage and put gas in their tank, how he gave them a free phone or increased entitlements. It's all about a tangible something that will be placed in their hand. It's not enough for them to promise to uphold the constitution and keep our country free and our laws fair. They literally want someone to do for them. They don't get it.

It's sad that some have either quit trying or were simply taught by their parents that you go to government for everything. Why would a person have incentive to complete school or get a higher education when they can put forth a minimal amount of effort and be subsidized by the tax payers?
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Let me try and figure this out. There is a election next month and the unemployment rate has been above 8% for 43 straight months. NOW......a month before the election....unemployment drops below 8%. It sure is "convenient" timing for Obama. Common sense says it's not true. Chicago politics at their best.


Truthseeker is obviously searching the depths of his colon in search of....well...truth...what else.

I wonder if Obama really sleeps with Valerie Jarrett ? Well, if he does, they can both go back to Chicago and carry on in the snow.

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