One way road to impeachment


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
The Dems do not care about truth or America.

They care about STEALING LYING HATING AND DISCRIMINATING.... and anything to throw Trump out of office is a "good reason..."
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

Which one are Trumps?
Ahh poor Trumps Chumps don't like hearing the obvious!

Regardless, it's coming. Trump is lying about his contacts with Russia. His behavior make this obvious. It just a matter of time.

Gore is not the President. And never was.
Tricky Dicky was much more savvy than the Drumpster, and he fell down....
But he was only guilty of criminal offenses, not treason.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?

Based on what grounds?
Democrats are on the road to getting their asses kicked in 2018.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
The Tinfoil clause
We now have the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee stating that the orange clown's description of Comey was completely inaccurate. And if it is shown that the idiots campaign was in collusion with the Russians to influence the election, he will be impeached.
We now have the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee stating that the orange clown's description of Comey was completely inaccurate. And if it is shown that the idiots campaign was in collusion with the Russians to influence the election, he will be impeached.

This is a bald-faced lie. There is no evidence that Trump or anyone in his campaign were in collusion with the Russians to influence the election.
Ahh poor Trumps Chumps don't like hearing the obvious!

Regardless, it's coming. Trump is lying about his contacts with Russia. His behavior make this obvious. It just a matter of time.


What is the obvious, please tell us , us Trumpsters have been begging you liberals to share your evidence with us please.

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I can't believe you neocon wingnuts are not concerned about the Orange Buffoon firing anybody who even looks like investigating his dodgy dealings. Looks like all your BS about truth, justice and the American way is just that, BS. Trump is as crooked as a three dollar note. The fact you loons can see that - that's right, we KNOW YOU CAN - makes you guys even more of a mockery than you already are.

Y'know, when the left on here started talking about impeachment and all the other palava, I was like "meh, he's got a tonne of faults, he's dumb as a rock, narcissistic to the bone, but impeachment? I don't think so.". Now, it's like "not a case of if, but when"...

He's in deep doo doo....
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