Opinions about the beheaded American?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
It may be easy for us to criticize IS (Islamic state) but I always try to see the other side. I did some research after hearing the horrific news last night. I am not an expert on this case, so anything I say is not firm. As I understand it his brother was in the air force, which means he likely bombed Iraqis/Muslims from air plane. That is a lot of reason for IS to hate him in my opinion and a cause enough for the American to stay away from the region. trying to make a career from the war US started IMO in a way is like putting salt on the wound, which is what I believe got him killed. I do not support beheading in this case, but I can not say I see IS as evil for doing so, and if that makes me a bad American, then I don't know what a good American is. Maybe you can explain your side of the story
There is a difference between an execution and a slow torturous death. It took over 7 minutes to behead the guy with the small knife the savage was using. Had they simply shot him in the head, you might be able to not call the act "evil", but this was evil sick shit done by a fucking subhuman mutant.
First I think any newman who's anywhere near those monsters is a flamming idiot. The news isn't worth a life.

Second they should start beheading those dirtbags if caught. Tit for tat.

Nothing should be off the table in dealing with those monsters.
You don't know what anything is. His brother was in the Air Force? What if he was a plumber in the Air Force?

You find the answer to da plane yet?
I believe they found out all the details before executing him, since he was not executed for 2 years?
The air plane, do you suspect his brother shot it down, or you are still sure it was Putin because "the world community" thinks so?
ISIS is an out of control American Frankenstein. The U.S. funded and armed them to 'Regime Change' Assad in Syria. Clearly, that was an awful blunder. More ugly Interventionist Blow Back.
ISIS is an out of control American Frankenstein. The U.S. funded and armed them to 'Regime Change' Assad in Syria. Clearly, that was an awful blunder. More ugly Interventionist Blow Back.
The US is not and will never be responsible for ISIS beheading people in the name of jihad.

Only the perpetrators of said actions are responsible.

Individualism, remember, Dr. Paul? Personal responsibility? Taking it?

Get the fuck out of here. USA is not responsible for Barbarians.
I think they executed him for being an American. I think they are sick dogs and we should do everything we can to stop them. Congress should declare war on them and set the military out to destroy every remnant of their organization. IMHO.
Democrats and the UN need to start a meaningful dialogue with those poor, peaceful, oppressed little Isis darlings...
Because they don't want to "create" more islamo-fascist jihadists. Lol
Truer words have not been spoken. Even if they came out in a form intended as sarcasm.
It may be easy for us to criticize IS (Islamic state) but I always try to see the other side. I did some research after hearing the horrific news last night. I am not an expert on this case, so anything I say is not firm. As I understand it his brother was in the air force, which means he likely bombed Iraqis/Muslims from air plane. That is a lot of reason for IS to hate him in my opinion and a cause enough for the American to stay away from the region. trying to make a career from the war US started IMO in a way is like putting salt on the wound, which is what I believe got him killed. I do not support beheading in this case, but I can not say I see IS as evil for doing so, and if that makes me a bad American, then I don't know what a good American is. Maybe you can explain your side of the story

You stupid fucking waste of shit.
Your attitude perfectly matches that of Americans who raped and killed women and children in Iraq, which created the need for IS in the first place.

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