Orly may be after Cruz among others ..


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
Orly Taitz, a leading and litigious member of what became known as the “birther” movement during Obama’s presidency, says she likes Cruz, but she probably will file a lawsuit if he becomes president without a federal judge declaring him natural born.

“I’m very consistent in what I’m saying: I’m saying there’s the same issue with Obama and Ted Cruz,” she says.

Taitz -- a Soviet-born dentist-turned-lawyer -- says two other prospective presidential candidates, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., may also be ineligible to be president as their parents were immigrants, which may make Rubio and Jindal dual citizens.

“Maybe those three candidates should stick together and file one legal action seeking declaratory relief,” she says.

Taitz appreciates Cruz’s sharp-elbowed approach to his fellow congressmen and to Obama and likes his tax plans, but says she believes "natural born citizen" means someone born without dual citizenship.

Taitz is comedic (falstaffian) relief in this puddle of politicians.
Orly is always looking for new ways to milk Birthers of their money......

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