Only fools would trust the accuracy of polls after the Nov 2016 slaughtering....RIGHT?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anybody that has been polled?
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Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anyone that has been polled?

Which poll got the electoral college wrong?

The national polls were very accurate
Some of the state polls did show that Michigan was leaning more towards trump...Pa and Wis was a bit of a surprise but that area of the country wasn't polled much.

Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anyone that has been polled?

Which poll got the electoral college wrong?

The national polls were very accurate
Some of the state polls did show that Michigan was leaning more towards trump...Pa and Wis was a bit of a surprise but that area of the country wasn't polled much.


Those aren't polls nummie.
Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anyone that has been polled?

Which poll got the electoral college wrong?

The national polls were very accurate
Some of the state polls did show that Michigan was leaning more towards trump...Pa and Wis was a bit of a surprise but that area of the country wasn't polled much.


Those aren't polls nummie.

Come on bud...don't dumb yourself and I both know every poll ever taken had HRC winning by a wide margin.
Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anybody that has been polled?

By "fools" you mean Democrats, right? They're the ones with all the high hopes and still misreading all the signs.
Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anyone that has been polled?

Which poll got the electoral college wrong?

The national polls were very accurate
Some of the state polls did show that Michigan was leaning more towards trump...Pa and Wis was a bit of a surprise but that area of the country wasn't polled much.


Those aren't polls nummie.

Come on bud...don't dumb yourself and I both know every poll ever taken had HRC winning by a wide margin.

What's a wide margin consist of?
Historically, 93% of the candidates who've won the popular vote have also won the electoral vote.

Therefore, anyone who gave HRC a 90% chance of winning was right in line with the odds.
Watch the election night coverage starting at 9pm....they were stunned and speechless. I think it was Brian Williams who conceded the polls were all worthless
I'll ask a question that none of these trolls will give a straight answer to:

If the polls were wrong,

what should they have been to have been right?
Historically, 93% of the candidates who've won the popular vote have also won the electoral vote.

Therefore, anyone who gave HRC a 90% chance of winning was right in line with the odds.

There ya go. The reason you goobers lost is because you believed Donald Trump was like 93% of the candidates.

You sure were wrong about him.
Honestly, do you know anybody that has been polled?

I have a "dear" right wing neighbor who votes regularly and religiously....He and his wife are CONSTANTLY being polled by Rasmussen......Even this somewhat senile couple is getting tired of the fucking telephone calls every other week by Rasmussen........Does that address your erudite question?
Is there a reason we aren't almost certain that polling really only takes place in Blue metropolises?
Honestly, do you know anyone that has been polled?

Which poll got the electoral college wrong?

The national polls were very accurate
Some of the state polls did show that Michigan was leaning more towards trump...Pa and Wis was a bit of a surprise but that area of the country wasn't polled much.


Those aren't polls nummie.

Come on bud...don't dumb yourself and I both know every poll ever taken had HRC winning by a wide margin.

What's a wide margin consist of?

No time for hair splitting and or semantics...we're both too busy for that...right?

Threads like these are just Trumpbots trying to deny Trump's abysmal approval numbers.

Not really....are you sure you never posted anything about polls, their accuracy and HRC winning pre Nov 2016?
Should I link you to them?
Historically, 93% of the candidates who've won the popular vote have also won the electoral vote.

Therefore, anyone who gave HRC a 90% chance of winning was right in line with the odds.

There ya go. The reason you goobers lost is because you believed Donald Trump was like 93% of the candidates.

You sure were wrong about him.

Here are the final polls. Tell us how they were wrong:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

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