Organized Prayer in School...what would it look like today?


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
An interesting thought crossed my mind last nite. What if Madalyn Murray O'Hair had NOT brought her lawsuit against organized school prayer several decades ago....or what if she had LOST her case.....what would organized school prayer look like in our schools today? Furthermore, religionists claim that the lack of organized school prayer has brought on the plethora of troubles in our Public School system...would those troubles be non-existant?

Things to think about:

1. With the rise in other religions represented (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.) which prayers would be used?

2. What would be the consequences for teachers who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion (Jehovah's Witnesses come to mind)?

3. What positive things would we see in schools because of organized school prayer?

4. What would be the consequences for students who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion?

5. Would there be a religious test for hiring teachers?

6. Would schools become segregated or religious magnet schools?

Points to ponder.
I truly do not remember ever being taught religion in school. We may have had a moment of silence, but I'm not sure. In any event we were not instructed to say a prayer in that moment of silence. What I do remember is pledging allegiance to the flag. I also remember not having any misbehavior and/or disruptions in the classroom. There was no violence. We dressed like we had some pride in ourselves and our appearance. We were polite and well-mannered.

All those attributes have long ago been sent down the crapper. Sad.
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I truly do not remember ever being taught religion in school. We may have had a moment of silence, but I'm not sure. In any event we were not instructed to say a prayer in that moment of silence. What I do remember is pledging allegiance to the flag. I also remember not having any misbehavior and/or disruptions in the classroom. There was no violence. We dressed like we had some pride in ourselves and our appearance. We were polite and well-mannered.

All those attributes have long ago been sent down the crapper. Sad.

How much of this do you think would have NOT happened if we continued to have organized school prayer?
An interesting thought crossed my mind last nite. What if Madalyn Murray O'Hair had NOT brought her lawsuit against organized school prayer several decades ago....or what if she had LOST her case.....what would organized school prayer look like in our schools today? Furthermore, religionists claim that the lack of organized school prayer has brought on the plethora of troubles in our Public School system...would those troubles be non-existant?

Things to think about:

1. With the rise in other religions represented (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.) which prayers would be used?

2. What would be the consequences for teachers who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion (Jehovah's Witnesses come to mind)?

3. What positive things would we see in schools because of organized school prayer?

4. What would be the consequences for students who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion?

5. Would there be a religious test for hiring teachers?

6. Would schools become segregated or religious magnet schools?

Points to ponder.

i'll get to this right after i finish sorting my sock drawer and arranging it alphabetically. what is a religionist?
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An interesting thought crossed my mind last nite. What if Madalyn Murray O'Hair had NOT brought her lawsuit against organized school prayer several decades ago....or what if she had LOST her case.....what would organized school prayer look like in our schools today? Furthermore, religionists claim that the lack of organized school prayer has brought on the plethora of troubles in our Public School system...would those troubles be non-existant?

Things to think about:

1. With the rise in other religions represented (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.) which prayers would be used?

2. What would be the consequences for teachers who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion (Jehovah's Witnesses come to mind)?

3. What positive things would we see in schools because of organized school prayer?

4. What would be the consequences for students who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion?

5. Would there be a religious test for hiring teachers?

6. Would schools become segregated or religious magnet schools?

Points to ponder.

i'll get to this right after i finish sorting my sock drawer and arranging it alphabetically. what is a religionist?

Someone who's whole life seems to revolve around their religion and determines that all of life's ills are caused by a lack of their religion. Doesn't matter what religion...just THEIR religion.
Doesn't matter what religion? Right... even NO religion (to witt: Michael Newdow, Madelyn Murray O'Hair, bodeccea....and other anti-religionists).
An interesting thought crossed my mind last nite. What if Madalyn Murray O'Hair had NOT brought her lawsuit against organized school prayer several decades ago....or what if she had LOST her case.....what would organized school prayer look like in our schools today? Furthermore, religionists claim that the lack of organized school prayer has brought on the plethora of troubles in our Public School system...would those troubles be non-existant?

Things to think about:

1. With the rise in other religions represented (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.) which prayers would be used?

2. What would be the consequences for teachers who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion (Jehovah's Witnesses come to mind)?

3. What positive things would we see in schools because of organized school prayer?

4. What would be the consequences for students who did not want to lead prayers against their own religion?

5. Would there be a religious test for hiring teachers?

6. Would schools become segregated or religious magnet schools?

Points to ponder.

i'll get to this right after i finish sorting my sock drawer and arranging it alphabetically. what is a religionist?

Someone who's whole life seems to revolve around their religion and determines that all of life's ills are caused by a lack of their religion. Doesn't matter what religion...just THEIR religion.

thanks, never heard the term before.
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Doesn't matter what religion? Right... even NO religion (to witt: Michael Newdow, Madelyn Murray O'Hair, bodeccea....and other anti-religionists).

And here comes Jeny..and if there were ever any doubt as to her ignorance, she sets that to rest again. I am not an atheist. But, perhaps you don't recognize that I have a religion because I'm not trying to force it upon others....that is probably strange behavior to the likes of you, Jeny.
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i'll get to this right after i finish sorting my sock drawer and arranging it alphabetically. what is a religionist?

Someone who's whole life seems to revolve around their religion and determines that all of life's ills are caused by a lack of their religion. Doesn't matter what religion...just THEIR religion.

thanks, never heard the term before. made it up...:tomato:
Organized Prayer in School...what would it look like today?

Let's see... It is 8 AM and three students that have been harrassed by the popular soches on the football team have stormed into the school cafeteria. Automatic weapons blazing...they each have spent several 30 round clips from the bushmaster assault rifles clips into the population of hypocritical cristian fucks that always thought they could act any way they chose. They were wrong. Now the ones that didn't get it in the first assault are huddled under the lunch room tables praying for thier lives..Thier one ness in prayer apears as if it is organized. Fear will do that.

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