Operation Mongoose-CIA doing it's thing


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Remember Operation Northwoods and Operation Mockingbird...and no doubt many others by the CIA, that we were never told of? This occurred in the 1960s. Is it likely the CIA is even worse today?

Operation Mongoose was exposed in the recent release of SOME of the long hidden JFK files. Guess what? The CIA wanted to murder people in a terror campaign designed to blame Castro, to shape public opinion.

Yet we have Americans today who still believe the CIA and anyone who disputes the many strange events like the JFK assassination, the coups in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere, 9/11, etc....are crazy conspiracy theorists.

Yeah...right. Why do any Americans trust their government?

CIA Considered Bombing Miami and Killing Refugees to Blame Castro
After Castro's revolution succeeded and thousands of Cubans fled to South Florida, the agency actually considered murdering a boatload of refugees, assassinating exile leaders, and planting bombs in Miami — all so Castro could be blamed for the chaos.

The basic idea was to turn world opinion against Castro and possibly justify a U.S. military invasion by pinning the atrocities on him. The details of the sinister plot are included in a summary about Operation Mongoose, a 1960 covert op hatched by the CIA under President Dwight Eisenhower with the aim of toppling Communist Cuba.

The campaign was included in a report on "pretexts" the U.S. could conjure up to justify a military intervention in Cuba. The paper was sent by Gen. Edward Landsdale, a top Cold War officer who worked with the CIA to plot out Operation Mongoose; he sent the report, which included nine other "pretexts," on April 12, 1962, to Gen. Maxwell Taylor, who would soon become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Here's how the report described the plan:


Just to reiterate how crazy this idea is: The CIA thought about blowing stuff up in Florida and murdering innocent refugees simply to make Castro look bad.

Thankfully, that plot was apparently never carried out. The Mongoose doc includes other frightening plots hatched by the spooks in Washington, including an idea to use biological weapons to ruin Cuba's crops, possibly leading to famine and an uprising against Castro:

CIA Considered Bombing Miami and Killing Refugees to Blame Castro
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.
yes, the Bay of Pigs was lunacy
and after all the costs of implementing the fiasco, we also paid Cuba $50 million to get some of the rebels back
and the US taxpayers paid the salaries of these idiots to come up with what was obviously going to be a failed operation

not to get off subject, but another example of CIA meddling in foreign countries that caused long lasting trouble was the overthrow of Mossadegh 1953

these not only wasted tons of $$$$, they caused long lasting problems
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News

something i thought was interesting of what said which was so true was how LBJ and DICK Nixon let the CIA run the vietnam war.I was talking about that here in my thread.

Dick Nixon did not end the vietnam war.
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News

something i thought was interesting of what said which was so true was how LBJ and DICK Nixon let the CIA run the vietnam war.I was talking about that here in my thread.
They both knew if they didn’t allow the CIA to run things, they might get their heads blown off in broad daylight.

No doubt all presidents after JFK, know you don’t go against the CIA.
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News

something i thought was interesting of what said which was so true was how LBJ and DICK Nixon let the CIA run the vietnam war.I was talking about that here in my thread.

Dick Nixon did not end the vietnam war.

I also notice that as usual in his ramblings,he gets half of what he says right ,the other wrong all the time.:rolleyes: that in his ramblings of the kennedys illegally recruit,train,house and equip an invasion army referring to the bay of pigs. While it is true that in the beginning the Kennedys did approve the CIA's plans to assassinate Castro,he eventually did what the establishment that put him in office never thought he would do,he did what was unheard of for modern day presidents,he developed a conscience and could no longer go along with the CIA's plans to murder and overthrow heads of state as they later did with him after he started to make plans to get rid of them.

He conveintely forgets to mention Kennedy inherited the CIA's bay of pigs invasion.That it was drawn up and planned under Eisenhower and the plan they presented to Eisenhower was vastly different than the one they presented to Kennedy.most people dont know this.they dont know that the plan they presented to Eisenhower was designed for success because the CIA thought their buddy they had in their pocket Nixon,would get elected.

But since the election did not go as they planned,they presented a plan to Kennedy where they withheld many facts that they knew would cause the invasion to fail so they could blame it all on him. they thought he would issue what he easily could have done but did not which was to issue a plausible denial clamiing he had no knowledge of the whole operation and would turn the other cheek and let the CIA continue their operations.

However he did the unthinkable.He took responsiblity for it saying he should have known what was going on and went before the people and told them he screwed up,that he should have seen what was going on but did not and would take care of the mess. He then did the unthinkable firing Allen Dulles.that was unprecedented for a president to go before the people and say that it was his responsibility and then turn around and fire the CIA director.

since when does a president ever go before the american people and admit he screwed up? thats unheard of in this day and age and was unheard of back then as well,It was unprecedented.
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News

something i thought was interesting of what said which was so true was how LBJ and DICK Nixon let the CIA run the vietnam war.I was talking about that here in my thread.

Dick Nixon did not end the vietnam war.

I also notice that as usual in his ramblings,he gets half of what he says right ,the other wrong all the time.:rolleyes: that in his ramblings of the kennedys illegally recruit,train,house and equip an invasion army referring to the bay of pigs. While it is true that in the beginning the Kennedys did approve the CIA's plans to assassinate Castro,he eventually did what the establishment that put him in office never thought he would do,he did what was unheard of for modern day presidents,he developed a conscience and could no longer go along with the CIA's plans to murder and overthrow heads of state as they later did with him after he started to make plans to get rid of them.

He conveintely forgets to mention Kennedy inherited the CIA's bay of pigs invasion.That it was drawn up and planned under Eisenhower and the plan they presented to Eisenhower was vastly different than the one they presented to Kennedy.most people dont know this.they dont know that the plan they presented to Eisenhower was designed for success because the CIA thought their buddy they had in their pocket Nixon,would get elected.

But since the election did not go as they planned,they presented a plan to Kennedy where they withheld many facts that they knew would cause the invasion to fail so they could blame it all on him. they thought he would issue what he easily could have done but did not which was to issue a plausible denial clamiing he had no knowledge of the whole operation and would turn the other cheek and let the CIA continue their operations.

However he did the unthinkable.He took responsiblity for it saying he should have known what was going on and went before the people and told them he screwed up,that he should have seen what was going on but did not and would take care of the mess. He then did the unthinkable firing Allen Dulles.that was unprecedented for a president to go before the people and say that it was his responsibility and then turn around and fire the CIA director.

since when does a president ever go before the american people and admit he screwed up? thats unheard of in this day and age and was unheard of back then as well,It was unprecedented.
And as many have surmised, the CIA never forgave JFK for his actions after the Bay of Pigs, so they murdered him.
well, they thought the communist would gain too much ''control''/''rape our daughters!!"/etc
the same with Vietnam
but--the communist DID take over Nam--and the US is still here...shows the insignificance of these countries to US affairs
we also lost Cambodia/etc--and the US still here
Cambodia was another huge failure and waste of $$$$$$ where the US meddled in foreign politics/etc

you would think they would have learned their lesson
well, they thought the communist would gain too much ''control''/''rape our daughters!!"/etc
the same with Vietnam
but--the communist DID take over Nam--and the US is still here...shows the insignificance of these countries to US affairs
we also lost Cambodia/etc--and the US still here
Cambodia was another huge failure and waste of $$$$$$ where the US meddled in foreign politics/etc

you would think they would have learned their lesson
Agreed. The CIA has failed over and over, yet continues to do whatever it's wants.

How is it that after 9/11, every senior fucker at the CIA was not fired? Some should have been imprisoned for gross negligence, were we a sane nation.
The CIA hadn't been on top of any important event since WW2. The NK invasion of South Korea came as a surprise and so did the Cuban revolution even though CIA agents were up their shorts in Cuban intrigue. The Berlin Wall came as a surprise while JFK's quirky brother was planning to assassinate Castro. How could Americans have allowed the Kennedy brothers to illegally recruit, house, train and equip a freaking shadow invasion army and how could the MSM sit still while the invasion was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs without the least bit of criticism of the Kennedy brothers? LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam war and so did Nixon and how did that turn out? The biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. was 9-11 and the CIA and the FBI were clueless. The CIA made headlines later on when it turned on president Bush for allegedly "outing" an undercover agent who was actually a Washington D.C. socialite while the culprit (if anybody really cared) was an MSM reporter. Today there are no secrets except the CIA budget. President Trump needs to fire every CIA bureaucrat and start from scratch. Ditto the FBI.

If only JFK had lived and completed his plan...."to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK’s killing
Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs.
An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing - NBC News

something i thought was interesting of what said which was so true was how LBJ and DICK Nixon let the CIA run the vietnam war.I was talking about that here in my thread.
They both knew if they didn’t allow the CIA to run things, they might get their heads blown off in broad daylight.

No doubt all presidents after JFK, know you don’t go against the CIA.

the thing that pisses me off is when they say Nixon ended the war.He did not end the fucking war.Had he had his way,the war would have dragged on another ten years.Had it not been for the american people it would have.
well, they thought the communist would gain too much ''control''/''rape our daughters!!"/etc
the same with Vietnam
but--the communist DID take over Nam--and the US is still here...shows the insignificance of these countries to US affairs
we also lost Cambodia/etc--and the US still here
Cambodia was another huge failure and waste of $$$$$$ where the US meddled in foreign politics/etc

you would think they would have learned their lesson
Agreed. The CIA has failed over and over, yet continues to do whatever it's wants.

How is it that after 9/11, every senior fucker at the CIA was not fired? Some should have been imprisoned for gross negligence, were we a sane nation.
....I've been reading history/war for over 30 years..I remember in the late 80s reading how the Israelis were worried and trying to defend against airplanes being rammed into Tel Aviv/etc...I was a ''lowly'' LCPL in the USMC then ...if I was CIA/security--I would've been thinking about airplanes being used as a weapon
..I read so much of how the US was surprised by the 9-11 attack.....if a ''lowly'' LCPL was thinking about it, the CIA/security surely should've been on to that in the 80s!!
...surely there must have been someone in the CIA that was thinking this--but from what I have read, not many

same thing as the Camp Chapman attack!!!!!!!! Camp Chapman attack - Wikipedia
the first rule--the rule I read about when I was in my late teens-early twenties [ 70s-80s] is in secret ops, outsiders only get to know their handler and that's about it ...NO ONE else.....
...this is just ''common sense''' common ''street smarts
..but some of these CIA/security are complacent ...they live in a fairy tale world
well, they thought the communist would gain too much ''control''/''rape our daughters!!"/etc
the same with Vietnam
but--the communist DID take over Nam--and the US is still here...shows the insignificance of these countries to US affairs
we also lost Cambodia/etc--and the US still here
Cambodia was another huge failure and waste of $$$$$$ where the US meddled in foreign politics/etc

you would think they would have learned their lesson
Agreed. The CIA has failed over and over, yet continues to do whatever it's wants.

How is it that after 9/11, every senior fucker at the CIA was not fired? Some should have been imprisoned for gross negligence, were we a sane nation.
....I've been reading history/war for over 30 years..I remember in the late 80s reading how the Israelis were worried and trying to defend against airplanes being rammed into Tel Aviv/etc...I was a ''lowly'' LCPL in the USMC then ...if I was CIA/security--I would've been thinking about airplanes being used as a weapon
..I read so much of how the US was surprised by the 9-11 attack.....if a ''lowly'' LCPL was thinking about it, the CIA/security surely should've been on to that in the 80s!!
...surely there must have been someone in the CIA that was thinking this--but from what I have read, not many

same thing as the Camp Chapman attack!!!!!!!! Camp Chapman attack - Wikipedia
the first rule--the rule I read about when I was in my late teens-early twenties [ 70s-80s] is in secret ops, outsiders only get to know their handler and that's about it ...NO ONE else.....
...this is just ''common sense''' common ''street smarts
..but some of these CIA/security are complacent ...they live in a fairy tale world
Admitting they didn’t anticipate jetliners hitting buildings, is admitting you are a fool. Probably was an excuse designed to dupe Americans.

JFK fired Dulles after the failure in Cuba and rightfully so. Dumbass W fired no one.
well, they thought the communist would gain too much ''control''/''rape our daughters!!"/etc
the same with Vietnam
but--the communist DID take over Nam--and the US is still here...shows the insignificance of these countries to US affairs
we also lost Cambodia/etc--and the US still here
Cambodia was another huge failure and waste of $$$$$$ where the US meddled in foreign politics/etc

you would think they would have learned their lesson
Agreed. The CIA has failed over and over, yet continues to do whatever it's wants.

How is it that after 9/11, every senior fucker at the CIA was not fired? Some should have been imprisoned for gross negligence, were we a sane nation.
....I've been reading history/war for over 30 years..I remember in the late 80s reading how the Israelis were worried and trying to defend against airplanes being rammed into Tel Aviv/etc...I was a ''lowly'' LCPL in the USMC then ...if I was CIA/security--I would've been thinking about airplanes being used as a weapon
..I read so much of how the US was surprised by the 9-11 attack.....if a ''lowly'' LCPL was thinking about it, the CIA/security surely should've been on to that in the 80s!!
...surely there must have been someone in the CIA that was thinking this--but from what I have read, not many

same thing as the Camp Chapman attack!!!!!!!! Camp Chapman attack - Wikipedia
the first rule--the rule I read about when I was in my late teens-early twenties [ 70s-80s] is in secret ops, outsiders only get to know their handler and that's about it ...NO ONE else.....
...this is just ''common sense''' common ''street smarts
..but some of these CIA/security are complacent ...they live in a fairy tale world
Admitting they didn’t anticipate jetliners hitting buildings, is admitting you are a fool. Probably was an excuse designed to dupe Americans.

JFK fired Dulles after the failure in Cuba and rightfully so. Dumbass W fired no one.
especially after so many deaths
and yet, they didn't.

what they do, is what you judge them by, not what they talk about.
Thats pretty moronic.

Would you apply the same standard to a terrorist? Who nearly blows up a building?

The CIA has done far worse than Mongoose all over the world and in fact did carry out a terorrist war against Cuba.
and yet, they didn't.

what they do, is what you judge them by, not what they talk about.
Thats pretty moronic.

Would you apply the same standard to a terrorist? Who nearly blows up a building?

The CIA has done far worse than Mongoose all over the world and in fact did carry out a terorrist war against Cuba.
I would apply the same standard to anyone that had a plan on paper and never did anything with it.

and yet, they didn't.

what they do, is what you judge them by, not what they talk about.
Thats pretty moronic.

Would you apply the same standard to a terrorist? Who nearly blows up a building?

The CIA has done far worse than Mongoose all over the world and in fact did carry out a terorrist war against Cuba.
I would apply the same standard to anyone that had a plan on paper and never did anything with it.


the idiot here is you. :rofl::haha:

you are obviously not aware how CIA operative E Howard Hunt how he gave a deathbed confession to his son that he was part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy that day after denying it for decades that he was in dallas that day.:lmao:

after decades of denying that he was in dallas that day he ADMITTED he was and also the CIA did it. Hunt of course was one of the watergate burglers arrested. In the Nixon tapes you hear Nixon saying that scab Hunt is bad news,he may blow up the whole bay of pigs thing. One of Nixons top aides said that what Nixon was referring to in those tapes was really the whole JFK assassination.thing.:D

Oh and in the HSCA investigation in the 70's,that came about because americans were no longer falling for the magic bullet theory anymore,they concluded that there was a second shooter.they ruled it a mob hit and they were unable to locate the second shooter.

the HSCA investigation was just as much a sham of an investigation as the warren commission because they also ignored evidence is CIA involvement. When the investigation was winding down,two CIA men came forward and said-we did it,where do you want to go with this investigation?

but since the HSCA investigation was formed to have a NEW patsy,the mob since people were not falling for the lone nut theory anymore,anything that pointed toward CIA involvement they did not pursue loser.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

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