Opposition to Striking Syria Advances With Nearly Two-Thirds Now Opposed


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this is going to break some hearts with those who was looking forward to some blood and bombing from that peace prize medal winner, Obambam...tsk tsk
links in article at site


By Gary Langer

Sep 9, 2013 3:00pm

GTY syria protest washington tk 130909 16x9 608 Opposition to Striking Syria Advances With Nearly Two Thirds Now Opposed
Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images

Nearly two-thirds of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll oppose U.S. missile strikes against Syria, with momentum counter to the administration’s proposed military action. Support rises if Congress were to authorize an attack, but only to about an even split.

As things stand now, 64 percent oppose air strikes, up by 5 percentage points from a week ago; just 30 percent are in favor, down by 6 points. If Congress rejects action, support drops to 17 percent, with 76 percent opposed.

See PDF with full results, charts and tables here.

It’s a much closer call if Congress were to support air strikes, but even in this case the public divides essentially evenly on the issue, with 44 percent of Americans saying they’d favor air strikes, vs. 48 percent opposed.

This poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds increased partisanship as the administration has sought to make its case. On the basic measure, regardless of congressional action, 71 percent of Republicans oppose military strikes, up from 55 percent last week. Opposition likewise has increased among conservatives, from 59 percent last week to 74 percent now.

Regardless, air strikes remain opposed by majorities across the political and ideological spectrum. Even among liberal Democrats, a core support group for Obama, just 44 percent support military action, with 50 percent opposed. Across the political spectrum, support from conservative Republicans dives to 22 percent, with 73 percent opposed.

all of it here
Opposition to Striking Syria Advances With Nearly Two-Thirds Now Opposed - ABC News
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