OPCW: No chemical weapons found in Douma


Nov 14, 2012
The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Wow...color me surprised...no, not really.
Dumb shits will fall for it again in another year. Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy

Now there's a title & a 1/2 :woohoo:......so he's off on a mission .....betcha it's moose & squirrel again!


The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon

Official Syrian news, eh?
The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon

Which means what after the Russians had two weeks at the site to hide any evidence?
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
The thing is this sort of thing has been played out several times now. Recall how Obama and most of the West claimed Russian supported rebels shot down the Malaysian plane, in Ukraine. Much like Trump's two missile attacks on Syria, Obama and West immediately blamed Russian rebels without ever providing documented proof. Obama placed sanctions on Russia, and act of war.

When a gas attack occurred under Obama, in Syria, to his credit he did not escalate the situation by bombing. For this he was mercilessly criticized by much of the media, due to his 'red line' comment. It is clear to me that most of the MSM has become the mouthpiece for the Deep State and the MIC.
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
The thing is this sort of thing has been played out several times now. Recall how Obama and most of the West claimed Russian supported rebels shot down the Malaysian plane, in Ukraine. Much like Trump's two missile attacks on Syria, Obama and West immediately blamed Russian rebels without ever providing documented proof. Obama placed sanctions on Russia, and act of war.

When a gas attack occurred under Obama, in Syria, to his credit he did not escalate the situation by bombing. For this he was mercilessly criticized by much of the media, due to his 'red line' comment. It is clear to me that most of the MSM has become the mouthpiece for the Deep State and the MIC.

And at the same time the Russians fabricated false "evidence" to "prove" it wasn't them.
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
The thing is this sort of thing has been played out several times now. Recall how Obama and most of the West claimed Russian supported rebels shot down the Malaysian plane, in Ukraine. Much like Trump's two missile attacks on Syria, Obama and West immediately blamed Russian rebels without ever providing documented proof. Obama placed sanctions on Russia, and act of war.

When a gas attack occurred under Obama, in Syria, to his credit he did not escalate the situation by bombing. For this he was mercilessly criticized by much of the media, due to his 'red line' comment. It is clear to me that most of the MSM has become the mouthpiece for the Deep State and the MIC.

And at the same time the Russians fabricated false "evidence" to "prove" it wasn't them.

Do you have some proof of that?
Im against war, especially this shit. I like proof.
This isnt proof. This is mere bullshit.
I am still against the syrian attacks, though.
Oh good Lord.... the source is Syrian and Russian government PR people.... hello???????

Agreed. They could be just as bad as the war mongers in the American and the NATO Deep State.

Why would we assume one is better than the other?

It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
The thing is this sort of thing has been played out several times now. Recall how Obama and most of the West claimed Russian supported rebels shot down the Malaysian plane, in Ukraine. Much like Trump's two missile attacks on Syria, Obama and West immediately blamed Russian rebels without ever providing documented proof. Obama placed sanctions on Russia, and act of war.

When a gas attack occurred under Obama, in Syria, to his credit he did not escalate the situation by bombing. For this he was mercilessly criticized by much of the media, due to his 'red line' comment. It is clear to me that most of the MSM has become the mouthpiece for the Deep State and the MIC.

And at the same time the Russians fabricated false "evidence" to "prove" it wasn't them.

Do you have some proof of that?

Oh, yes.

'Clear and unequivocal' that Russia faked MH17 evidence

'Clear and unequivocal' that Russia faked MH17 evidence
Satellite images of missile launcher were tampered with to blame Ukrainians for airliner crash that killed 298, Bellingcat investigative group says"

Ukrainian pilot falsely accused by Russia of shooting down flight MH17 'kills himself'

Russian officials and media had accused Mr Voloshyn of flying the jet which shot down the Boeing 777 passenger plane, killing all 298 people on board.

However, a two-year Dutch investigation concluded the plane had been destroyed by a Russian Buk missile."

Russia claims this satellite image shows moment flight MH17 was shot down by fighter jet

Russia claims this satellite image shows moment flight MH17 was shot down by fighter jet"

"The photographs were broadcast tonight by Russian state media as evidence the passenger plane was shot down in July by a Ukrainian warplane and not a ground to air missile as previously believed."

Three different falsehoods the Russians used, not to prove anything, but to sow the seeds of doubt in the west. They do it all the time.

It happened with the poison attack in England too. The Russians said the poison could have come from England, not that it did, but it could have done. But then that's all that's needed for people to start conspiracy theories that will be dealt with in Russia, but not in the West.

Russian briefing at OPCW chemical arms body is stunt - UK envoy
You fell for it. But, of course we know why.

The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon
It appears the ruling class wants war in Syria. It is likely all about oil and removing a secular dictator the USA, Saudis and Israelis dislike.

I wonder if they will succeed in getting their war, which might lead to WWIII.
Unfortunately, the source for the news is Sputnik and Russia, so we are in a "he said, she said" situation.

Unless we have an unbiased UN panel with both US, Russian, Chinese, scientists releasing findings etc. things are going to get dicey. I have a feeling, the US and NATO allies will not allow that to happen this time.

No information will be better for their case than true information.

So the Russians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians etc. will be on their own, and looking like any information they release will be biased.

I have a feeling you might be right unless this civil war in the Deep State here in the US can be straightened out soon. Unless that happens, the administration appears to have to follow a policy of appeasement to the military-industrial war making intelligence apparatus.

I'm not even sure if things would change if they had complete control otherwise.
The thing is this sort of thing has been played out several times now. Recall how Obama and most of the West claimed Russian supported rebels shot down the Malaysian plane, in Ukraine. Much like Trump's two missile attacks on Syria, Obama and West immediately blamed Russian rebels without ever providing documented proof. Obama placed sanctions on Russia, and act of war.

When a gas attack occurred under Obama, in Syria, to his credit he did not escalate the situation by bombing. For this he was mercilessly criticized by much of the media, due to his 'red line' comment. It is clear to me that most of the MSM has become the mouthpiece for the Deep State and the MIC.

And at the same time the Russians fabricated false "evidence" to "prove" it wasn't them.

Do you have some proof of that?

Oh, yes.

'Clear and unequivocal' that Russia faked MH17 evidence

'Clear and unequivocal' that Russia faked MH17 evidence
Satellite images of missile launcher were tampered with to blame Ukrainians for airliner crash that killed 298, Bellingcat investigative group says"

Ukrainian pilot falsely accused by Russia of shooting down flight MH17 'kills himself'

Russian officials and media had accused Mr Voloshyn of flying the jet which shot down the Boeing 777 passenger plane, killing all 298 people on board.

However, a two-year Dutch investigation concluded the plane had been destroyed by a Russian Buk missile."

Russia claims this satellite image shows moment flight MH17 was shot down by fighter jet

Russia claims this satellite image shows moment flight MH17 was shot down by fighter jet"

"The photographs were broadcast tonight by Russian state media as evidence the passenger plane was shot down in July by a Ukrainian warplane and not a ground to air missile as previously believed."

Three different falsehoods the Russians used, not to prove anything, but to sow the seeds of doubt in the west. They do it all the time.

It happened with the poison attack in England too. The Russians said the poison could have come from England, not that it did, but it could have done. But then that's all that's needed for people to start conspiracy theories that will be dealt with in Russia, but not in the West.

You have no idea what Chattham House, Royal Institute of Intentional Affairs, or the Council of Foreign Affairs, or the Round Table Groups are do you?

I don't think there really is much point in us even discussing this topic.
The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon

Which means what after the Russians had two weeks at the site to hide any evidence?
Don´t endanger the FFM with tomahawks and terrorists, then.
Russian briefing at OPCW chemical arms body is stunt - UK envoy
You fell for it. But, of course we know why.

The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon
When the terrorist regime envoy says so...
Russian briefing at OPCW chemical arms body is stunt - UK envoy
You fell for it. But, of course we know why.

The OPCW confirmed that no traces of chemical weapons were found during the fact-finding mission in Douma.

"Last week, the fact-finding mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in the Damascus suburb of Douma to collect samples in connection with the alleged April 7 chemical attack.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy has announced that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that there were no chemical weapons found at the Barzeh research center in Damascus despite the US officials’ claims.

The ministry further noted that thousands of people could have died if there was any chemical weapon on the sites that were attacked by the US-led coalition."

OPCW Finds No Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by US - Russian MoD - Muraselon

So they are boycotting, not even interviewing folks that were there?


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