American Victimhood


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2017
American citizens now see themselves as victims of societies injustices.

It sure seems like a lot of people in this country now see themselves as victims, and refuse to stand up and work to improve themselves as was done in the past to obtain whatever they want .

Especially persons on these political internet forums which hopefully are a tiny minority of the nation.

"Fear rules the U.S. The U.S. is a consumer culture for goods, services, and politics. As such, fear is a major marketing message. Fear of ring-around-the-collar, fear your body smells bad, fear of bad breath, fear for your guns, fear for your religion, fear for Christmas, and on and on."

Opinion | The Real Victims of Victimhood
Victimhood Culture Is Tearing America Apart — And It's Our Fault

How many of you see yourselves as victims of some injustice?

For what it is worth I agree whole heartedly... It seems to me that victimhood is an acceptable badge of honor for a large % of the population... Thank goodness there are still folks who acknowledge their responsibility for their lot in life...
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Hey I ordered some slate tile for the main bath on 4/24/18 and was told it would be in by 5/10/18 and it just showed up 11 days late. So was I victimized for 11 days? I do feel better now though.
So was I victimized for 11 days?

IMO no... Just the cost of doing business... Should have been upfront with vendor about the date and if not delivered in time, get a refund and go to the next place of business...

Good, I had a hard enough time getting the wife to pick out this. So at least one day this weekend I'll be installing tile instead of on the boat.

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