Opponents of Border Security


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The progressive/liberal/left is hell bent on destroying America...


The Democratic Party’s donkey mascot should be swapped for a coyote.
March 20, 2017

Michael Cutler


The DOJ press release, “Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera Faces Charges in New York for Leading a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and other Drug-Related Charges” provides the salient facts concerning this case.

On March 13, 2017 Bloomberg Business reported, Schumer Warns of Government Shutdown Over Trump’s Border Wall.

That report began with the following:


Yet Schemer and his fellow Democrats are so diametrically opposed to securing the treacherous U.S./Mexican border against illegal (un-inspected entry) and mounting an effective law enforcement effort to identify, locate and arrest illegal aliens who have entered the United States without inspection, often aided by smugglers, that they are willing to shut down the federal government to prevent these critical enforcement efforts.

In Mexico aliens smugglers are referred to as “Coyotes” and a smuggled alien is referred to as a “Chicken” or in Spanish, “el Pollo” because coyotes eat chickens. This is why it might be time for the Democrats to change their mascot to a coyote- they are certainly aligning themselves with the smugglers.


As I noted during my interview, President Trump is determined to prevent the un-inspected entry of aliens into the United States in order to prevent the entry of terrorists and criminals and to protect the lives and livelihoods of Americans.

How could any American politician be opposed to those important goals?

Opponents of Border Security and Immigration Law Enforcement Aid Human Traffickers


Who's in charge of determining America's immigration policy?
March 23, 2017

Ann Coulter

Liberals are ecstatic that a judge in Hawaii is writing immigration policy for the entire country, and that policy is: We have no right to tell anyone that he can't live in America. (Unless they're Christians -- those guys we can keep out.)

As subtly alluded to in the subtitle of Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
, the goal of liberals is for the poor of the world to have a constitutional right to come here whenever they want.

I can't help but notice that the Third Worlders aren't moving to liberals' neighborhoods.


Can the liberals doing cartwheels over a district judge's announcement that everyone in the world has a right to come here (except Europeans and Christians), give us the cost-benefit analysis they're using? Twenty million Third World immigrants give us ( __ ) terrorists, ( __ ) welfare recipients, ( __ ) uncompensated medical costs, ( __ ) discrimination lawsuits, but it's all worth it because ( _________________ )?

We Have Now Hit Full-On Crazy
Why pro-illegal politicians should register as foreign agents.
March 24, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley



Minor children from Central America are fleeing gang violence in their home countries and coming to America for safety. That’s the default position of the left but as it emerged in Border Patrol interviews the main reason for flight is to take advantage of a U.S. policy granting a free pass to unaccompanied children known as UACs.


The biggest backer of this policy was the 44th president. In effect, he made the USA a sanctuary nation, importing an electorate and supplying welfare agencies with new clients. An estimated 60,000 children entered the United States this way in 2014 and 130,000 in 2014, costing American taxpayers $2 billion.


Candidate Donald Trump promised to crack on illegal immigration, giving priority to the deportation of violent criminal illegals. As the Los Angeles Times noted, last December, before Trump took office, the city “unveiled a $10-million fund to provide legal assistance for residents facing deportation.” The fund was “one of the first times local taxpayer money has been allocated to provide legal services for those without documentation.”


According to the Department of Homeland Security there are more than 11 million illegals in the United States, equivalent to the entire population of Belgium. Many illegals work hard at unpleasant jobs, stay out of trouble, and pursue their educational dreams. Other illegals kill women on a San Francisco pier, murder police officers such as Danny Oliver, and gun down African American teenagers such as Jamir Miller.

Meanwhile, dreamers Henry Sanchez-Milian and Jose O. Montano are charged with raping a fourteen-year-old girl in a bathroom at Rockville High School in Maryland. Neither should have been allowed in the country in the first place. That’s what the president says about illegals, and that’s why establishment newspapers in the sanctuary state of California suppress the story.

Resist the Occupation
A supposed “solution” that would be catastrophic for America.
April 10, 2017

Michael Cutler

At least as far back as the administration of Jimmy Carter, the immigration debate has been waged by globalists who have, over time, succeeded in hijacking the language and terminology applied to immigration.

Consider that Jimmy Carter: Orignator of the Orwellian term "undocumented immigrant," understood that by removing the term “alien” from discussions about immigration he could, over time, subvert the debate by confounding the public’s understanding about the entire immigration issue.


In actuality, aliens who evade the inspections process enter the United States without inspection. This creates a huge threat to national security and public safety, after all, Entry Without Inspection = Entry Without Vetting.


Of course, in reality, what has traditionally been “broken” is the lack of resources and political will to enforce our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States. President Trump is certainly sending a clear message that this situation will be finally remedied by hiring many more ICE agents and Immigration Judges and taking the gloves off the agents by stating that there will no longer be any category of illegal aliens who may not be arrested, as was the Obama administration’s policies.


President Trump’s immigration policies are already having the desired impact of deterring illegal immigration as reported by the Border Patrol. It is important that he stay the course he has wisely plotted, America and Americans will benefit from his courageous leadership.

The Case Against Legalizing Unknown Millions of Illegal Aliens
May 25, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



Despite the media's propaganda, the public supports a travel pause. It's common sense. The elites don't.

The President needs to restore his authority. Going through the process won't do that. The court rulings are inherently unconstitutional. They violate the limits of judicial and executive authority. They engage in double standards. They ignore the law and replace it with their own dislike of Trump and his policies.

Illegal rulings must be ignored. Battling them only gives them credibility. If the elites want to operate outside the law, the President ought to ignore their demands and commands.

The Only Way the President Can Enforce Immigration Law is by Ignoring the Courts

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