orly taitz is making serious progress against corrupt obama


They are sooooooooooo cute!!!! Wish they were mine. :)
Oh, I know. It was also known as the British Protectorate of the Kenyan Colony and the Colony of Kenya, Kenya familiarly.

The reason I even brought it up Here... http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...ress-against-corrupt-obama-2.html#post4172577 ... was that I thought it unusual that Kenya be used in 1961, on Barry's Birth Certificate, as His Dad's Country of Birth, when, I believe it was still referred to as "British East Africa Protectorate", until 1963.
And we refer to the Republic of the United States of America by it's full name all the time...... :eusa_whistle:
Think peoples natural inclination to use the familiar...... Think 1961.... Think American national narcissism...... Think bureaucrat, nurse, doctor filling out the form...... :eusa_whistle:
Do ya think they, he, she, it: 1. would even know? 2. Would even care?

I could not honestly make an assessment. That is why I asked. Still waiting for a Grown Up to respond. :D :) Seriously, I would expect it to be filled out Properly, considering that They would be getting the information from either or both of the Parents. One thing Bureaucrats are good for, if nothing else, is filling out Forms. :):):)
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I just have a question. Why use the name "Kenya" on the Certificate of Birth, which was created in 1961, when in 1961, Kenya was still known as "The British East Africa Protectorate, up until 1963? I'm just curious. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Did I miss something?

Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.
The Country was named after the Mountain, Which translates to "White Mountain", Because of the snow cap. :lol: Bet it pisses Michelle off.

Oh, I know. It was also known as the British Protectorate of the Kenyan Colony and the Colony of Kenya, Kenya familiarly.

The reason I even brought it up Here... http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...ress-against-corrupt-obama-2.html#post4172577 ... was that I thought it unusual that Kenya be used in 1961, on Barry's Birth Certificate, as His Dad's Country of Birth, when, I believe it was still referred to as "British East Africa Protectorate", until 1963.

Yes. A point that was effectively made about a year ago when this first surfaced. Taitz has surrounded herself with known criminals (committed for forgery and fraud), disbarred attorneys, and other people of ill repute in this venture. It's clear she has tunnel vision. She "knows" the outcome, she just needs to find the evidence to corroborate that. And thus, the tragic comedy continues. Eventually, she will cross the line and be disbarred (not because she has attacked Obama, but because she she has acted in a wholly unethical manner (i.e. advising one of her clients, CPT Connie Rhodes to violate the UCMJ). Until then, we will have to continue to be annoyed by her.
Oh, I know. It was also known as the British Protectorate of the Kenyan Colony and the Colony of Kenya, Kenya familiarly.

The reason I even brought it up Here... http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...ress-against-corrupt-obama-2.html#post4172577 ... was that I thought it unusual that Kenya be used in 1961, on Barry's Birth Certificate, as His Dad's Country of Birth, when, I believe it was still referred to as "British East Africa Protectorate", until 1963.

Yes. A point that was effectively made about a year ago when this first surfaced. Taitz has surrounded herself with known criminals (committed for forgery and fraud), disbarred attorneys, and other people of ill repute in this venture. It's clear she has tunnel vision. She "knows" the outcome, she just needs to find the evidence to corroborate that. And thus, the tragic comedy continues. Eventually, she will cross the line and be disbarred (not because she has attacked Obama, but because she she has acted in a wholly unethical manner (i.e. advising one of her clients, CPT Connie Rhodes to violate the UCMJ). Until then, we will have to continue to be annoyed by her.

Soon she will have the credentials to be considered for a White House Position. The only thing she is lacking at this point is Street Cred. ;) Maybe if she blew up a 7/11. :D
I just have a question. Why use the name "Kenya" on the Certificate of Birth, which was created in 1961, when in 1961, Kenya was still known as "The British East Africa Protectorate, up until 1963? I'm just curious. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Did I miss something?

Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

ah, a "i'm just asking questions"-birfer. wink, wink.

why is kabiza.com a better source than Snopes on Kenya?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrw0NIu_n-4]obama birth certificate. o'reilly facts ?? washingtonamerica.com challenges... - YouTube[/ame]
I just have a question. Why use the name "Kenya" on the Certificate of Birth, which was created in 1961, when in 1961, Kenya was still known as "The British East Africa Protectorate, up until 1963? I'm just curious. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Did I miss something?

Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

Funny they won't allow a C&P. Oh well. ;)


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I just have a question. Why use the name "Kenya" on the Certificate of Birth, which was created in 1961, when in 1961, Kenya was still known as "The British East Africa Protectorate, up until 1963? I'm just curious. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Did I miss something?

Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

Snopes is known to be a reliable source. Why is your source better???
Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

Snopes is known to be a reliable source. Why is your source better???

Oh, take his point either way. This point, specifically. "See nothing conclusive either way."

There is none so blind, and etc.
I just have a question. Why use the name "Kenya" on the Certificate of Birth, which was created in 1961, when in 1961, Kenya was still known as "The British East Africa Protectorate, up until 1963? I'm just curious. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Did I miss something?

Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

Funny they won't allow a C&P. Oh well. ;)
There are always work-arounds to outsmart these dumb computers. :lol:

I have a MAC, but this should work for Windoze also:
Select all, then copy, then paste into a text document. You can then select the part you want to C&P.

Critics claimed this document, too, was forged, based primarily on three arguments:

* The country of Kenya did not exist until 1963.

* The Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital was not known by that name until 1978.

* A birth certificate from 1961 would not have listed "African" as a race (rather than "Negro" or "Black").

All of these arguments are erroneous. The country now known as the East African republic of Kenya became a British protectorate referred to as Kenya in 1895, obtained colonial status in 1920, and gained full independence from Britain in 1963. The Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital was known by that name between 1931 and 1971 (after which its name was shortened to Kapi'olani Hospital). And although "Negro" was the typical demographic term used for American blacks in the early 1960s, "African" was commonly used for blacks who (like Barack Obama's father) were actually native-born Africans.
Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

ah, a "i'm just asking questions"-birfer. wink, wink.

why is kabiza.com a better source than Snopes on Kenya?

"I am not a birther, but...................................."

Some very forward leaning clerk in the former British Colony anticipated that it would be named "Kenya" and did you Obama a solid by putting the country's name on there. Of course, the fact that Lucas Smith (possessor of one of the "Kenyan documents") originally tried to sell it on E-bay and has a long rap sheet is completely immaterial! I mean, we must arrive at our conclusion!

In Smith's case, It ended up burning Taitz due to him being the fraud that he is, he ended up making up lies about her too.

Sleep with the dogs and all.....
Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

ah, a "i'm just asking questions"-birfer. wink, wink.

why is kabiza.com a better source than Snopes on Kenya?

Actually, yes. Much more readily available History. I recommend you check it out before discrediting it.

My issues with Barry probably relate more to his Student Records and Social Security Number than where he was born. There are Laws against Fraud. ;)

You have a nice day though. :D
Go to the very bottom of the page and you will see the explanation.

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

Snopes is known to be a reliable source. Why is your source better???

Kenya-Country Information

Because it is an in depth source from Kenya, about Kenya. What is your problem? Is it the Voices again? Sometime ya got to listen. :D ;)
A better source than Snopes on Kenya.
Kenya-Country Information

I'm not disputing, just questioning. See nothing conclusive either way.

ah, a "i'm just asking questions"-birfer. wink, wink.

why is kabiza.com a better source than Snopes on Kenya?

Actually, yes. Much more readily available History. I recommend you check it out before discrediting it.

My issues with Barry probably relate more to his Student Records and Social Security Number than where he was born. There are Laws against Fraud. ;)

You have a nice day though. :D

i checked out kabiza.com before asking you. i did not discredit it. you tried to discredit snopes though.

"yes" is not an answer to a "why" question.

wink wink
Kabiza.com provides detailed information on a tourists travels to Africa

Kabiza: People always wonder what Kabiza stands for. The actual words is Kabissa in Kiswahili and means complete. I am far from complete, but that is the journey I am heading in. When I came back from Africa I wanted to use Kabissa but the name was taken, so I took Kabiza and it stuck and that is why today there is Out of Africa - Too at Out of Africa - Too the address of this website. I am kind of glad that I have my own site, initially I was on AOL and put together a rudimentary site and then switched to Talk City. In both cases you had ads and pop-up windows and I wanted to get rid of them, besides the mail at MSN did not always come home to me. The is why we have Kabiza. It is also a town in Rwanda that was a place of atrocities during the genocide of 1994 in that country.

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