Opinions on this under reported event.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Sasebo Japan
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

And depends, was it racially motivated? Personally, I believe hate crimes should not exist. They are merely thought crimes.
I googled the following:

Christopher Newsom CNN - Google Search

3rd link down, ironically Stormfront has a link to the CNN story.

Video here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqLe_pDpq4s]YouTube - Paula Zahn - VNN Rally Against Genocide[/ame]

Link from MSNBC: Tenn. rape-murder trial starts - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Link from Fox News: Trial Under Way in Racially Charged Carjacking, Rape and Murder of Knoxville Couple - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Do note, this happened back in August of 2007. But the trial is starting more recently.

In fact, when googling this, Stormfront seems to have a lot of topics on this story. :eusa_eh:

However, considering all my links, I think we can consider your thread a myth and debunked on whether the media is ignoring it.
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

they should all be executed.

yes, this is a hate crime
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I read that but let's put this in perspective.

Here we have a situation where 5 black people are being tried for a horrific crime and then there is the Texas truck dragging incident where the national media went apeshit over it for 6 months.

If we can here stories every fricken day about how bad the white race treats the black race why can't we have some fair and balanced reporting?

My question still stands to other readers of this post...does this incident constitute a hate crime?
I can pull up 5000 links to a story and say it was the crime of the century. Obviously you haven't heard of it or you wouldn't have asked me for a link...ha ha ha ha ha ha

so your debunk has been de-bunked.

I can pull up 5000 links to a story and say it was the crime of the century. Obviously you haven't heard of it or you wouldn't have asked me for a link...ha ha ha ha ha ha

so your debunk has been de-bunked.


Actually no. I was wondering where you found this story if not MSM. Since I had taken the liberty before asking for a link, googling the name and finding it connected to Stormfront. So I figured you got this from Stormfront.

Besides, your accusation was that the MSM did not cover this story. It is quite obvious they did.

These fuckers should burn either way. However, don't turn this into a race thing which you clearly are. The media were all over the O.J trial and the Jena 6. So they aren't afraid to cover crimes committed by black people. Stop being dishonest.
I can pull up 5000 links to a story and say it was the crime of the century. Obviously you haven't heard of it or you wouldn't have asked me for a link...ha ha ha ha ha ha

so your debunk has been de-bunked.

i had heard of it
but i thought the trial would have been over by NOW
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

they should all be executed.

yes, this is a hate crime

I would like to see them all be forced to have sex change operations and turn them loose in the general population of the worst prison in Iran.
Thanks for your reply Dogbert. Here is a link from of all places...Snopes. I cannot understand why this story got ZERO coverage in the MSM....ZERO!!!

snopes.com: Murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian

It got very limited coverage because the couple was white and the murderous dogs are black. And this was long before Obama so do not even start any shit about racism against Obama.

It is that simple, no story because the couple was white and the murderers were black. No interest, no coverage and no nationwide outrage. This has been covered on this board before.
It got very limited coverage because the couple was white and the murderous dogs are black. And this was long before Obama so do not even start any shit about racism against Obama.

It is that simple, no story because the couple was white and the murderers were black. No interest, no coverage and no nationwide outrage. This has been covered on this board before.

Just ignore all those articles. Just ignore the O.J trial, Jena 6, LA Riots, and other black crime in history. Because those never got any coverage, ever. :rolleyes:
It got very limited coverage because the couple was white and the murderous dogs are black. And this was long before Obama so do not even start any shit about racism against Obama.

It is that simple, no story because the couple was white and the murderers were black. No interest, no coverage and no nationwide outrage. This has been covered on this board before.

Just ignore all those articles. Just ignore the O.J trial, Jena 6, LA Riots, and other black crime in history. Because those never got any coverage, ever. :rolleyes:

You are a RETARD on this issue. But hey thanks for proving it.

Jena 6 was quickly turned into a horrible case of whites mistreating blacks so do not even try that crap. As for OJ it was National news because of who he was. By the way, the defense was steller in that case. He did not get convicted because the defense laid so much reasonable doubt on that Jury that the Prosecution did not even address as to make it a crime they had those Prosecutors on that case.

The history of who found the evidence and how the case was investigated all point to a clear problem with the police fabricating evidence and excuses to illegally search OJ's property. WHEN ALL THEY HAD TO DO, was wait a couple hours and do it right. I can go on and on why the evidence in that case was a joke. Now if he HAD been convicted after the sorry assed attempt by that set of Prosecutors you could have claimed racism.
I can pull up 5000 links to a story and say it was the crime of the century. Obviously you haven't heard of it or you wouldn't have asked me for a link...ha ha ha ha ha ha

so your debunk has been de-bunked.


Actually no. I was wondering where you found this story if not MSM. Since I had taken the liberty before asking for a link, googling the name and finding it connected to Stormfront. So I figured you got this from Stormfront.

Besides, your accusation was that the MSM did not cover this story. It is quite obvious they did.

These fuckers should burn either way. However, don't turn this into a race thing which you clearly are. The media were all over the O.J trial and the Jena 6. So they aren't afraid to cover crimes committed by black people. Stop being dishonest.

You fucking dumb ass..here I am trying to have a civil debate with you and you go and pick a fight...what the fuck wrong with you libtard a-holes?

All I ask for was an OPINION dumb ass....EITHER WAY...AN OPINION!!!

Got that!!!!
Do note, this happened back in August of 2007. But the trial is starting more recently.
What is that supposed to mean? That since their crimes of car-jacking, kidnapping, torture, rape, sodomy, murder, etc. are two years old the black savages should just be let go? Dey di'int do nuffins? Dey beez good boiz an sheeit? Dey wuz jus' gettin' der lifes tuggetha an sheeit?

The MSM went completely bat-shit insane over the FAKE Duke Lacrosse team "rape." It was driven by race and anti-white sentiment. It was treated as a hate crime. The MSM, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and many others ruined the lives of those three white boys based on nothing more than false evidence and testimony. How many apologies did the MSM and the others give to these boys when it was uncovered the case was all a lie? ZERO!

I don't agree with the premise of hate crimes, but since they exist and whites are charged with hate crimes very often when a black is simply involved, then why not in this case of five savage, hateful blacks with this young white couple? Unchecked double-standard? :eusa_whistle: Had the vile, brutal blacks found a black couple I am reasonably sure that couple would have been left alone. Charges for hate crimes would help protect against predominantly black juries letting the blacks off with watered down verdicts and minimal punishment.

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