CDZ Opposition to Obama & Trump the Same or Not?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.
The MSM, for the most part, was in Obama's corner. The MSM are looking for ways to bring Trump down.

That being said, I am concerned that Trump is going to run up the nation debt as badly if not worse than Obama did. Maybe it will not be so bad if the economy has a growth spurt.
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I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.
The same. It's one thing to say "I agree with Obama's Syrian policy but disagree with his signature ACA health care plan" but another to say "NO!" to everything he proposes simply because he's a Democrat. Same goes for Trump. Someone can say "I agree with fixing the illegal immigration problem but disagree on putting a religious litmus test on immigrants" but disagreeing with everything he says or proposes simply because he beat Hillary in the election is partisan bullshit.
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

So your opposition to a border wall is primarily based on its cost? Do you consider our border with Mexico already secure? If not, what actions do you recommend to secure it and what would they cost?
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

So your opposition to a border wall is primarily based on its cost? Do you consider our border with Mexico already secure? If not, what actions do you recommend to secure it and what would they cost?

No, but cost was what was on my mind. Do you agree the wall is a luxury a country with 20 trillion or so in debt should not be purchasing, does the cost/debt not matter, will Mexico pay for it, or do you think it will pay for itself in automation of security efforts?

FWIW I have heard somewhat reasonable economic positions on several sides and formulated my own.
The same. Both have vehement opposition that would not care if they were the second coming of Jesus, they would still oppose whatever they tried to implement.
His policies, most of them, are the old ones, common, average, nothing new. But the way he puts them is terrible. No politician should talk like that, making unrealistic promises again and again, repeating those promises like he was Mao reborn. "I will give you everything, me, me, me!"

About the things he promises - America with enormous debts and the worldwide falling economy. We know, if we learned anything from history, that when the economy begins to fall, no one can expect it doesn't affect them. Not even if they bring more industries and companies into the country, and they soar for a moment. Not even if they abandon all respect to nature and start abusing it. All you can do, and what we all do, is try to keep at the top so we're the last ones to sink. It's a cold game, each for himself, but in the end, is mostly up to luck. What kind of exports you happen to have. What kind of imports you happen to have. How big is your country, the population, will you make it with no imports and no exports?

So Trump has a plan to cease the logical restrictions on oil, they'll make money.
With that and some other money that grows in trees in his dreams, he will give the Americans low taxes, cheap and excellent healthcare, good (and I assume cheap) education for their "great" children, and remove all criminals from America. Catch all drug dealers, read with his magical mind who from the immigrants is good and who is bad and just throw them out.

If he got such a system running - let's face it, he will not in his poor 20 year's or so lifetime, remove criminals and drug dealers, he will not just upgrade education, it isn't up to him. He has no vision of education, schooling and definitely not of how an education system is remade. And his policies on immigration are going to run up and bite him in the arse in no time - how will he keep the system up?

I think someone ought to ask him so he could tell the Americans how, seriously, it sounds like a wonderful dream but from somewhere they need the money the tax payers no longer need to pay. And the health care. You lower taxes, lower the price of healthcare, both notably, and put more money into education. Build an insanely expensive wall for no use, rebuild roads etc. Whatever word pops into his head I assume.. Who will pay for all that in the long term? How will 'the money just was here to be used' -system stay alive? Anyone with any common sense would say: it won't.

The opposition to Obama was largely manipulated. People all like to think they won't be fooled, but look, when the media spends years and years barking up at that tree, the people, even if they don't understand or believe what they're barking for, will start believing there is something to bark for. Putin has been up to that for years. Abusing Obama all the time with all the accusations and the so called scandals, people lost faith in him. But they never made the decision themselves. They read it and heard it and began walking about like chickens clack-clacking over and over, bad Obama. The circumstances made for him have been impossible.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... there's always gonna be some people against the President...

... no matter who he is...

... or what party he's from."
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

A wall will pay for itself within 3 years and boost the economy. Americans gain jobs and less drain on social services.
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

A wall will pay for itself within 3 years and boost the economy. Americans gain jobs and less drain on social services.

Not to mention improvements in security, crime and drug interdiction.
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

A wall will pay for itself within 3 years and boost the economy. Americans gain jobs and less drain on social services.

Not to mention improvements in security, crime and drug interdiction.

I will agree about drug interdiction and say security just would have to be better.

On the other hand, to argue, how many of our domestic terrorists have snuck in through Mexico?
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

A wall will pay for itself within 3 years and boost the economy. Americans gain jobs and less drain on social services.

Not to mention improvements in security, crime and drug interdiction.

I will agree about drug interdiction and say security just would have to be better.

On the other hand, to argue, how many of our domestic terrorists have snuck in through Mexico?

How would you know? How many are here plotting already?
Opposition to Barack Obama was racism. The only reason anyone ever objected to the radical left agenda of Obama was due to his being one-quarter black If Obama had been 100% white, all Americans would have embraced his programs, just like they embraced Hillary Clinton.

Opposition to Donald Trump is very different. It is the duty of all to not only oppose Trump, but to hate him with every fiber of their being, as our press does.
While both presidencies encountered opposition, I cannot recall ever witnessing the equivalent of the anti-American, anti-Constitutional violence exhibited by the current opposition. If they are demanding civil war, they are well on the way to achieving their desires.
Be careful what you wish for...
I think not. Opposition to Obama was based on his sealed records and his policies, but opposition to Trump seems to be of little more substance than a desire to overturn his election. Is there anything about his policies that you disagree with? If so, please state your case.

I think the opposition is largely the same. (edit: But Obama said fewer silly things if that matters)

If you want to talk policies, lets go with the border wall.

A wall, flaming moat, trench, spikes, land mines, may be the way to secure a border.

While I have played the game of "Washington taxes you $20 and gives Bob's Builders Inc $20 to build a wall the country still has your $20, the wall seems an economic luxury for a country rather in debt.

Then again if you (and Ronald Reagan apparently) aren't worried about the debt and never picked on Obama for the debt then we may as well build a wall.

A wall will pay for itself within 3 years and boost the economy. Americans gain jobs and less drain on social services.

Not to mention improvements in security, crime and drug interdiction.

I will agree about drug interdiction and say security just would have to be better.

On the other hand, to argue, how many of our domestic terrorists have snuck in through Mexico?

How would you know? How many are here plotting already?

Did the shoe bomber or the San Bernadino guy sneak in from Mexico? Any of the 9-11 scum? One of them had to, right?

Oh yeah, and agree plenty of future ones could.
Opposition to Barack Obama was racism. The only reason anyone ever objected to the radical left agenda of Obama was due to his being one-quarter black If Obama had been 100% white, all Americans would have embraced his programs, just like they embraced Hillary Clinton.

Opposition to Donald Trump is very different. It is the duty of all to not only oppose Trump, but to hate him with every fiber of their being, as our press does.
Wrong! Herman Cain would have made a decent president. Obama's leftist and detrimental policies and lying are what people didn't like.
Opposition to Barack Obama was racism. The only reason anyone ever objected to the radical left agenda of Obama was due to his being one-quarter black If Obama had been 100% white, all Americans would have embraced his programs, just like they embraced Hillary Clinton.

Opposition to Donald Trump is very different. It is the duty of all to not only oppose Trump, but to hate him with every fiber of their being, as our press does.
Wrong! Herman Cain would have made a decent president. Obama's leftist and detrimental policies and lying are what people didn't like.

I guess the sarcasm wasn't thick enough in my post...
Opposition to Barack Obama was racism. The only reason anyone ever objected to the radical left agenda of Obama was due to his being one-quarter black If Obama had been 100% white, all Americans would have embraced his programs, just like they embraced Hillary Clinton.

Opposition to Donald Trump is very different. It is the duty of all to not only oppose Trump, but to hate him with every fiber of their being, as our press does.
Wrong! Herman Cain would have made a decent president. Obama's leftist and detrimental policies and lying are what people didn't like.

I guess the sarcasm wasn't thick enough in my post...

sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet. ;)
Opposition to Barack Obama was racism. The only reason anyone ever objected to the radical left agenda of Obama was due to his being one-quarter black If Obama had been 100% white, all Americans would have embraced his programs, just like they embraced Hillary Clinton.

Opposition to Donald Trump is very different. It is the duty of all to not only oppose Trump, but to hate him with every fiber of their being, as our press does.
Wrong! Herman Cain would have made a decent president. Obama's leftist and detrimental policies and lying are what people didn't like.

I guess the sarcasm wasn't thick enough in my post...

Required here - have you seen some of the things that are posted :D

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