O'Reilly and FOX refuse to answer to fabrication accusations

Not that I care about O'reilly, but folks this is nothing but a WITCH HUNT by Mother Jones and CBS. and you're wasting your breath on people who just has a hardon for O'Reilly and Fox news. It's also a way to distract people away from the proven liar, Brain Williams

Video and transcript at the site

David Corn Hangs Up On Hugh Hewitt After 45-Minute Grilling on Bill O'Reilly
Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt grills David Corn of Mother Jones on his claim that then-CBS News correspondent Bill O'Reilly exaggerated the capacity of his involvement in covering the Falklands War.

all of it here:
David Corn Hangs Up On Hugh Hewitt After 45-Minute Grilling on Bill O Reilly Video RealClearPolitics
Yes, I heard that Bill stated he had french fries with his catfish that night, turns out he actually had a baked potato. Thank god for the liberal media to point out his lies.


start a thread on that ...this is about Bill O Bullshit
Report me then, because I am not shutting up about Special Farces liar Robert McDonald until he resigns, Obama fires him, or I get banned for thread jacking.

Wouldn't it be easier to just hold your breath like usual?
Don't you have a partner with a dick to suck this morning?
This is the last line of defense that the Right wing nuts use when they cannot refute other people...the dreaded "gay baiting" maneuver.....you are a schmuck...
What's there to refute?

I agree O'Reilly is an ass and exaggerated his tale.

Meanwhile, why do we have a liar who stole the valor of those he is supposed to protect at the head of the VA?

Start a thread about that.
It was Fox & Friends and Coulter on O'Reillys show, but Bill did his usual side-of-the-mouth "some people are saying.." and never made a point of informing his viewers when the madrasah lie was proven false, nor did he correct Coulter when she raised it three years later.
The POS is trying for another "Tiller the baby killer" result!
Tiller was a baby killer. That's old news.
Bush 43 is a baby killer......

So are you.
You are no baby killer just a drooling right wing douche bag who supports Bush 's baby killings in Iraq

More left wing nutters BS! Hate is all you got, wear it proud.
whine much.... you shoot off your mouths you call people names you talk tough then when someone comes along and gives it back you start piteous whining wailing "hate is all I got"
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

Rather than answer directly to the accuser, O'Reilly takes his defense to the air on his FOX. Conveniently, no one could ask him additional questions. Conveniently, no one could cross examine his portrayal of his "war zone" statements.

O'Reilly knows where he is safe. And FOX is craning their necks looking the other way. AMAZING! The other journalist who covered the riots in Argentina are angry that O'Reilly portrayed them as cowering in their room. But he will get away with his lies and fabrications, because FOX...with the blessings of the Australian, will swear he has been soiled by a politically motivated hack job.


Lying like always, huh Jim?

Why not? “Because David Corn is a guttersnipe liar,” O’Reilly told the Erik Wemple Blog tonight. “Is that clear enough? For years he’s been trying to get Fox News. I would never speak to the man about anything at any time. He’s a disgusting piece of garbage.”

With that preface, let’s have a look at the allegations raised in the Mother Jones piece, which center on the 1982 war in the Falkland Islands. This was a pathetic conflict born of the desperation of an Argentine military junta seeking to rally the country around its blundering rule. Amid a staggering economic crisis, the Argentines invaded the two islands in April 1982, even though they’d been under British rule for 150 years. Bad move: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher wasn’t going to cede even these strategically infinitesimal holdings to these lowly and ruthless dictators. She sent troops and easily re-took the Islas Malvinas, as they’re known to Argentines.

Mother Jones and O’Reilly do not dispute that the Fox News host, then a correspondent for CBS News, was sent to Buenos Aires just before Argentine forces surrendered to Britain in the Falklands conflict. They do differ over the propriety of how O’Reilly has abridged that experience at various moments in the more than three decades since then. Mother Jones breaks down the record:}

Fox News s Bill O Reilly calls Mother Jones report a lie - The Washington Post
Under the Reilly Doctrine if you covered an anti Vietnam war protest in the USA during the Vietnam war and there was tear gas and people shot like at Kent State then that qualifies you to say you were a Vietnam war combat reporter...........
Not that I care about O'reilly, but folks this is nothing but a WITCH HUNT by Mother Jones and CBS. and you're wasting your breath on people who just has a hardon for O'Reilly and Fox news. It's also a way to distract people away from the proven liar, Brain Williams

Video and transcript at the site

David Corn Hangs Up On Hugh Hewitt After 45-Minute Grilling on Bill O'Reilly
Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt grills David Corn of Mother Jones on his claim that then-CBS News correspondent Bill O'Reilly exaggerated the capacity of his involvement in covering the Falklands War.

all of it here:
David Corn Hangs Up On Hugh Hewitt After 45-Minute Grilling on Bill O Reilly Video RealClearPolitics

That's your story folks.

Upset that one of their own lied about being shot down in a helicopter in the middle of a warzone, they had to take out their frustration on Bill O'Reilly, simply to cushion the blow. Welp, break out the tar and feathers folks, you're gonna need it to run these guys out of town.
So now the VA Director has confessed to a lie. Brian Williams has confessed to a lie....BUT NOT BILL!

He is Gold, beyond touch with FOX carrying his banner.
So now the VA Director has confessed to a lie. Brian Williams has confessed to a lie....BUT NOT BILL!

He is Gold, beyond touch with FOX carrying his banner.

And Fox will continue to be #1 in cable news and you'll have to switch back to restart Bill Cosby threads.........:cool-45:.
So now the VA Director has confessed to a lie. Brian Williams has confessed to a lie....BUT NOT BILL!

He is Gold, beyond touch with FOX carrying his banner.

And Fox will continue to be #1 in cable news and you'll have to switch back to restart Bill Cosby threads.........:cool-45:.

Lots of TV dishes in the south....
Lots of TV dishes in the south....

You're desperate to justify the lies of Brian Williams. Leftist scumbag David Corn has attacked O'Reilly, the problem is that Corn isn't even in the same universe as credible. Corn began with flat out lies, then when exposed backed down to unsubstantiated allegations.

Will you admit that the original Mother Jones smear was a lie? Of course you won't - party above all. This is why no one rational pays any attention to your demagoguery.

Corn is a hack conducting a smear job. Even if he digs up something of substance, the reputation of Mother Jones has suffered more than that of O'Reilly.

What O'Reilly told the Washington post is irrefutable:

{Why not? “Because David Corn is a guttersnipe liar,” O’Reilly told the Erik Wemple Blog tonight. “Is that clear enough? For years he’s been trying to get Fox News. I would never speak to the man about anything at any time. He’s a disgusting piece of garbage.”}
This is the last line of defense that the Right wing nuts use when they cannot refute other people...the dreaded "gay baiting" maneuver.....you are a schmuck...
What's there to refute?

I agree O'Reilly is an ass and exaggerated his tale.

Meanwhile, why do we have a liar who stole the valor of those he is supposed to protect at the head of the VA?
Look who we had as President and you worshiped the ground he walked....

You have links to me worshipping Bush?

That would be interesting, as I did not even have this computer or know of this site when Bush was President.

all you right wing bastards support Bush
Jimmy Carter???!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA Figures a worm would come up with another worm. Nice pic of the little boy in his whitey tighty zoot suite. And the love letter is addressed to Tyroneslothro P. Cowards attract cowards.
You are 4 F ...four times a failure
Have we figured-out yet, that saying you were on a US military helicopter that was shot down, or trailing one by a few hundred feet, and under fire and stranded for hours, thereby attempting to Steal Valor from the US military - is not the same thing as saying that you were in Buenos Aires on a night when the army was firing on a crowd?

A great many US veterans probably do not give a rat's ass whether O'Reilly did so or not.

However, vast numbers of US veterans viscerally object to Williams' foul, dishonorable attempt at Stolen Valor, at their expense.

Rather like comparing a traffic ticket (O'Reilly) to a homicide charge (Williams).

I'll bet Williams got a love-letter from Hanoi Jane.
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So now the VA Director has confessed to a lie. Brian Williams has confessed to a lie....BUT NOT BILL!

He is Gold, beyond touch with FOX carrying his banner.
Must be because he didn't lie.

Course Obama lies practically every time he opens his mouth and you don't demand a retraction, so why so rough on Bill, you friggen tossers?
Dear right-wingers,

Bill O'Reilly is not reading your comments in his defense. He is not going to be appreciative of your efforts. He's not going to look up your Facebook profile and send you a friend request. He's not going to mention you by name on his TV show.

Also, you don't really know him. The emotional attachment you have to him is just a figment of your overactive imagination. You two are never going to share a lobster dinner in a fancy Harlem restaurant.

Get Real

O'Reilly Lied About The Suicide Of JFK Assassination Figure
Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly claimed he personally "heard" a shotgun blast that killed a figure in the investigation into President John F. Kennedy's assassination while reporting for a Dallas television station in 1977. A police report, contemporaneous reporting, a congressional investigator, and O'Reilly's former colleagues all undermine his claim.

"the excrement bubbles the Century's slime decays"

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