Only the Prepared Armed Citizen Can Defend the Republic Against Socialist, Communist, and Marxists


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
To think the bumbling biden and harris are running the show isn't thinking at all. These handlers, Neoliberals Marxist democrats and the mindless 'Something for Nothings' that follow are on the fast track to change this nation to something I or my kids want no part of. Any American can see since this group has gained power we are on the fast track to total destruction, the joke of the world, trusted by none, and with good reason.

Using the fairy tale of White extremism, racial hatred, and any other incitement to divided us. If there are ones who are void of friends of other races I have not seen it, anywhere. Using Marxist Anarchist groups as BLM and Antifa to burn this nation to the ground. According to these dividing Marxists January 6th at the capital was all about race but again I failed to see it. We have allowed ones as pelosi to deny these protesters their basic rights, jailed for 8 months without trial or charges, unheard of in this country. This should have every American screaming at the top of their lungs. But nothing?

Since 1903 laws require us to mantain an armed militia, every abled body man. Yet democrat controlled states have denied this threating national security. As we graze as sheep doing nothing or worse, support it. With a media that have lied to us since the Vietnam war. We have the FBI, DOJ, DHS, ATF and other bloated Executive branches used by these Marxist to help turn us into a totalitarian regime and we do nothing.

These tyrants are to be held accountable by the American people. Jefferson said to keep the government honest there would have to be a revolution every 20 years. That should give you a hint on just how criminal this government has become from president to mail carrier. Every bill is called exactly what it is not as we are as stupid as these tyrants are. Over 2,000 agencies for a government who is to preform 30 duties but some don't get preformed at all.

We have a military for one reason, to kill our enemies That's it! Not to educate about racism. Anyone ever in the military will tell you racism is the furthest from their mind. We are all brothers with one goal.

The government's goal is to dismantle a free republic to erect a Marxist totalitarian regime. There are citizens that would return this nation to the people. But at this point I only see it happening with down right force and time is short before we will no longer have the tools to have that force from enemies both foreign and domestic. Stop being manipulated by evil, grow a pair, and do your duty.
Bullshit. I fucked up a couple of KKK members while I was in the military.
Whose military were you in? I know it wasn't in a war zone. what ever. I made some of my closet friends in the military of all colors and none were racist. So what will it take for you to fight back against a treasonous government that has shown nothing but contempt of our people, our allies and our Constitution?
Trying to talk yourself into being a terrorist? Sounds like you are almost there.
You talk as one who lets everyone around you doing the fighting. As long as you are getting your free stuff you will bow down . People like you are why they get away with what they do. I BET YOU ARE PROUD.
I'd hate to be the authority that had to read crap like this for a living.
They probably have software that flags comments that are serious enough to warrant investigation. I know this guy up in Sacramento that gets a baby sitting visit from the SS everytime a president is within 500 miles due to him making a stupid comment online.
There are citizens that would return this nation to the people. But at this point I only see it happening with down right force and time is short before we will no longer have the tools to have that force from enemies both foreign and domestic. Stop being manipulated by evil, grow a pair, and do your duty.
Your pea shooter will have no effect on a tank. And you'll continue to sit there and do nothing, coward.
Whose military were you in? I know it wasn't in a war zone. what ever. I made some of my closet friends in the military of all colors and none were racist. So what will it take for you to fight back against a treasonous government that has shown nothing but contempt of our people, our allies and our Constitution?
You sound exactly like a republican. "Hey it didnt happen to me, so it must not be happening". The "logic" that you use is laughable.
To think the bumbling biden and harris are running the show isn't thinking at all. These handlers, Neoliberals Marxist democrats and the mindless 'Something for Nothings' that follow are on the fast track to change this nation to something I or my kids want no part of. Any American can see since this group has gained power we are on the fast track to total destruction, the joke of the world, trusted by none, and with good reason.

Using the fairy tale of White extremism, racial hatred, and any other incitement to divided us. If there are ones who are void of friends of other races I have not seen it, anywhere. Using Marxist Anarchist groups as BLM and Antifa to burn this nation to the ground. According to these dividing Marxists January 6th at the capital was all about race but again I failed to see it. We have allowed ones as pelosi to deny these protesters their basic rights, jailed for 8 months without trial or charges, unheard of in this country. This should have every American screaming at the top of their lungs. But nothing?

Since 1903 laws require us to mantain an armed militia, every abled body man. Yet democrat controlled states have denied this threating national security. As we graze as sheep doing nothing or worse, support it. With a media that have lied to us since the Vietnam war. We have the FBI, DOJ, DHS, ATF and other bloated Executive branches used by these Marxist to help turn us into a totalitarian regime and we do nothing.

These tyrants are to be held accountable by the American people. Jefferson said to keep the government honest there would have to be a revolution every 20 years. That should give you a hint on just how criminal this government has become from president to mail carrier. Every bill is called exactly what it is not as we are as stupid as these tyrants are. Over 2,000 agencies for a government who is to preform 30 duties but some don't get preformed at all.

We have a military for one reason, to kill our enemies That's it! Not to educate about racism. Anyone ever in the military will tell you racism is the furthest from their mind. We are all brothers with one goal.

The government's goal is to dismantle a free republic to erect a Marxist totalitarian regime. There are citizens that would return this nation to the people. But at this point I only see it happening with down right force and time is short before we will no longer have the tools to have that force from enemies both foreign and domestic. Stop being manipulated by evil, grow a pair, and do your duty.
That was a very fine Nazi campaign you just put on there. Unfortunately America understands that people like you are the problem. January 6th prove that without a doubt. The gun-toting far-right idiot extremists are the biggest threat to our nation.
To think the bumbling biden and harris are running the show isn't thinking at all. These handlers, Neoliberals Marxist democrats and the mindless 'Something for Nothings' that follow are on the fast track to change this nation to something I or my kids want no part of. Any American can see since this group has gained power we are on the fast track to total destruction, the joke of the world, trusted by none, and with good reason.

Using the fairy tale of White extremism, racial hatred, and any other incitement to divided us. If there are ones who are void of friends of other races I have not seen it, anywhere. Using Marxist Anarchist groups as BLM and Antifa to burn this nation to the ground. According to these dividing Marxists January 6th at the capital was all about race but again I failed to see it. We have allowed ones as pelosi to deny these protesters their basic rights, jailed for 8 months without trial or charges, unheard of in this country. This should have every American screaming at the top of their lungs. But nothing?

Since 1903 laws require us to mantain an armed militia, every abled body man. Yet democrat controlled states have denied this threating national security. As we graze as sheep doing nothing or worse, support it. With a media that have lied to us since the Vietnam war. We have the FBI, DOJ, DHS, ATF and other bloated Executive branches used by these Marxist to help turn us into a totalitarian regime and we do nothing.

These tyrants are to be held accountable by the American people. Jefferson said to keep the government honest there would have to be a revolution every 20 years. That should give you a hint on just how criminal this government has become from president to mail carrier. Every bill is called exactly what it is not as we are as stupid as these tyrants are. Over 2,000 agencies for a government who is to preform 30 duties but some don't get preformed at all.

We have a military for one reason, to kill our enemies That's it! Not to educate about racism. Anyone ever in the military will tell you racism is the furthest from their mind. We are all brothers with one goal.

The government's goal is to dismantle a free republic to erect a Marxist totalitarian regime. There are citizens that would return this nation to the people. But at this point I only see it happening with down right force and time is short before we will no longer have the tools to have that force from enemies both foreign and domestic. Stop being manipulated by evil, grow a pair, and do your duty.
Wow somebody sure went deeply into the rabbit hole of their arse.

Did you go off your psycho meds?
Wow somebody sure went deeply into the rabbit hole of their arse.

Did you go off your psycho meds?
Just get another deluded far-right extremist; anyone that is different from them is the enemy, they have lots of perceived enemies.
Just get another deluded far-right extremist; anyone that is different from them is the enemy, they have lots of perceived enemies.
Yep and there's a strong correlation between believing in conspiracy theories and having mental illness.

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