'Oops, I did it Again...' - Brittany Spears? Nope...Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Embarrasses Herself Again Over Her Election Loss -- This Time At Her Alma Mater

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Yale University’s graduating class she’s “still not over” losing to President Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

It took Clinton less than two minutes to bring up the 2016 election during her commencement speech on Sunday. “I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Clinton said, whipping out a Russian hat. The twice failed presidential candidate
took repeated jabs at Trump while giving her commencement speech on Sunday"

She should REALLY listen to and heed the advice of a extremely well-known and experienced politician:



Then again, I hope she continues pitch a fit, throwing tantrums, and embarrassing herself...and the Democratic Party. It's fun to watch....

For all the snowflakes who bash anyone who brings her up when she does something like this, claiming Hillary isn't even 'current' anymore....WRONG! Even Democrats have publicly asked her to stfu and just go away ... and she just can't / won't do it.


Hillary Clinton Says She’s Still ‘Not Over’ Losing To Trump [VIDEO]


.............“No, I’m not over it."...............
She took MILLIONS from the KGB Bank.

She paid a foreign spy and Russians millions of dollars for a debunked Russian propaganda-filled report she illegally used in an election, one she gave to the FBI who used it illegally to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election.
--- Her supporters wrote a 2nd fake report, gave it to the foreign spy who gave it to the FBI as if it had come from him - the 2nd report was SO unbelievable the FBI rejected it.

Bill took $500k from the KGB Bank.

Bill met with Putin himself.

Her Campaign Manager received thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.

1/3rd of her campaign manager's company's board members were prominent Russians with connections to the Kremlin and Putin.

Her campaign manager's firm was 'partner firms' working for the Russians nearly a decade ago, doing the same thing, yet was Podesta protected by Mueller when Manafort was indicted.

She shows up at her alma mater to give a speech....WITH A RUSSIAN HAT....

... and without any evidence, AFTER the entire Obama administration Cabinet/Multiple-Intel Agency Conspiracy has been exposed, snowflakes and Leftists STILL claim it was Trump and his team that was colluding / collaborating / conspiring to alter the 2016 election.....

Since her ignoble defeat at the hands of Trump.

Hillary has turned her favorite pastime into a full time hobby.
..... :lol:

Lol Muzzy what do you think you’re doing thinking you can talk about a white woman in Trump’s America? Careful, you’re probably on a bunch of lists out there.

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